The Novus Warden is a Tier 5 flying omnivore. The species is not currently available, but was available in the LSS Event 2022 after completing the Omnis mission and donating 35,000 Shooms, in the LSS Event 2023 by meeting its donation and mission completion criteria, and in the LSS Shop for 3,500 Points after reaching 225,000,000 Team Points during the LSS Event 2024. It is an untradeable Event Warden. The trial version is available in the Trial Creatures Shop for 3000♂/30000♀ Shooms.
“ | This warden's appearance marks the start of fresh life, but hardly spotted as it is able to traverse the land, skies and seas. The Novus Warden is a large, majestic beast bound by its incredible life force and magic, so strong its aura sometimes helps the elements around it to flourish. | „ |
~ In-game Description |
- The Novus Warden has the same intelligence levels as the other wardens, usually staying underwater. Solitary, but many creatures like to surround it due to the positive natural aura it emits.
- It does not have eyes and instead uses its extremely long protrusions to ‘see’ the world around it.
- The Novus Warden is usually found alone, passive most of the time, and only attacks if it faces a real threat.
- The Novus Warden usually enjoys floating in the water as it uses up less of its magic.
- Sometimes stranded creatures in the middle of the sea find themselves being carried to shore by the Novus Warden.
- The Novus Warden is a species capable of feeling emotion. Their aura changes completely when in a bad temper, making those too close to it feel uneasy.
- The Novus Warden can laugh.
- No one knows how long this Warden has existed; same as the other Wardens known at the time.
Artist Headcanon
- The way that this creature appeared in Sonaria is completely unknown but, some people believe it came from another planet. Somehow, every time it emerges, it looks completely fresh and untouched, as well as being the most (chronologically) recent warden to be spotted, thus earning the name 'Novus Warden'.
- Please note that while some sections of this previous statement were the original official reason to call this Warden 'Novus', they became outdated by the release of Eigion Warden and upon the release of Recode, they were left on a limbo.
- According to pre-recode Lore, one of its first sightings recorded had seen it carry two eggs in its arm. The eggs most likely belonged to the Novus Warden itself.
The Novus Warden is a hexapodal, rocky shrimp-like creature covered in armor, spikes, and intricate patterns with no seen eyes. Its limbs are formed of floating rock interconnected by a bright static flux slightly resembling clouds and with a spiral pattern on each one, and its tail is decorated by floating pebbles. The same spiral pattern can be seen engraved into the armor on its tail-base. Its head features a long, curved snout and its neck has layers of armor similar to that of a crustacean. At the base of its tail, two prominent blade-like protrusions can be seen. Like other Wardens, it dons a mask-like ornament which levitates above its head. Its mask appears to resemble leaves and shrimp-tails.
Males have no additional features.
Females have curved, ram-like horns behind their jaws.
Main Article: Creature Abilities
This section is intended to list and describe the abilities of the Novus Warden. (editor list)
- Agile Swimmer is passive ability, similar to legacy's Streamlined, which buffs the player when submerged underwater for more than a second, receiving the following buffs:
- 100% more stamina regeneration
- 50% more total stamina
- 75% more walk speed
- 75% more sprint speed
- 15% more oxygen, if the creature is a semi-aquatic; 180% more oxygen otherwise.
- Additionally, like with legacy Streamlined, a glider semi-aquatic (and an aqua-glider) can abuse of the extra stamina to increase the number of glide flaps it can perform from the water boosted, since until they touch the ground or stop gliding, the boosted stamina amount will remain.
- Note that since most of these are multipliers, creature incapable of naturally recovering stamina underwater do not get any stamina regeneration boost (as any fraction of 0 is still 0).
- Bleed Block/Block Bleed is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting bleed status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. Recode's equivalent of bleed defense; it is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 bleed per hit and the receiver has 60% bleed defense, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 bleed.
- If a creature's Block Bleed is 100%, then they are immune to Bleed inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% Block Bleed will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
- A negative value in-game may indicate an extra vulnerability to the status effect this ability is supposed to protect from.
- Burn Block/Block Burn is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting burn status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. It is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 burn per hit and the receiver has 60% block burn, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 burn.
- If a creature's block burn is 100%, then they are immune to Burn inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% burn defense will have some fraction of burn defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
- Injury Block/Block Injury is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting Injury status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. It is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 Injury per hit and the receiver has 60% Injury Block, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 Injury.
- Block Necropoison is a resistance against the Necropoison Status that reduces the amount of status absorbed and damage dealt by it when accumulating this status.
- Block Poison/Poison Block is a passive ability that grants resistance to poison status once they reach max age (100). Like many other block defenses, it works by blocking a percentage of the ailment received. If a creature's Poison Block is 100%, then they are immune to those stats (and will be healed instantly if they are somehow applied) once they reach age 100.
- Breath Damage Resistance is a passive ability which decreases the percentage of damage received by the user from breath abilities, a 100% breath resistance means full immunity from the damage dealt from elemental breaths, but not for the status effects they afflict, which remain unaffected.
- Climber is a passive ability that allows a creature to walk on walls along with ceilings and some uncollidable terrain if climbing on the right angle. To detach from a wall or ceiling, press Space on PC. On Mobile, press the dedicated Detach button, or, if the creature has Jump, press the jump button.
- Cloud Breath is an active ability using the breath control (C on PC or on Mobile) that is a type of Elemental Breath that inflicts 0 DPS (0% PER HIT). It has a Capacity of 10, a Regen Rate of 2.5, and a Range of 250 studs. It provides SelfHeal at 2% Max health regen per sec and Stamina Regen at 5% Max stamina regen per sec. It can also self-provide Water Regeneration (Thirst refill, the more the higher level is stacked) (Probability = 99%, no stacking), and Muddy (Probability = 40%, no STACKS).
- Dart is an active ability of the special control Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight, similar to ambush in terms of being a temporary speed boost that propels the creature forward, but restricted to water and usually far less stamina-consuming. All creatures capable of jump and with the proper semi-aquatic mobility type can dart when underwater. A creature cannot dart while strafing nor outside water, but a dart will become a jump if the impulse propels the creature outside water.
- Dart has an associated speed boost and stamina consumption for every creature. If there's not enough stamina, the creature cannot dart.
- Diver is a passive ability that grants a creature the ability to temporarily keep flying underwater for a short period. The exact period is displayed in the information section, in seconds. As a side effect, and probably due to buggy behavior, it sometimes allows the user of this ability to regain stamina underwater, particularly during violent winds.
- Flight is an active ability pertaining to the special control Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight and inherent to all Fliers and legacy mobility type All-Terrain creatures have this ability. However, due to the fact all-terrain got absorbed into Flier, this means that with purely recode terminology, only fliers have the ability. Creatures with flight ability as dominant cannot jump per se (only with jump superseding flight if jump has a certain jump age value), they instead enter flight or glide mode - however some creatures may also present the jump ability replacing the flight one as the dominant at some point in their live stage. Flying and takeoff both take stamina. If there's not enough stamina, the creature cannot fly. A creature with flight can switch between flight and glide and vice-versa without that switch costing stamina.
- Glide is an active ability pertaining to the special control Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight and inherent to all gliders and glider semi-aquatics have this ability as primary. However, due to the fact glider semi-aquatics got absorbed into Semi-Aquatics, the correct recode terminology would be to say that all Gliders and a few Semi-Aquatics and Aquatics have this ability as primary. Flier (and all-terrain) creatures have this ability as well, but the Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight button is not their primary, but the toggle glide button. Creatures with glide ability cannot jump per se, they instead enter flight or glide mode, unless jump supersedes them via some jump age value. If there's not enough stamina, the creature can hardly glide. Depending on some creature factors like tier and glide stamina regeneration, as well as some environmental conditions, a creature can or cannot regain stamina while gliding.
- Warden's Rage, unlike legacy version, is an active toggleable ability that grants the user an increase in damage capabilities according to how much hurt they are, HP-wise, with a status effect called Warden's Rage. This ability only appears once the creature has reached maturity (that is, adult stage, age 67, unless something blocks the model growth like being inside a too small cave), and like invisibility, it can be deactivated anytime but has a 30 seconds cooldown between activation triggers. However if it is disabled mid-combat, while the halo effect will disappear, the status effect will remain until next reactivation and may allow for extra damage stacking in a buggy behavior.
- During Warden's rage:
- Stamina Regeneration gets doubled.
- Passive health regeneration is disabled.
- Attack damage is multiplied by
(7.5 x WardenStrength) + 1
goes from 0 at 100% HP to 1 at 50% HP and below. This means that in the range of 100% it deals base damage, while steadily increasing until it hits its peak of 8.5x damage, and stays at that 8.5x peak from 50% to 0%. Take note that the wardens' damage increase can be low when attacked with low damage attacks. Be aware of low tiers with low damage but with high status effects. - The color of the halo, unlike legacy, is kept the same cyan tone, and no particles occur.
- During Warden's rage:
- Water Gale is an active ability that slows down nearby creatures' run/swim and sprint speeds by 25% and impacts their vision. Upon activation a translucid shockwave-like effect will appear and explode, only to contract a second later. Has a 90 second cooldown.
Carry-able Creatures
The Can-Carry lists features lists of creatures that Novus Warden is carried by, can carry (grab), can latch, and can be latched by in RECODE. To see the lists and their toggles to view each, click on the collapsible text to the right of the table below, to Expand or Collapse the list.
Can-Grab ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Novus Warden can grab and carry, taking into account if this creature has grab/latch and discounting any other special abilities. The Novus Warden (a(n) omnivore) is a tier 5 and can carry any creature from any lower tier size.* There is no creature which the Novus Warden can currently carry
Grabbed-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab and thus carry a non-elder fully-grown adult Novus Warden taking into account grab/latch abilities and discounting special abilities. The Novus Warden (a(n) omnivore) is a tier 5 and can be picked up by any creature with higher tier and the Grab ability.* There is no creature which can currently carry the Novus Warden
Can-Latch ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Novus Warden can latch into, but not carry; taking into account latch/grab abilities and discounting any other special ability. The Novus Warden (a(n) omnivore) is a tier 5 and can latch onto any higher tier size.* There is no creature which the Novus Warden can currently grab but not carry
Latched-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab but not carry (latch onto) the non-elder fully-grown Novus Warden discounting special abilities. The Novus Warden (a(n) omnivore) has 5250 weight and can be grabbed by any creature with sufficiently lower weight, as follows:[Expand] Grab-able by:
- Concept by Kyzenith on the Creatures of Sonaria Discord.
- Primarily inspired by shrimp, along with floating rocks.
- According to lore, "the Novus Warden's appearance marks the start of fresh life, but is extremely hard to spot as it can traverse the land, skies, and seas. The Novus Warden is a large, majestic beast bound by its incredible life force and magic, so strong its aura sometimes helps the elements around it to flourish".
- Lore-wise, Novus Warden is also called Omnibus - Sentinel of Form and Harbinger of the Unknown. However, the name is spelt Omnis (meaning 'all' or 'everything') on the official concept art.
- The Novus Warden is the first (and only) released All-terrain Warden.
- Novus Warden was previously thought and intended to be the first never-returning Warden, but returned in the Land-Sea-Sky Event of 2023 by highly-demanded community request.
- The Novus Warden is the first creature to receive black blood. Because of this, when dying it drops a black carcass.
- No real-life creature has this color exactly, albeit hemoglobin (gives red blood to mammals)-venous blood can get somewhat close. An example of this, though not the only one, would be the Ayam Cemani, an Indonesian chicken breed with fibromelanism, which makes them totally black from the inside out; the only non-black things about them is their white eggs and red blood, though the latter is commonly mistaken to be black because of its very dark red color.
- The reason that the Novus Warden has black blood is because when East was setting up Novus Warden, she made a poll to decide which blood color Novus Warden would have, and black won the poll.
- The Novus Warden's carcass was later updated to have un-textured neon black meat. (Again, this can be seen in real life animals such as the above mentioned Ayam Cemani, albeit it's not neon.)
- The Novus Warden is the first completely untradeable creature.
- However, during the first days of both LSS events, it was mistakenly tradeable like any common creature.
- Note: The following value and explanation were an unofficial educated guess, and did and does not serve as an exact reference, moreso a general idea of how many could exist after LSS Event 2022 but before LSS Event 2023, not including variables such as species lost to data issues, when trading, inactive or terminated, or how many users donated an excess of Shooms. Please keep this in mind. There were estimated to be around 20,000 Novus Warden species in existence before LSS Event 2023 (700 million, subtracted 50 million due to those who donated for the void palette that would've been awarded, divided by 35,000, the number needed for this species in Shooms during the first LSS Event. 700 million/35,000 = 20,000 ± 3000, considered the margin of error and can vary to extremes).
- Novus Warden returned for the 2023 LSS Event, although the species still remained untradeable.
- However, during the first days of both LSS events, it was mistakenly tradeable like any common creature.
- Despite Sonar Studios staff saying that it would never come back, the Novus Warden ended up returning in the LSS 2023 Event as a reward given to players who completed all 5 missions and had a Shoom donation percentage of 100% or higher when the event ended.
- The Novus Warden is sometimes dubbed the "Rocky Shrimp Warden", "Rocky Warden", "Shrimp Warden" or "Flying Warden" by the playerbase.
- The Novus Warden is the first all-terrain with limbs detached from its body.
- Another creature with limbs detached from its body is the semi-aquatic, non-all-terrain Zohdok.
- There was a bug with a random green dot related with this Warden's Rage effects appearing on the left of this creature. This seems to have been patched, but a new bug appeared where a small cubic piece falls when spawning into the map.
- The writing on the Novus Warden's Warden statue tablet translates to "Omnibus", its name in the official lore. In legacy, the tablet instead had the word "False" written on it, leading many people to believe that it is not a true warden.
- The Novus Warden's lore name, Omnibus, is a Latin word translating to the phrase 'for all'.
This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Novus Warden.
This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the Novus Warden, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.
This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the Novus Warden's design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.
This tab is intended to present how different Mutations appear on the Novus Warden.
This tab is intended to present images related to the Novus Warden that don't fit into the other tabs.