Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

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Note: Feel free to contact Staff at any time!


Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
No Moving Background

The Creatures of Sonaria Official Wiki is a place to share up-to-date information about the Creatures of Sonaria game on Roblox with the community. By engaging in any wiki activity, either through edit logs, social activity (including in comments, community discussions, and Message Walls), any activity on the Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Discord, and exchanges with any wiki staff, users automatically demonstrate agreement to the following Creatures of Sonaria Wiki rules.

The Rules/Accessible listing is subject to change alongside community development, and it is the responsibility of users to inform themselves of these changes, through the site notification feature, through announcements, directly from staff, or however else modifications to rules may be given notice.


General Policies

1. In accordance with COPPA and Wiki Fandom Rules and Guidelines, all participants in the Creatures of Sonaria Official Wiki community must be at least 13 years of age.

If a user is underaged, they will be blocked.

2. Violations of the following terms, guidelines, and rules for Roblox or Wiki Fandom may result in moderation action up to an indefinite block.

3. Be civil and respectful to others.
This includes when sharing input regarding another's work(s). Harsh, hateful, or generally unconstructive discussion is not welcome.

This also includes posts relating to or calling out anyone, regardless of whether they are a staff member for the game, a content creator, or a wiki member.

Use of any slurs, profanity, offensive topics, or general offensive language is not allowed, even if implied. This will at minimum result in a warn.

This wiki has filters in place. Bypassing these filters is a doubled violation and may lead to up to a block. If you are struggling with making a legitimate edit/upload/post, please reach out to Coralbits or Lilacdusk.

Do not directly or indirectly harass, discriminate, or insult others. This will at minimum result in a warn. This includes members of the CoS staff team and content creators, regardless of whether they are named or not.

4. Inappropriate (not-safe-for-work) or 16+ conversations and imagery are not allowed on this wiki, even if implied. This includes any and all borderline NSFW.
Bringing up inappropriate topics will result in an immediate warning or block as necessary.

For anybody reporting this sort of violation, please only report to a moderator with the "Adult" profile tag.

Gore, full nudity, fetish art of any kind, and any trends, slurs, poses, or the like relating to any of these inappropriate items will result in a warning (minimum) up to an indefinite block.

The only acceptable level of gore can show light scratches, scars, low-detailed or small amounts of blood (cartoony), and anything that is PG. Please buffer such artworks or writings by including a large amount of line breaks, "clean" images, and content warnings for blood.

Even with buffers, gore featuring exposed organs or large amounts of blood is not allowed.

5. Moderators have the right to edit contents of any wiki items if containing inappropriate, ill-intended, or misinforming elements, especially if said element conflicts with rules or disrupts moderation efforts (excessive spacing, filler images, scroll-able fill content, etc.).

Note that buffering as a means to spoiler sensitive content is exempt from this.

If a user denies a moderator's edit by adding back any removed elements, moderators have the right to delete the edited post and/or follow up with a note, warning, or block as necessary.

If you believe a moderator is abusing their ability to edit posts, contact an Administrator through Message Walls or direct messages on the Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Discord.

6. All discussions relating to moderation (from this community or others) are not to be discussed in community discussions, Message Walls, or comment sections of articles, as it can bring unwanted conflict between users and disrupt moderation efforts.

These discussions may only happen in on the Message Walls of individual wiki staff members, or if a wiki moderator states explicitly that a certain space allows moderation discussion.

Do not discuss any sort of controversy or conflict, be it external or within the community. These sorts of conversations do not belong on the wiki. If something needs to be said, take it to a moderator's Message Wall

7. Do not attempt to moderate other users when you yourself are not a moderator, aka "minimod" or "backseat moderate".

This can result in a note or minor warning.

8. Using alternate accounts with malicious intent is not allowed.

Impersonation of other users is not allowed, and will result in the block of both the spoof (alternate) account and other connected accounts.

Using alternate accounts to evade bans will lengthen a user's suspension as well as automatically apply suspensions to all alternate accounts.

9. Do not put the weight of personal struggles on others without their consent.

Do not publicly post about personal issues. The wiki is not equipped to handle personal, life, or health issues, nor should details on these private subjects be spread in these spaces. Please instead seek professional help, if possible.

Sensitive, discomforting, or other flagged (non-PG13, controversial, etc.) topics will be removed.

Do not seriously or repeatedly self-deprecate (putting oneself down).

Do not use or attempt to use personal struggles to guilt trip, manipulate, or otherwise wrongfully take advantage of others. This includes guilting others into commenting on or otherwise supporting posts.

10. DNIs, aka Do Not Interacts, should be treated as a block since you cannot block a user you dislike on Fandom. Please abide by the following rules for a DNI:
When issuing a DNI against a person, do so on the specific user's message wall, and only there. Simply state that this is a DNI, and you do not wish for this person to interact with you. Lay out the terms clearly. Do not explain why you are issuing the DNI: chances are this may be because of a conflict you had with this person and as message walls are public we do not want nosy people to read them and take matters into their own hands. Just say, "I no longer wish to communicate with you." Only send them the DNI once, it is fine if they delete it.

Do not list DNIs against specific individuals on your own About Me or Message Wall. You may list general DNIs (ex: don't talk to me if you don't like dinosaurs).

If you are receiving a DNI on your message wall, you are allowed to delete the DNI. Moderators can see deleted posts, and as you already read it, you already got the message.

Both of you should respect the DNI unless the issuer revokes the DNI.

Generally, we stay out of moderating DNIs. However, if someone is going out of their way to pester you, contact our Moderation Team.

11. Spam of any kind is not allowed.
Users must wait at least 1-2 hours before reposting in order to not be considered excessive.

Doing this will result in a warning or block, depending on severity.

Pings or necro-posting (sending messages to discussions that have ended after 2 weeks) count as a form of spam if used excessively or without consent. Mass planned pings from users who request pings should be included in your post. Excessively promoting content will also be counted as spam.

Posts that solicit (ask for) upvotes, followers, support, etc. are not allowed.

Do not advertise on someone else's post.

12. Posts that are unrelated to Creatures of Sonaria will be deleted.

Adding a single on-topic element to an off-topic post will still warrant deletion. Posts must largely, at least, be about CoS.

If the comments in a post begin to go off-topic, the post may be locked.

This rule also determines original characters mixed with or sourced from fan-created species as off-topic.

#* As a general rule, if a piece of content is not immediately recognized as related to the game by a majority at a glance or by staff's discretion, it will be considered off-topic and removed without notification, unless a staff member dictates an official response is necessary.

13. Do not make comparisons in any context that are (intended or not) at risk of belittling, offending, or causing harm to individuals or groups involved in the subject, including its creators, members, and etc.

Comparisons may also not be made between communities, members, or projects (designs, content) unless in the context of game playstyle and stats.

14. All posts (articles, comments, discussion posts) are to be written in English.

Even if a user is not fluent in English, it is encouraged to use English to the best of one's ability.

Non-English content is generally discouraged, as it can be challenging to moderate and will be removed.

15. Some posts created by moderators and/or administrators, such as megathreads, have additional rules under them.

These must be followed on the posts that use them.


1. Trade offers posted in community discussion threads must be legitimate, cannot cross-trade, and cannot pre-order.

Any joke offers or offers that appear shady will be deleted at a moderator's discretion.

2. Do not cross-trade.

Cross-trading (trading Sonaria content for non-Sonaria content, such as content in other games, or alternate currencies) is a bannable offense and can have repercussions on the Roblox platform itself.

Trading something from Legacy to get another thing from Recode (and vice-versa) counts as cross-trading.

3. Pre-ordering is not allowed.

This involves giving something in advance for a promise of something that is either not yet in the game or not in the trading partner's inventory.

All trades are generally advised to happen within one (1) exchange (not multiple), as multiple exchanges raises the risk of a scam occurring.

4. Do not scam.

Scamming that involves real currencies should be reported to Roblox Support immediately.

For scams not involving real items and only in-game items, please instead use ModMail on the Creatures of Sonaria Discord server. Contact wiki staff on their Message Walls if you cannot.


1. Because Creatures of Sonaria attracts many artists, art theft is treated very seriously, and any unauthorized use of another artists' work will result in punishment.

his includes the use of AI art generators, regardless if the use of the AI is acknowledged. AI must not be used for any artistic medium, which also includes memes.

OC theft is also included in this.

Tracing/Eyeballing another piece of work MUST credit the source, UNLESS it is concept art, it is exempt from the credit clause and under no circumstances are you allowed to trace it. Models are still fine. Uncredited tracing/eyeballing results in a warn at minimum.

2. Only an appropriate depiction of characters is allowed, and must be suited for viewing for the game's audience.

Depiction of nipples are not allowed, regardless of detail.

At minimum, a character's chest and waist regions must be fully covered, such as with fur or clothing material.

Pieces that appear inappropriate, regardless of intention, may be locked or removed without notification unless an official response is deemed necessary, and moderation action beyond that point will vary depending on severity.

3. Buffering should be used as a means of spoilering content that may be deemed sensitive but is not inappropriate to fall under the NSFW/16+ category.

Buffering can be done by including a large amount of line breaks, and non-sensitive content, prior to the actual sensitive content itself.

Additionally, a content warning (which states what the content is) should also be added at the top of the post.

Sensitive content includes bright colors, contrasting patterns, flashing lights, blood/general injury, cannibalism between creatures, and death.

4. Shipping an entire species with another species is not allowed.

This may result in a note or warning.

Editing Policies

1. This wiki takes a neutral tone when informing the users about the game.

Inserting your own opinions or theories into articles is looked down upon. Repeatedly doing this will result in a warning or ban depending on severity.

All information that comes from external sources (not in the game) must be cited using the <ref> tag.

Information that is contested among users due to being vague or difficult to notice should also cite as much proof as possible, however in some of these cases developers will fill in the information on their own. If this is done, it will be noted as such. Claiming you are a developer to make your own claim sound legitimate counts as impersonation.

2. Making a page/article for a fan creature, game suggestion, theory, trade, price guides, etc., is not allowed and will result in the deletion of that particular page.

For posting about fan content/trades, use the Discussion Forums or your own user page.

3. When creating a creature page, always include the official concept art and concept credit.

Do not create pages that have not been confirmed in the Official Creatures channel of the CoS Discord.

3. All creature-dedicated pages, such as Ikoran's page, must follow the requirements and processes outlined in the Creature Page Edit Guide, which describes the anatomy of pages and how to contribute to them in greater detail.

It's important to follow guidelines to ensure additions to a page do not break code or procedures on the wiki that keeps information recognizable and organized.

4. It is discouraged to request articles for topics users don't have much information on (ex. A creature that's only rumored to be official, or a feature that's been vaguely hinted towards).

Developers may opt to create these pages. In these cases, members should not edit the developer-made page unless confirmed information releases, due to the contents of the developer-made page coming from a direct source, where additional edits from non-verified (non-developer users) may put contents at risk of being outdated or unreliable.

5. All articles are to be written in English.

Even if a user is not fluent in English, it is encouraged to use English to the best of one's ability. Non-English content is generally discouraged, as it can be challenging to moderate, and will be removed.

If you wish to translate any content on the wiki, a separate wiki is required. Please refer to the following resources: Interlanguage links, Discussion post, Another post.

6. Do not break or grief pages.

Because of the wiki's intricacies, some pages contain vital code that should not be messed with. Griefing or breaking any wiki system, whether it was on purpose or an accident, will result in a note at minumum.


The Creatures of Sonaria Official Wiki Staff now follow a points-based system, aka the headache meter, which is comprised of Notes, Minor Warnings, Warnings, and Blocks. These actions are applied to users who have broken any wiki rule(s). Following an infraction, a note or warning will be issued to a user's Message Wall by a CoS Wiki Staff member, both to inform the user of the infraction, and (depending on the infraction) of moderation actions taken in response, such as removals. If a user has committed a severe enough violation or has a significant history, or falls under any of the block specifications, a temporary block may be applied instead.


Notes are designed to inform new members, typically in response to an initial (non-severe) rule break, about the Creatures of Sonaria Official Wiki rules by providing a redirect or mention of the rules for awareness. It is also to remind users of the rules if it has been long enough that they may have forgotten. After an initial note is issued, responses to infractions afterward (as necessary) are delivered as official warnings, or blocks, depending on severity.

  • Notes are like verbal warnings, and intended to introduce members to the official rule system if not already familiar.
  • Notes communicate a redirect or mention of rules, to provide awareness of them for the future.
  • Once an initial note is provided, moderation responses to future infractions may come in the form of warnings, or blocks, depending on severity. Moderation will also assume you have read the rules.
  • If a violation is severe enough, notes may be skipped, and the resulting moderation action may escalate to a warning or immediate block.

Minor Warnings

Minor Warnings are issued for minor infractions, and are essentially in between "hey, we have rules, please follow them" and "You did a bad thing". If an infraction really isn't so bad, for example, not speaking English, that would be what a minor warning is for.


Warnings are issued when there is a clear infraction, or if the severity of an issue deems it necessary per staff discretion.

  • If a user receives multiple warnings, it may result in a temporary block.


Blocks are issued to users following multiple warnings, severe infractions, an infraction with a history of blocks, or by request. Blocks may be temporary or indefinite, depending on history and severity of infractions, or initial actions or indicators of use (troll accounts, alternates, etc.).

Blocks may be issued immediately if:

  • A user commits a severe infraction
  • A user is an alternate account of a blocked user
  • A user is a troll account
  • A user is an impersonator
  • A user is extremely negative towards the community
  • A user is exhibiting instability


Appeals are a way for users to request to remove or adjust block durations if a block is believed to be made in error or the user understands the circumstances leading to their block, with the intent of regaining access to wiki privileges, per staff discretion. Appeals are made by messaging an Administrator through Message Walls or Discord, and must include:

  • A link to the block, and who blocked you
  • A description of what happened resulting in a block
  • An explanation of why the block should be removed

An appeal may be automatically declined if a block or appeal matches the following:

  • Users are found to be sharing or implying borderline or direct inappropriate content;
  • Users are expressing extreme negative behavior towards the community;
  • Users include personal attacks or inappropriate remarks in appeals; or
  • Users are found to be involved in trolling, harassment, or other violations of Fandom, Roblox, or Creatures of Sonaria.


This rules list is not definitive, and attempting to bypass rules by using loopholes will only result in the same punishment. Wiki staff are not machines, we are human. You will not get around the rules by using technicalities, so please don't try.

The details of infractions and stages of action are subject to change at any time and are rendered differently case-by-case.
