Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

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Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

This page is for users who have any further questions about any game-related content, assuming everyone understands the basic foundation of how the game works. Commenting on this page increases the chance of regular editors seeing it so they can try to answer questions or make changes to the Wiki in response to questions if necessary.

Users also have the option of sharing questions with the community through the Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Community Q+A category.


Please remember to follow the Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Community guidelines:

  1. Be nice and treat people with respect. Keep discussions civil and be open-minded about differing opinions.
  2. Threads and posts that solicit upvotes will be deleted.
  3. Off-topic conversations will be deleted.
  4. Impersonation of other users or famous people will not be tolerated. If you have been banned and return on a new account, your posts will be deleted and your new account(s) will be banned.
  5. Spamming, trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and will lead to your account being banned.
  6. Ask for help. Notice something that doesn't seem right? Or do you just have a question? Contact Fandom staff through "Give feedback" on your app's Settings screen, or via
  7. Follow all ROBLOX TOS. This means no both slur and offensive language, cross-trading, or scamming.
  8. You have to be 13+ in order to use the wiki.



Q: Will some features on pc not be available for mobile players?

  • A: Mobile will have the same features as PC! We're currently imagining how ui will function without taking up too much space, but still having the same animations and actions as PC users!

Q: Will CoS be a survival or roleplay game?

  • A: CoS is a survival roleplay game, heavily based on survival with some roleplay/realism features! Those features include extra animations such as aggression, displaying, sitting, laying, cowering, etc, and a variety of roars per creature! When we add our debuff system for KOSers, it will not be strict. We were using beta as an opportunity to spectate/view the game ourselves and oversee which situations may be clearly revenge killing/KOSing!

Q: What is the Uncomfortability feature?

  • A: The Uncomfortability status was a removed feature regarding how uncomfortable a creature was in an environment, so it's not planned to return soon. Still, you can check the Uncomfortability page!

Q: What are the game controls for PC and mobile devices?


Q: Will certain creatures have edited models based off of the season? EX: heavy fur coats in the winter, or creatures that shed their antlers

  • A: Yes! Creatures who have winter coats, or special seasonal-related features will display them ONLY during that season! Being a seasonal creature is planned to also offer your creature benefits/buffs, where other creatures may suffer/get debuffs.

Q: Will creatures have full on entirely different skins like DS? or will they have new palettes only?

  • A: Creatures will only have different colored skins, creatures will never have skins that completely change their design at first. Instead, there is the possibility that one creature has cousins with similar appearances or anatomy. There's a way to cirumvent this, using a special secondary pallete, but even then those additional palletes and textures limit the colors and textures available.

Q: Why can’t Quru fly? Why does it have wings if it can’t do so?

  • A: 1. Quruqosk’s wings are too small and they are ripped, it would not be able to carry itself in the air nor is it supposed to be a flying creature.
  • 2. Quruqosk’s wings are more of a cosmetic and are meant to look like a cloak. And these wings helps Quruqosk turn invisible.

Q: How will elemental breath be distributed among the creatures of the game? Is it going to be a rare ability (ex. Only Keruku having lightning breath) or will there be multiple planned creatures with the same breath ability?

  • A: Elemental breath can be SHARED between creatures. Multiple creatures will have multiple breaths! Fire, lightning, ice, and all the other elemental breaths will not be limited to creatures because the ability is so versatile.

Q: Help! Why is my Warden doing 50 damage?!

  • A: Wardens come with an ability called “Warden’s Rage”, which causes its attack to scale up dramatically as it takes melee damage (on the case of legacy gameplay, for a set period after the last bite). You can tell how much your attack is rising by how red your aura is on Legacy, or by the Warden's Rage status in Recode! (Check the Creature Abilities page). However, if you are getting far less than that, there are two potential reasons: if you are on legacy, you were bitten a too-long time ago so the attack-multiplier "rage" effect wore off (the aura will have disappeared), or if the aura is still sparkling, a known bug that may start the damage at half of what it should (but quickly fixes once you start losing health). On recode at the moment there have been no reports of this issue, but if you do find them, do not forget to report the bug!

Q: Will wardens come back for every event?

  • A: For the most part, yes they will, current wardens (including Novus Warden) will return and be the "mascots" for their events. The wardens will remain the same, but will come with new creatures added every year!

Q: We all know Wardens are returning, but will older normal event creatures (Jotunhel, Sleirnok, Fyluf, etc.) appear in events WITH newer ones? (Keep in mind, never commented on whether or not normal event creatures would ever return)

  • A: Normal event creatures return with the events, there will be NEW creatures who are added to the Gachas as well!

Q: What creature is the strongest/fastest/with the most abilities/slower/etc.

  • A: This question doesn't have a definitive answer because it depends on what you define as strength in-game, there are prime examples of creatures perfectly capable of survival but unable to win in combat, and creatures with very good combat stats but dreadful survival stats that may make keeping the creature alive a challenge. Plus, even if there was only one type of strength, the game keeps getting updated and tweaked so a new stronger creature may appear or the older one may be nerfed and thus any specific name left here would be moot in weeks. That's why we have several stat lists on the wiki and Discord. The most extensive stat-wise and flexible available for the general user can be found in the Creature Stats List page.


Q: Stop adding more creatures! Focus on abilities!

  • A: Sorry to burst your bubble, but development does not work that way. The development team consists of multiple smaller teams. Examples of these teams are: -Programmers, responsible for fixing bugs and coding the game, etc - Modelers, Riggers, and Animators, who are completely responsible for bringing a creature ‘to life’, etc - 2d artists/Concept artists, who come up with necessary textures and create creature concepts, etc - Music and Sound production, who create sound effects, creature sounds, music, etc By asking for the team to quit working on creatures, you are asking about half of the development team to stop working, including Ery. Modelling, Rigging, and Animating creatures has NOTHING to do with the coding of abilities. They are not the ones responsible for the abilities themselves.

Q: When will [Development Task Name Here] release?

  • A: If information on release isn't available to the public, it's because there is no determined date and an estimated time of arrival cannot be determined until internal deadlines come closer and developers are able to assess realistic dates for possible release.


Q: Will there be gamepasses?

  • A: In CoS there may be a few gamepasses which are mostly aesthetic and do not affect gameplay.

Q: How could a user spend their Robux?

  • A: Most Robux Robux in CoS will be spent on Tikits to buy Tokens, purchasing Shooms to spend on the random creature Gachas, unlock the developer or Robux-Shop creatures, as well as some special and material palettes and plushies.

Q: I spent money for this gamepass! Why isn't the creature overpowered? or, I unlocked this creature by playing/paying/secret means and it's not OP? Why aren't these creatures overpowered? It's not fair!

  • A: Too bad. Just because you spend money or do something special in the game doesn't mean you get to harass, kill on sight, and be the meta of the game. Supporting the game and unlocking special creatures simply unlocks a variety of new playstyles, and you may not like them which is completely fine! You don't need to play as the creature, but could save and trade it!
  • In the future of Sonaria, no "pay to win" creatures will exist, ever. At least, we aim for that.

Q: Will robux/dev creatures be permanently purchasable?

  • A: Yes, they will.

Q: What is the difference between species & triel/stored creatures and how do I differentiate between them in trading?

Q: Can we get creatures or shooms back after being scammed?

  • A: No. We are unable to reimburse shooms or creatures to someone after they have been scammed. The majority of the time, scams are the result of trust trades, and that is your fault.
  • We also do not restore creatures and shooms to an account because the risk of dishonesty is too high. NEVER DO A TRUST TRADE NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING IT IS.

Q: How much is an Aereis worth? Which Youtuber should I ask to get one?

  • A: Unless they’re specifically offering, don't bother. Giveaways may be held at times, but it's highly unlikely (or at least it shouldn't be common) a Youtuber would trade away their Aereis in terms of an actual trade exchange. Furthermore, Aereis will not be in the fluid market as only Youtuber may trade species. It's likely most users will never have more than one save for YouTubers, and even then non-YouTubers cannot trade it. DM'ing, pinging, or otherwise harassing Youtubers over Aereis will result in a warn, and Youtubers frequently communicate. It's likely that bothering a YouTuber for it will result in you never getting one due to YouTubers warning each other of begging. However Youtubers will get multiple for giveaways. They are given a few each month to give away.

Q: Are we allowed to “preorder” or “pre-trade” creatures that are not in game yet? Can we sell species that we don’t even have?

  • A: No. ‘Selling’ creatures that are not in game yet is not allowed. Preordering is against the rules to prevent scamming.


Q: Will the game be playable on XBOX when the game releases?

  • A: CoS was planned to be playable on XBOX later on. On the case of Recode CoS, it is already XBOX-and-PlayStation-compatible!

Q: What are limited gachas? Are the creatures in them rare? Why is it expensive?

  • A: Limited gachas are gachas that will be removed after a certain amount of time, most of them have a specific theme, like being mesozoic-themed, element-themed or human-history-themed. Those creatures might have some rarity. Plus, it's expensive because its limited, limited edition = only a number of players will get them until the gacha makes a return.

Q: Do users get punished for KOSing?

  • A: No user will ever be banned or warned for KOSing in game or starting in-game raids that remain within the Roblox TOS (no verbal harassment or exploiting). An example of in-game raids would be the occasional events hosted in #👥community-events (aka. not harmful to the game while still following server and website rules)
  • KOSing is not encouraged and features are implemented to actively discourage KOSing, but there is no rule that states you will be banned or punished otherwise for targeting players in-game.

Q: What are the requirements for Content Creator/how do I become one?

  • A: We are very careful with the content creators we pick and the requirements for becoming them are not necessarily easy to reach. Before starting a channel, think, are you doing this just for the creature or are you doing this because you genuinely have an interest? Having a YouTube channel takes a lot of effort and dedication, so please don't think the CC role is just the creature and that's it, because it isn't!
  • Lastly, the requirements are secret so we don't have people faking it to obtain the role and the creature.

Q: What is this about KOSers or anti-KOSers I keep reading in the chat and why is there so much bad blood between them (+ why is this random creature acting oddly or attacking people for no reason and similar questions)?

  • A: These are questions which don't have a short-enough answer due to how the game and community developed over the years:
    • According to this Frequent Asked Questions section, CoS is a survival game with roleplay features (original playerbase group), but upon ending the legacy early release and beta phases, many newer, recently-joined people thought that because it has PvP features and some features require of some degree of fighting it instantly becomes a killing game and it's allowed to Kill on Sight outside of pre-planned official Discord events with an specific time and place (killing-playstyle/KOSer group); with a far smaller part of the newer community believing that since killing players was unnecessary to survive then killing players should be banned (Anti-killer group).
    • Since this conflict between the original playerbase and the newer playerbase (specifically the killing-game group) developed into a tug-of-war where most of the newer playerbase could access Discord while the older playerbase was for the most part taking care of the wiki, it ended up with the developers having the newer community more readily available and thus they shaped the game a bit more according to the newer community preferences, thus starting a legitimization attempt at their playstyle which fragmented the older playerbase (survival-oriented) somewhat into pro-RP (fitting or not within the canon behaviour, usually using chat, and sometimes even depicting the attacks and not really attacking; usually avoiding conflict), realism (if it fits the canon behaviour it's ok, if there's no canon behaviour stick to the lore description and diet and mobility type logical conclusions (f.ex. a herbivore should not be hunting predator packs for no reason); usually little to no chat) and anti-KOSers (basically those pro-realism and/or pro-rp which are actively against senselessly killing, either with words or more direct actions).
    • In the end those in the Discord were in constant touch with the devs and dev feed so in the end they got the latest news as well as more (as well as better organized) opportunities to obtain newer creatures, game currency or even more chances to get power within the community (after all to be a CC you must be accepted in the Discord) so in the end most of them also became part of the richer playerbase so they influenced the game community even more in favour of a grindier style where people had to struggle and fight more to get the newer creatures as well as keep afloat in-game. This also made a decent chunk of the old community who preferred a more survival-style and less grindy gameplay to leave, to the point that during recode development, votes on the Discord went greatly in favour of having Blood Moon disaster, a strictly PvP event, being developed before Earthquake, Acid Rain and several other PvE environmental disasters.
    • These eventually lead to parts of both community sides to fragment into another tired-of-playing-why-am-I-still-doing-this/frustrated-at-losing-progress-for-apparently-no-reason subfaction, which again divided into multiple groups (not-exclusive, so a player can be in more than one of them):
      • Grinder: no longer actively plays for enjoyment, just plays constantly (actively more often than passively, but both ways have been seen on a grind player) to get as many items as possible for one reason or another. If for some reason something made all of a sudden changes that allow players to get rewards easier/faster on the same time-frame, instead of only using a fraction of that time-frame to get the same rewards they did before the change, most of the time they will use the entire time-frame regardless with the hope of getting more of the same rewards 'just in case'.
      • AFK-farmer: passively have a creature in-game just to gain some passively-gained items such as Death Points or currency.
        • "Chatters": while AFK farming will use Roblox just for talking with others, most often as a date sim chat.
      • Alt-account farmer: "if a single account cannot provide enough items or currency to keep afloat, or if for certain tasks I need to have multi-player interaction, then I'll create another N accounts to suit my needs and perform tasks simultaneously so I gain N times the income, space or mission task, instead of admitting and telling the development or test team that the game has no longer become feasible to keep up".
      • I-hate-self-progress-loss: pretty self-explanatory, it divides as well into multiple sub-groups:
        • "Salty": because of accumulated justified frustration, most often from having already been targeted and already losing a creature's progress (or a favored creature) multiple times due to one of the groups above targeting it (most often, but not exclusively, PvP-exlusive/KOSer groups, or what that player perceived as such).
        • "Loggers": "in order to avoid losing progress on a creature about to die, I will just close the game tab and hope my creature survives without losing that much progress". Does not include the small group which actively try to log to trigger the log penalty with the sole purpose to de-elder, nor those whose internet connection just fails on a constant basis.
      • The I-don't-know-what-to-do-I-must-do-something-to-stave-the-boredom group, self-explanatory, which again divided into multiple sub-groups:
        • "Scandalous": made of some of the most radical elements of the above group, they must always say something in chat, no matter how scandalous it is, to attract attention or influence how others behave; sometimes even pretend to be from the "Salty" or "Anti-killer" group and make people jump at a creature at random, even if there's no creature. f.ex. "KOS KEN KOS KEN KOS KEN KOS KEN". A few outright go to fascist or racist comments, rapidly earning the much-deserved reputation of being the most 'toxic' group.
        • "Hypocrite Loggers": a small sub-group of loggers, in particular those who were the perpetrator of an attack towards a creature or a bunch of creatures, but upon the tides changing and the defenders clearly wining and about to kill the perpetrator, instead of fighting to the last breath, accept the defeat or attempt to flee in-game, they just dishonorably log. Oftentimes one of the most toxic groups as they just want to see someone's progress burn, a few of them even going so far as attacking a particular creature, logging, heal/recover, return to the same server and harrass the same player or group constantly until the defenders are spent to the point where they could be easily killed.
        • "Cheater/Exploiter" groups, pretty much self-explanatory. Oftentimes the main difference between both is that the cheater is a broader term which may also include those actively injecting code or breaking security features to get what they want and thus cannot be usually done by the average player, while the other usually refers to those who just found and abused a bugged mechanic or loophole anybody could potentially do in-game even accidentally.
        • Anklebiter group, composed of many elements of the other groups and whose primary goal is just to bite other creatures for one purpose or another (depending on the original group), but not necessarily kill, and usually as a smaller creature.
    • With the release of recode, a significant deal of the older community has returned, which combined with a more complex map has led to a return to a more survival standpoint. However, the addition of some biome quests which require of biting other creatures (albeit not killing) has also caused a great increase on the anklebiter group, specially those whose purpose of ankle-biting is to progress on the quests and not necessarily kill, thus using a faster and smaller creature to minimize damage and grow fast if killed.
    • Anyways, while there are far more groups than just KOSers and anti-KOSers (as those seen above), for the sake of simplicity and keeping it short in Roblox chat, most players tended to refer to one or another, mislabeling other groups as KOSers or anti-KOSers; from warnings to jokes, memes and jabs; which has meant in the end both groups ended getting extra reputation that wasn't their own (positive and negative), muddling the meaning for newer players and leading to frequent discussions where people ended labelling themselves as "anti-KOSers" when they were in fact "Salty" or "anti-killers", or even just grinders uninterested in battle; or people accidentally labeling someone who was playing "Realism" or accidentally killed as a "KOSer"; which added fuel to the fire.
    • Just in case, try to mention the correct group when warning about an attack in-game or when making a jab or joke, to not start another lengthy discussion (in both Roblox chat and Wiki) and not lead to confusion in-game; if possible. Using the correct names has usually prevented or defused these situations from happening.

Q: What is this about RECODE and LEGACY versions of the game?

  • A: Legacy version is the old Creatures of Sonaria game, while Recode is the newer official version which replaced Legacy as the core game after the 22nd of September 2023. Legacy version access is granted through a teleportation mechanism located in the options menu in Recode, while Recode version is easily accessible through the Roblox browser and through the "Recode Access" teleportation button in Legacy mode, thus bridging the past with the present. As you can already assume, both versions are online and functioning at the same time. Over time, updates to legacy will be phased out completely, but we will be keeping legacy accessibility. Our commitment to preserving the legacy of Sonaria has been unwavering from the outset.

Q: I've played Legacy CoS for a long time. Will I lose progress if I move to Recode? Will I be unable to play one or the other?

  • A: Data saved before Recode release can be transferred to Recode the first time, being automatic. If such transfer does not occur, it would be due to an error. Data from Recode to Legacy, and other attempts at transferring Legacy data to Recode, however, will not be interchangeable after the update.