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The Halloween Event 2022, the game's second ever Halloween Event, is an event that started on October 15th, at 1:16 PM PST, and ended on November 11th, at 7:18 PM PST. Events typically last three (3) weeks long, but this one got lengthened to four, as it got delayed due to development issues.

This event was known for being the first returning Halloween Event, the third event with an arena boss, as well as one of the most bugged and delay-ridden events, with all weeks being affected in some way (with Halloween Event 2021 being the second and that was because of a general Roblox shutdown, not due to Sonar Studios lack of available staff at that moment). Due to all these delays, mainly delays of the boss, the following Winter Event 2022-2023 was left without a planned boss fight.

Pre-Release Information

Alongside the Halloween Event

During the Robux Shop creature Bazelii with its unique ability Unbridled Rage and the Galaxy Gacha creature Galeostra, other abilities and effects (such as Tsugae gaining the new Plague Breath ability and the Iron Stomach ability) and multiple QoL improvements (such as logs and multiple bug fixes) will be released.

Plague breath will have a new status effect called sickness. This effect when left alone for too long will cause lots of harmful effects to occur so you will need to make sure to heal this off! Sickness will also be worked into Rotten Meat making it so if creatures eat rotting meat them will gain sickness as a debuff. Iron Stomach will make it so you cannot get sickness from eating rotting meat and will be exclusive to creatures that have diets revolving around eating rotten meat.

Additionally, from the second to the third week, global attack speed got reduced (not for NPCs, though).

General Outline

NOTE: this timeline is subject to changes since developers delayed the event and reduced the time to 2 weeks and then expanded it to back to 3 weeks again, to then expand it to 4 weeks.

  • 3 Weeks for Halloween Event
  • 2 Event exclusive Material Palettes
  • 2 New Creatures
  • Return of all Old event creatures: Salrahn, Cryptoth, Undoli and Garra Warden
  • Return of event currency
    • Wisps are planned to be auto-given and not drops from bags or coming out of candy bags
    • Wisp spawns will be rarer than candy bags spawns from 2021

Week 1 Plans: this week is meant to be a test bed to iron out the following weeks of the event.

Week 2 Plans:

  • Return of Salrahn
  • 2 New Exclusive Halloween-only Material Palettes
  • 1 New Halloween creature: Viracniar.
  • Boss fight Enabled (DELAYED TO WEEK 3).
    • Boss fight will have new limitations based on feedback and notes from previous Easter event to help improve the mechanics!
      • The boss fight will consist not just of mindlessly hitting the boss but include some stages for the fight for a more interactive fight sequence and try to prevent AFK grind biting from being effective, needing to move around to earn the victory.
    • Among the rewards for defeating the boss there's planned to be a high wisp reward, some previous palettes and new material palettes.
    • Boss will not be an earnable creature.
  • Trade Realm spookified.

Week 3 Plans: more planned to wrap-up the event so there will not be much added on content but rather the final pieces.

  • Garra Warden Returns!
  • 1 New Halloween Creature: Sang Toare
  • Boss fight enabled (DELAYED TO WEEK 4)

Week 4 Plans: Mainly the boss fight.


Part 1

Part 1 of the 2022 Halloween Event was released on October 15th, at 1:16 PM PST, due to delays. The event amalgamated the original concept of the Halloween Event 2021 and updated the gameplay with some gameplay mechanics from the Easter Event 2022.

Alongside the event, Galeostra and Bazelii got added to Galaxy Gacha and Robux shop, respectively; a meat spawn got added to dunes; some bugs such as Ghalgeya not being in Bleeder Gacha or Vin'rou being unavailable got fixed. However, the most important one gameplay-wise was that the entire map got covered in a giant invisible cylindric dome, as well as some map changes to completely cover some gaps the dome may have (including additional terrain at Floral Cove and Tundra); thus greatly reducing the chances of people getting out of bounds.

In summary, Part 1 provided the following:

Some changes compared with the 2021 Halloween Event were these:

  • Trick or Treat Candy Bags do not exist anymore, a rotating wisp appears instead, behaving pretty much like Easter Event 2022 Eggs.
    • Rotating Wisps only give treats, no tricks such as Lost Souls.
    • The amount of Wisp currency given per Rotating Wisp varies between a 1 to 100 amount, but it tends to be around 8-20.
    • Wisps are auto-given when touching the rotating wisp, they aren't drops which due to lag could be lost anymore.
    • Rotating Wisp spawns far less often than its Candy Bag counterparts from the previous event.
    • With the several map modifications between both Halloween Events, now Wisps can be found at other areas where terrestrial food spawns, such as swamp - in contrast with its previous event, in which the Swamp was devoid of any event currency spawns.
    • On the other hand, finding Wisps underwater even on fringe areas is far rarer (considering that during the last event wasn't very common either).
  • Plushie prices increased overall (except Dragon plushie).
  • Undoli shop price got increased considerably.
  • Halloween Palette's prices increased tremendously.
  • Autumn no longer sets terrain to purple and water to green.

Part 2

Part 2 of the 2022 Halloween Event was released on October 21st, at 7:54 PM PST, but the boss fight got delayed to the 28th

Alongside the event, Tsugae gained the new Plague Breath ability, meat gives Sickness status effect, several creatures gained the Iron Stomach ability, and the Easter Island 2022 remnants got removed for the most part.

In summary, Part 2 provided the following:

  • The return of Salrahn for 7000 Wisp Wisps (Salrahn's shop price was increased).
  • 1 new Halloween creature: Viracniar, for Wisp 4000 Wisps.
  • 2 new Halloween-exclusive Material Palettes.
    • Ectoplasm, for Wisp 2500 Wisps.
    • Gargoyle, for Wisp 1000 Wisps.
  • 1 new color palette added: Wraith Palette, for Wisp 3000 Wisps.
  • Trade Realm became spookified.
  • Undoli shop price increased to Wisp 5500 Wisps.
  • Ghost, Cat, and Owl plushie prices dropped significantly (e.g. Ghost and Cat by 50%, Owl by 33%).
  • Map decorated with Halloween motifs (e.g. pumpkins, plants with eyes, candles, and cauldrons).
  • While the Boss was delayed, the Boss Portal and Arena itself actually got added.
    • The Portal was placed on Central Grounds like previous Portals. However, it was moved a bit more to the West, which would possibly still allow aquatics to participate after the map updates.
    • The Arena got placed lower than the Easter Event 2022 Island but higher than the invisible barrier surrounding Sonaria, above the portal.
      • Unlike Easter Island at the same stage, it doesn't seem to have any kind of effect preventing creatures from nesting, dehydrating or starving to death. This may have been because the event got delayed and the code was not active.

Part 3

Part 3 of the 2022 Halloween Event was released on October 28th, at 7:47 PM PST, but the boss fight once again got delayed to November 4th, along with a week extension for the event.

Alongside the event, Gnolrok had its head remodeled and its color regions fixed, Ani, Trutholbyeva, and Sar'Hingaro were moved from the dev creatures shop to the Robux Shop, the new ability Life Leech was released, the attack speed changes were reverted to 0.8 but grab cooldown got increased to 7 seconds, and some creature stats were tweaked.

In summary, Part 3 provided the following:

  • Return of Garra Warden for Wisp 10,000 Wisps (that was a drop in prices from the previous event).
  • 1 New Halloween creature: Sang Toare for Wisp 12,000 Wisps.
  • Around the Boss portal a translucent grey dome appeared. When approached, the floating text read "THE HALLOWEEN BOSS WILL AWAKEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON," although the release date for the event was planned for the following Friday.
    • This was fixed the following day, saying "THE HALLOWEEN BOSS WILL AWAKEN ON FRIDAY".
    • As of now and until further notice, PvP is still enabled while within the dome.

Part 4

Part 4 of the Halloween Event was released on November 4th, at 11:08 PM PST, featuring the Boss.

Alongside the event, Xenolif was released in the mutation gacha, the grab/ungrab button on PC got changed from E to G, some animation glitches got presumably patched, and the map gained new textures.

In summary, part 4 provided the following:

  • Boss fight enabled.
  • Mylo temporarily replaced by Jerry NPC until the end of the event.
    • Jerry also talks about the Boss Fight.

Boss Fight

What we know

Please take into account that this boss battle is not the same as the Easter Event one, it has new limitations based on feedback and notes from previous Easter event which are meant to prevent AFK grind biting from being effective, needing to move around to earn the victory.

These limitations are:

  • There's a cap of 12 players per battle.
  • There's a limit of three healers.
    • Unlike the previous Easter event, healers can actually harm the boss, minions, and pumpkins, and will get rewarded for it.
    • However if there are only healers, all participants get kicked from the arena a few seconds upon entry, as seen here. Additionally, if those players try to re-enter the arena without leaving the dome, even if by now there are healers and fighters, ALL healers get kicked from the battle upon getting teleported and the boss cooldown will begin, but the fighters remain in the arena.
  • There can only be 2 Tier 5 creatures and 4 Tier 4 creatures.
  • Friendly fire inside the arena and on the portal, as well as all breaths and some area-effect abilities like Radiation, are disabled.
    • Restoration Beam and healing are also sometimes blocked on the Portal (possibly due to a bug), but not the arena.
      • However, there's a bug that makes it so if you grow as a creature with restoration beam inside the dome you may be unable to use the beam.
      • A similar bug may leave healers incapable of any kind of healing.
    • Radiation is not actually disabled, it's just impossible to change states. That means that if you enabled it before entering the portal dome, you'll be unable to turn it off inside the portal and the arena. Something similar applies to breaths, but only until they are exhausted, and won't harm you upon being exhausted.
    • Passive heal is not blocked.
  • All abilities (including breaths and mobility abilities such as gliding or flying) are disabled upon getting teleported to the arena from the boss portal.
    • There's an exception with Restoration beam.
    • If a creature gains the ability to fly/glide while growing, like Astrothi, Momola or Shiyaro, then when growing they'll be capable of flying and gliding inside the arena, as seen here.
  • The arena now is properly sealed with a lower cylinder, providing better shelter and preventing unauthorized entry (also the cylinder prevents creatures from touching valid terrain to place nests and food storages).
    • However, it's still possible to bring or smuggle a creature up there and help (for example as an Ani) or cause havoc for those inside the arena, since unlike Easter Event 2022, the ability lock is not on touch with the area and the main map barrier still presents holes.
  • Grabbing and picking up food and players once inside the arena is not disabled.
  • Unlike the previous Easter Event, water and food levels drop inside the arena.
    • While on the arena it's possible to eat and drink, thankfully.
    • The first day of release they weren't though.
  • Between battles there's an additional cooldown of 1 minute.
  • The boss battle is divided into 3 phases for a more interactive fight sequence.
    • The first one consists of the boss "phasing through" the floor and attacks with claws.
      • During this phase, pumpkins will fall from the sky, but don't move on their own. You need to make one of them explode near the boss to pass.
    • The second one consists of minions spawning, while the boss is idle on the nearest platform outside the area.
      • Minions deal percentage damage (around 3%) when biting. They have a move and idle cycle and are killed in 5 bites (they receive percentual damage as well). Near death they start vibrating then explode, causing high damage (1/6th of your total HP) and 2 burn within a very wide radius (around a third of the arena if unlucky).
    • The third one consists of the boss getting to the nearest platform outside and firing a special beam through the center of the arena. Upon being hit by the beam, you'll receive 4 bleed and take high damage from it (around 50% of your total HP). Additional pumpkins will spawn. If they are not bitten in time they'll explode and cause a bit of damage (7.5%) to the nearest players. If bitten on time they move towards the boss and explode. Like the minions, the pumpkins are defeated in 5 bites.
    • The boss will roar once you've dealt enough damage - if you didn't, phases 1, 2 and 3 may repeat. Then minions will spawn one last time. Once there are no minions on the arena, you will receive prizes upon leaving it.
  • Among the rewards for defeating the boss there are wisps, palettes and new material palettes. If you worked the hardest among those present in the battle, the game will consider you the "MVP" of the battle and will award extra prizes.
  • During the battle, Volcanic music will be played, like on the past Easter Event.
  • The boss is not an earnable creature.

As a group

No matter the size of the group, it is recommended to bring healers (or for the entire team to be capable of healing). This is because it can be a bit difficult to avoid getting hit by the NPC and Pumpkin backlash when dying, especially in big groups. Plus it's quite difficult to heal off the burn and damage amassed during the fight while preventing more minions, pumpkins, and enemy fire from damaging creatures further.

  • It is advantageous to use lighter, low HP creatures as opposed to larger ones. When hit by a healer, lighter creatures are healed for more of their total health than heavier creatures, thus being easy to heal by the small healer contingent. Additionally the boss, minions and pumpkins deal percentage damage, so a high-HP creature will take the same number of hits to be taken down.
  • A healing bite done by a healer will heal any creature in biting range. It's recommended to get together when the healer is doing its job to rapidly heal more creatures in one go.
  • In a larger group, it may be possible to get away with having no healers since when one creature is low on health it may switch with a teammate. However, it is still discouraged.
  • If you don't bring healers and have a smaller group, it's advised to follow some of the tips for fighting the boss alone.
  • Coordination is essential to avoid pushing a pumpkin away while biting, attacking two minions too close and making the other partner take a hit, or both biting a minion and not knowing when it'll explode.
  • Creatures with night stalker are not recommended; they'll debuff your teammate's nightvision and will cause tribulations at night.

If you have friends who do not mind being left unrewarded, a flying creature could bring a ranged healer outside the arena and heal from a distance (specially an Ani with restoration beam). Also, if a creature inside is big and heavy enough, it can potentially grab the healer and smuggle it inside the arena, thus bypassing the healer cap.


It is recommended to use high HP regeneration creatures with fast speed (as mentioned before, flight is impossible once you are summoned into the arena) to attack the pumpkins and minions. When you see the minion begin to vibrate, leave the local area as fast as possible to avoid their death backlash, or even better, use the knowledge that the minions and pumpkins die in 5 hits so you deal 5 hits and immediately scuttle. If you get hit, it's recommended to leave the minion-filled area and try to heal passively as fast as possible. Due to lag, it's not recommended to use the sit or laying down animations directly to do this unless you have the guarantee that the minions and pumpkins won't hit you at that moment, but a more mobile alternative. Also avoid pushing the pumpkin away since you only have limited time to make it attack the boss instead.

Some smaller creatures like Ani can actually climb some sides of the invisible barrier that prevents people from entering. This can be potentially used to heal outside the range the minions can attack and get some breathing room.

As an aquatic

It is possible to enter the arena as an aquatic without any aid, since the dome also encompasses part of the sea below. However, once inside, it is imperative to ask one or several heavy healers like Moonelle to help you and keep facetanking, acting as a team. However, it's still not recommended since you are slow, beached and may be monopolizing a healer which may be needed for other more important tasks while being unable to dodge enemy backslash.

Halloween Store

The Halloween Store was accessed by navigating to the Main Menu and clicking on the Wisp Wisps event currency box next to the Tikit Tikits currency box on the top right. This opened the Halloween Store and allowed players to purchase creatures and/or items from it.


The Creatures tab featured special Halloween Event exclusive creatures that were available for purchase with Wisps.

Part Creature(s) Added Cost
Part 1 Wisp 8,000 Wisps
Wisp 5,000 Wisps (Part 1)

Wisp 5,500 Wisps (Part 2)

Part 2 Wisp 7,000 Wisps
Wisp 4,000 Wisps
Part 3 Wisp 10,000 Wisps
Wisp 12,000 Wisps


The Plushies tab featured special Halloween Event exclusive plushies that were available for purchase with Wisps.

Part Name Effect Cost
Part 1 Ghost plushies Ghost +5% Bleed Defense Wisp 500 Wisps (Part 1)

Wisp 250 Wisps (Part 2)

Cat plushies Cat +1 Bleed on any creature with or without Bleed
(except on negative-damage creatures)
Wisp 1000 Wisps (Part 1)

Wisp 500 Wisps (Part 2)

Owl Owl Overrides Nightvision to 4/3 Wisp 3,000 Wisps (Part 1)

Wisp 2,000 Wisps (Part 2)

Dragon plushies Dragon +12.5% poison resistance + (if toxic/poisonous already) 0.5 extra poison Wisp 5,000 Wisps


  • Like with the previous Easter and Winter Event, some returning creatures were made a bit more expensive than newer creatures.
  • According to the Mylo NPC in Trade Realm, you can find Wisps next to Sea Kelp spawns. This remains to be seen, and is apparently false during the first week with no Wisps spawning at areas with only Sea Kelp spawns.
  • The Boss is named "Rosa", and according to xinnten, "she is a single mother, who is also aroace".