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Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
This is the recode-only page for Korathos. To read information about the legacy-only Korathos, see Korathos/Legacy, or select the Legacy Korathos link from the NavNext.

The Korathos (Pronounced /ˈkorɑθos/ (click to listen)) is a Tier 5 land carnivore. The species is available in the Monster Explorer Gacha. The trial version is available in the Trial Creatures Shop for Shoom 225/2250 Shooms.


Korathos are massive, ruthless hunters of the night that utilize their dark coloration to remain undetected. The frilly plates along their neck and tail can pick up vibrations and can be shaken to create an ominous rattling sound. Korathos have a cold intelligence to them and often seek to taunt other creatures.
~ In-game Description


The Korathos walks on two sturdy legs, and has a broad yet muscular looking torso that is set in a hunched stance and is dark in color. Near the base of the split tail lie various curved and crooked growths with the tail splitting in two, a red stripe flowing down to the tips on the inside of both tails. It has two long arms with hands that have three fingers on each. On its neck are spike-like growths and at the head it has nine gleaming white eyes with no pupils in each of them along with a mouth of sharp teeth. Near the base of its bottom jaw are four long tentacles with uniquely shaped appendages at the end of them with multiple spots similar to Korathos' eyes in each of them, the tail having those same appendages at the ends of them. The feet are in a position similar to various birds of prey, having the middle part of each toe bent inward to support its massive body.


Males have multiple large spikes on their back that have a thin glowing pattern to them.


Females have a pair of dorsal fins on their back that lack the glowing pattern.


Main Article: Creature Abilities

This section is intended to list and describe the abilities of the Korathos. (editor list)

  • Bleed Block/Block Bleed is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting bleed status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. Recode's equivalent of bleed defense; it is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 bleed per hit and the receiver has 60% bleed defense, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 bleed.
    • If a creature's Block Bleed is 100%, then they are immune to Bleed inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% Block Bleed will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
    • A negative value in-game may indicate an extra vulnerability to the status effect this ability is supposed to protect from.
  • Burn Block/Block Burn is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting burn status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. It is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 burn per hit and the receiver has 60% block burn, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 burn.
    • If a creature's block burn is 100%, then they are immune to Burn inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% burn defense will have some fraction of burn defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
  • Block Poison/Poison Block is a passive ability that grants resistance to poison status once they reach max age (100). Like many other block defenses, it works by blocking a percentage of the ailment received. If a creature's Poison Block is 100%, then they are immune to those stats (and will be healed instantly if they are somehow applied) once they reach age 100.
  • Iron Stomach is a passive ability which allows the user to eat rotten meat without getting negative ailments from it - preventing getting the Sickly Status.
  • Life Leech is an active ability that allows the user to heal themselves for a certain percentage (%) of damage done to other players while the ability is active.
  • Miasma Breath is an active ability using the breath control (C on PC or BreathIcon on Mobile) that is a type of Elemental Breath that inflicts 0.5 DPS (0.125% PER HIT), provides a SelfHeal of 0.5% (Max health regen per sec), and drains 5% (Max stamina destroyed per sec) of the target's stamina. It has a Capacity of 10, a Regen Rate of 4, a Range of 200 studs, and a Critical chance of 25%.
  • Poison Attack/Melee Venom is a passive ability that makes a creature venomous by melee - that is, biting another creature will cause the victim to receive Poison Status, as much as the attacker has labeled on their stats and affected by modifiers such as some plushies or resistances. Stacks with itself. A negative value means that it heals an amount of such status upon biting.
  • Tail Whip/Secondary melee attack is a special active ability which grants another melee attack, usually from behind (thus, Tail Whip), which is activated according to where the camera is facing. Code-wise it has a secondary damage stat, which allows main and secondary melee attacks to deal different base damage. No offensive status effects are given from this secondary attack, and it is not boosted by most effects, except eldering.
  • Wing Shredder is a passive ability that allows a creature to offensively deal Shredded Wings status to a creature they bite, with an amount specific of the user creature.

Carry-able Creatures

The Can-Carry lists features lists of creatures that Korathos is carried by, can carry (grab), can latch, and can be latched by in RECODE. To see the lists and their toggles to view each, click on the collapsible text to the right of the table below, to Expand or Collapse the list.

See Can-Grab, Grabbed-By, Can-Latch, and Latched-By Lists

Can-Grab List

This section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Korathos can grab and carry, taking into account if this creature has grab/latch and discounting any other special abilities. The Korathos (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 5 and can carry any creature from any lower tier size.

* There is no creature which the Korathos can currently carry

Grabbed-By List

This section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab and thus carry a non-elder fully-grown adult Korathos taking into account grab/latch abilities and discounting special abilities. The Korathos (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 5 and can be picked up by any creature with higher tier and the Grab ability.

* There is no creature which can currently carry the Korathos

Can-Latch List

This section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Korathos can latch into, but not carry; taking into account latch/grab abilities and discounting any other special ability. The Korathos (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 5 and can latch onto any higher tier size.

* There is no creature which the Korathos can currently grab but not carry

Latched-By List

This section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab but not carry (latch onto) the non-elder fully-grown Korathos discounting special abilities. The Korathos (a(n) carnivore) has 50000 weight and can be grabbed by any creature with sufficiently lower weight. However, carnivores and photocarnivores cannot be grabbed by herbivores and photovores, as follows:
[Expand] Grab-able by:


  • Concept by Stood_04 in the Creatures of Sonaria Discord.
    • When asked about the inspirations for the concept, Stood_04 said: "I didn’t have many direct inspirations for Korathos and mostly just aimed for a good ‘ol spooky creepy vibe and went with the flow, definitely wanted a deep sea Cthulhu type feel. Being a kaiju based prompt, Godzilla is a given inspiration but I strove to set Korathos apart from Godzilla wherever I could. I definitely knew I wanted to go for an upright theropod look and went for pretty triangular shape language for it’s base body. The biggest direct inspiration for kora was actually a drawing of an Iridhuk (scrapped creature) redesign I made in my free time! I thought it had some nice features and recycled a lot of them."
    • Additional notes from Stood_04 include:
      • "Female Korathos’ features came first in the design process and was about to be part of the base body where instead the males had a tentacle beard and females had wispy neon tendrils that came off of the eyes."
      • "Early in the concepting process there was an alternate bulky demon-like design for Korathos that was trashed in favor of the current one."
      • "Korathos was originally prompted to have a weapon integrated into its design. One version had a long split jaw inspired by a crossbow which it would have been able to rip open with it’s arms and shoot a sort of projectile/breath. Other versions were organic, vaguely coral-like gun barrels that grew from the front chest/shoulder area and sickle tails."
  • Animated by Mukudori.
  • It is the second creature with a tail attack (The first being Lmakosauruodon), and the first creature with all 3 types of attack (Bite, Tail whip, and elemental breath).
  • Korathos is the first creature in the game to receive the Miasma Breath ability.
  • Korathos is the first creature to break Kavouradis' long-standing reign as the heaviest creature in the game, specifically by 5,000 units. It even broke Kavouradis' record for the longest growth time by an extra 15 minutes.


This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Korathos.

This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the Korathos, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.

This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the Korathos' design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.

This tab is intended to present how different Mutations appear on the Korathos.

This tab is intended to present images related to the Korathos that don't fit into the other tabs.

Legacy Creatures
Terrestrial AholaiAmolisAniApofuexArchaliumArchinaxArdor WardenArsonosAuekoAvothiusBelluvaraptorBoreal WardenBoskurroBuff EulopiiBuukonCantapodiCenicaraChrysosCimmabuConiferonCottolCryptothDemetyraDieamarjlaDiesuraDiokrineDoragonixDragonixsauriaDyaelaturaEmphinesEmpiteriumEskarlorEulopiiExterreriFabraasheFaecaluFelikxtroxFerrahFleuralisFyraniliGarra WardenGeogoffGeoptxinaGhalgeyaGloracusGnolrokGorgonichusGramossGyroudusHebitoaHeisoteriHellion WardenHemokaiHikorshiHisolidiumHyboriaHygosIbetchiIkoranImeaornIrdegardeIztajuatlJabblebashheJeffKehmadorKhetheralKhikuKiridianKnalrikiKorathosKoryserKretsnikKriprikKyikiLaharpesLaibonichLenarabuLerachuLeurimessLmakosauruodonLorolaelLuxscesMaiueveMagnarothusMoemoeaMolangaiMorinusMuravilNindyrNuciffracoccuNyctoxonOvufuOxidaizenPacedegonParuxPernirexPierryPliarysPrabikiPuffwumpQurugoskRalokaiRoroloRukigSaikarieSana'ataSarchiasSeradaeShroSigmatoxSleirnokTaurolystrisTarakotuTeinookTherokisThykallosTohukosTornirTrikyloTsugaeUndoliValkurseVarskelaVenuellaVerdant WardenVetemortemViracniarViridexVolnoirveWystoraXenolifYama'tuYeba'idiYggdragstyxYohsogZethines
Flier AereisAngelic WardenAltulisAolenusAstrothiAthulythBanishiiBazeliiBeezuBorenhirBrequewkCeleritasChisudoColvalCorvuraxErrideaEtheralotusFlickaflieGaltekronGhibliHaechionxHalaqualHushikeJetebeneKemotiKerukuKonomushiKriffinLevonehLucensiaMomolaMordeliumNakamaskaNorskoggNyxasolyxOwa'StryrusParahexilianPeroPterolythuxRaiquazokSalrahnSang ToareSar'Hingaro/Ahri'TahmukSaukurynSochuriSturbiTrutholbyevaTundrikValkyrieVaumoraVeldysVenatroxVerzaXeternosZieti
Glider DowattFylufKiiwinMekmekNolumothPhyremiaRipirinShiyaroZoocuu
Aquatic AleicudaArachyuArrainoaAxothanBengonChameiCupereEigion WardenEirocaGaleostraHaxalineKohikiiKoipiseNimoonaReviiatonSlaiornSyroudon
Semi-Aquatic AdharcaiinAeshoAlkaksuAuraronCrata PeretinaDenjziDunklaestusEquenixFrigiboaGuravaKavouradisKendyllKoiniLissiceousLureMiikMijusuimaMilitruaMinawiiMoonelleMurlkNymphasuchusPhuguPolymonstrumSha'ReiStarknolTherolachusTraiborosTurgeonVahiaexWewuixYenyashaYiepirZohdok
All-Terrain AesmirAnutillDalgharaEuviasFlixlitJotunhelNovus WardenNytoltalusOpralegionUraVin'rou/Kaluaka
Glider Semi-Aquatic ExotideGlovaucusGryvilaGobliSquiticoZhelijinZwevealisk
Rotation ArachyuBorenhirColvalDunklaestusEquenixExotideGorgonichusGryvilaHeisoteriIbetchiKoiniLevonehLorolaelLureLus-AdarchLuxscesMaiueveMuravilNolumothPacedegonParahexilianPliarysSana'ataSaukurynTarakotuTeinookTornirVeldysViridexVolnoirve
Secret Mission AleicudaArsonosAstrothiMilitruaVaumoraVenuellaZethines
Public Mission ApofuexCavengauuDenjziEirocaFrigiboaHisolidiumMordeliumParuxPhyremiaRoroloSha'ReiYenyasha
Developer AnutillArchaliumDowattLucensiaNyctoxonOpralegionQurugoskTohukosUra
Ex-Developer AniGhibliSar'Hingaro/Ahri'TahmukTrutholbyeva
Robux Shop AdharcaiinAltulisAniBanishiiBazeliiFleuralisGhibliRukigSar'Hingaro/Ahri'TahmukTrutholbyevaZoocuu
Badge Reward AolenusCorvuraxKerukuMijusuima
Role Exclusive AereisEtheralotusOwa'StryrusSigmatoxVerza
Winter Special Boreal WardenCenicaraConiferonJotunhelNorskoggSleirnokSturbiTundrikVarskelaYohsog
Valentines Event Ardor WardenFaecaluFylufHebitoaHyboriaLaharpesLaibonichWewuix
Easter Event AuekoBuff EulopiiDemetyraFabraasheKyikiLenarabuMoonelleOvufuPhuguVerdant Warden
Summer Mini Event DenjziEigion WardenHisolidiumMordeliumNuciffracoccuRoroloSquitico
Halloween Event CryptothGarra WardenSalrahnSang ToareUndoliViracniar
LSS Event Angelic WardenAuraronDyaelaturaGlovaucusNovus WardenValkyrieXeternosYggdragstyx

To report false or outdated information or get assistance with the content of this page, please reply to this community discussion or join the CoS Wiki Discord.
Recode Creatures
Land AholaiAllifuAmolisAniApofuexArcabaturArchaliumArchinaxArdor Warden/ZohutekArkmettaArsonosAsilvestrelaAuekoAvothiusBelluvaraptorBolatraBoreal Warden/QhualhulBoskurroBuff EulopiiBuukonCaldonterrusCantapodiCenicaraChrysosCimidstikCimmabuConiferonCottolCryptothCucuerpumDemetyraDieamarjlaDiesuraDiokrineDoragonixDragonixsauriaDyaelaturaEmphinesEmpiteriumEskarlorExterreriFabráashéFaecaluFelifauxFelikxtroxFerrahFleuralis FlurenFrigilinxFurnilixiiFyraniliGarra Warden/Mors'vuhkGeogoffGeoptxinaGeortharocGhalgeyaGhartokusGloracusGnolrokGorgonichusGoskogurGramossGrysallmogGyroudusHebitoaHeiboktorukHeisoteriHellion Warden/NukzehHemokaiHikorshiHisolidiumHyboriaHygosIbetchiIdrabarkIkoranImeaornIrdegardeIztajuatlJabblebashheJeffJhiggo JanglKehmadorKhetheralKhikuKhilutatraKiridianKnalrikiKorathosKoryserKretśnikKriprikKyikiLaharpesLaibonichLenarabuLerachuLeurimessLmakosauruodonLorolaelLuxscesMaiueveMag'MastaMagnarothusMenaceMoemoeaMolangaiMooslmossleMorcanixMorinusMufoliumMuravilNindyrNok'TuunNoxulumenNuciffracoccuNyctoxonOvufuOxidaizenOxytalisPacedegonParuxPernirexPierryPliarysPrabikiPuffwumpQurugoskRalokaiReeoxRoroloRukigSaikarieSana'ataSarchiasSeradaeShararookShroSigmatoxSkulderougeSleirnokStratifelisTakamorathTaurolystrisTarakotuTeinookTherokisThykallosTohukosTorcheroukTornirTrikyloTsugaeUndoliUshrumeshValkurseVarskelaVenuellaVeraiatriceVerdant Warden/FarhausVetemortemViracniarViridexVolnoirveVorpalusWhisptheraWoodraloneWystoraXenolifYama'tuYeba'idiYggdragstyxYohsogZarraxZethinesZolbatros
Flier AereisAesmirAhri'Tahmuk/Sar'HingaroAidoneiscusAkorbikAngelic Warden/SerpheliusAltulisAnutillAolenusAstrothiAthulythBanishiiBazeliiBeezuBorenhirBrequewkCeleritasChisudoColvalCorvuraxCuxenaDabaemuraDalgharaDanténosErrideaEtheralotusEuviasFairiocrisFellisioFlickaflieFlixlitGalirynGaltekronGhibliHaechionxHalaqualHallucinixHushikeIrizahJetebeneJotunhelKaluaka/Vin'rouKarakroKemotiKerukuKonomushiKriffinLevonehLotremumLucensiaMegalodystrixMinthwyrmMolunaMomolaMordeliumNakamaskaNoctla'LuneNorskoggNovus Warden/OmnibusNytoltalusNyxasolyxOlatuaOpralegionOuratumOwa'StryrusParahexilianParu-GamaPeroPhantarisPterolythuxQuezekelRaiquazokSalrahnSang ToareSaukurynSochuriSomnia ElusStarlitSturbiSylvesqualTaiyuelongTrutholbyevaTundrikUleoumUmbraxiUraUrzukValkyrieVaumoraVeldysVenatroxVerzaWixpectr'oWuggawyrmXeleviprexXeternosZieti
Glider DespisicleDowattFlamerirFylufInkpujinKiiwinMekmekNoctivulNolumothPhantejerPhyremiaPrialouraRipirinShiyaroXymoraxZoocuu
Aquatic AleicudaAqoxturumoxArachyuArrainoaAxothanBengonChameiCupuereEigion Warden/MalveathianEirocaFlipliGaleostraGlovaucusHaxalineKohikiiKoipiseMagnacetusNimoonaReviiatonSlaiornSquiticoSyroudonZhelijin
Semi-Aquatic AdharcaiinAeshoAlkaksuAuraronBäruwCorsarlettCrata PeretinaDenjziDunklaestusEquenixEulopiiExotideFrigiboaGryvilaGobliGuravaIminiKavouradisKendyllKoiniLissiceousLureMeorlarkMiikMijusuimaMilitruaMinawiiMoonelleMurlkNymphasuchusOxysenixPhuguPolymonstrumReverbelleSha'ReiStarknolTherimorseTherolachusTraiborosTurgeonVahiaexVivoltexWewuixYenyashaYiepirZohdokZwevealisk
Rotation ArachyuBorenhirColvalDunklaestusEquenixExotideGoskogurGryvilaHeisoteriIbetchiKoiniLevonehLorolaelLureLus-AdarchLuxscesMaiueveMuravilNolumothPacedegonParahexilianPliarysSana'ataSaukurynTarakotuTeinookTornirVeldysViridexVolnoirve
Artifact CorsarlettDabaemuraFairiocrisFlamerirFlurenGhartokusKhilutatraMag'MastaMagnacetusMegalodystrixOlatuaPhantarisPrialouraQuezekelSylvesqualTakamorathTorcheroukUmbraxiVeraiatriceXymorax
Death Gacha AidoneiscusCuxenaMenaceRipirinTherimorseUleoumWhisptheraWoodralone
Secret Mission AleicudaArsonosAstrothiMilitruaShararookVaumoraVenuellaZethines
Public Mission ApofuexCavengauuDenjziEirocaFrigiboaHisolidiumMordeliumParuxPhyremiaRoroloSha'ReiYenyasha
Monthly Special AkorbikAqoxturumoxBäruwClovilowperIdrabarkLotremumNoctivulParu-GamaReeoxReverbelleTaiyuelongZarrax
Developer ArchaliumDowattHallucinixLucensiaNyctoxonQurugoskTohukos
Ex-Developer Ahri'Tahmuk/Sar'HingaroAniAnutillGhibliOpralegionTrutholbyevaUra
Robux Shop AdharcaiinAhri'Tahmuk/Sar'HingaroAltulisAniAnutillArkmettaBanishiiBazeliiFleuralisGhibliOpralegionRukigTrutholbyevaUraZoocuu
Role Limited AereisEtheralotusOwa'StryrusSigmatoxSomnia ElusVerza
Badge Reward AolenusCorvuraxKerukuMijusuima
Lore Events InkpujinUrzuk
Winter Special ArtikaukBoreal Warden/QhualhulCenicaraConiferonDespisicleJotunhelMinthwyrmMobuushiyNachtskinhrenNorskoggSleirnokStratifelisSturbiTundrikVarskelaYohsog
Valentines Event AllifuArdor Warden/ZohutekFaecaluFylufHebitoaHyboriaLaharpesLaibonichOxytalisWewuixWuggawyrm
Spring Meadows FurnilixiiSkulderouge
Easter Event AuekoBuff EulopiiDemetyraFabráashéGrysallmogKyikiLenarabuMoonelleOvufuPhuguUshrumeshVerdant Warden/FarhausVorpalus
Disaster CaldonterrusNoctla'Lune
Summer Mini Event DenjziFlipliEigion Warden/MalveathianGeortharocHisolidiumMordeliumNuciffracoccuRoroloSquitico
Halloween Event CryptothCucuerpumDanténosFelifauxGarra Warden/Mors'vuhkMorcanixNok'TuunPhantejerSalrahnSang ToareUndoliViracniarWixpectr'o
Harvest Mini Event CimidstikGorgonichusKarakroMooslmossle
LSS Event Angelic Warden/SerpheliusAuraronDyaelaturaGlovaucusIrizahNoxulumenNovus Warden/OmnibusOuratumValkyrieXeternosYggdragstyx

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