Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

Welcome Sonarian!
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Note: Feel free to contact Staff at any time!


Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

What is Coolville?[]

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Coolville is a Creatures of Sonaria clan! We do the typical clan stuff, such as raids/hangouts, clan uniforms, a clan tag in our display names, and a Discord server! You're always welcome to invite friends to the clan!

Coolville is NOT a tryhard or toxic clan, and we are more of a friend group/CoS general group. When kosing with Coolville, pleasedon't insult other players or groups, we don't want a bad name for ourselves.

Matching clan skins[]

Purple, black, and pink with a white head!

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Clan tags..?[]

Clan tags are simple! They're just abbreviations of the clan name added to your Roblox display

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How do I join?[]

Please wait for applications to open before doing the following!!!

To join, use the form provided in an application post! Fill it out then send it to my message wall, and I'll let you know if you've been accepted.

If you are accepted, please send me a friend request!!

[Roblox: RUFFY_PUPPY] [Discord: ethereal_cxsmos]