Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

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Creatures of Sonaria Wiki
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

The Creature Page Editing Guide is a guide made by PawnDive and Tardisfromtornspace, designed to walk through the process of how Creatures of Sonaria Wiki builds creature pages, from stats, to trivia, to image uploads.

Soft reminder: please edit everything through Source Editor to catch differences that may only be apparent in this mode of editing.

What is a Creature Page?

A creature page is any species-named page, featuring a creature from the game and specific information pertaining to that creature, such as appearance, stats, trivia, various images, and other materials.

  • All creature pages follow the exact same format.
  • All creature pages follow the same stylistic conventions, and are designed to appear consistent in style, from font styles to link usage.

Examples of creature pages are:

Automated and Non-Automated Sections?

A bulk of every creature page is automatically created upon updating the wiki's special Master Stat Sheet. This sheet contains all stat information for every creature, including special abilities, and even the Shoom Shoom cost from the Trial Creatures Shop. An embellished version of this Stat Sheet can be seen in multiple formats at the Creature Stats List page, which may draw the info from either Module:CreatureData, or directly from the Master Stat Sheet.

Automated Sections

Automated sections describe parts of a page that use information from the Master Stat Sheet, a.k.a the Override Sheet, because it does not accept values provided on a page and forces values from the stat sheet to appear instead.

Automated parts include things like:

  • A majority of the creature introduction, except how that creature is obtained;
  • Creature stats in the Infobox (this also includes a lot of calculations, status effect categories, active abilities, and passive abilities with their own column on the Master Datasheet (as well as a few without such column) and visible Classification Categories in-game (such as Developer, Exclusive, Easter Event, Limited Supply, and Secret Mission Reward creatures));
  • The Abilities section;
  • The Carry-able Creatures section; and
  • Much more back-end — for example, whether a page is missing variant images or attribute sections on the infobox!

Before updating values on the Master Stat Sheet, verify the stat change is truthful, comes from a reliable source, and most importantly, has been applied in-game.

Non-Automated Sections

Non-automated sections are parts of the creature page that must be manually provided by editors, such as:

  • Special progress/status templates such as {{Removed}}, {{Unknown}}, {{InDev}}, {{WIP}}, and {{Obsolete}};
  • {{NavNext}} template;
  • Pronunciation, source, obtainability, and which developer it represents in the introduction;
  • In-game creature description;
  • Behavior/Artist Headcanon, which is strictly provided by the creator(s) of the creature concept;
  • Lore, which is strictly sourced from the official lore document;
  • Appearance description, including possible gender dimorphism;
  • Trivia section;
  • Variant images, manually taken and cropped for the infobox, which are automatically included thanks to Template:AutoCreatureImage;
  • Gallery images for concept art, color palette(s), mutations, growth stages, etc.;
  • {{Creatures}} template;
  • Non-automated categories, such as Glimmer or Reuses Calls;
  • and Cross-language links.

A majority of these sections have special unspoken rules. With the help of this guide, we can identify what those are, why they're used, and how to properly contribute information or materials to sections.

Special Progress/Status Templates

All of them must usually be in the first line of the page, except very few exceptions for the WIP template (see below). All of them can use additional arguments when used, for example: {{WIP|Reason: this is an example}} will add to the visible template "Reason: this is an example" as a subtext of it.

Once the removal requirements of these templates are met, they must be removed from the page.

Of the following, only one of them can be on the same creature page:

  • {{InDev}}: this template is for creatures that are currently in development. Once the creature is available in-game, this category must be replaced by the WIP template. When a creature is released, other actions must be followed as well (see WIP info below).
  • {{Removed}}: this template is for creatures that have been officially scrapped before they were released. Recent mention of development around a creature is usually enough to remove this template and give it the {{InDev}} template instead. Sometimes it's useful to include an additional argument, but this has never been used for creatures, as they instead use the Trivia section to explain why it was scrapped, if the reason is ever explained.
  • {{Unknown}}: this template is for creatures which, while they have not been officially scrapped, they have been left in a limbo where their development process remains unknown. Mention of development around a creature, along with a near-future release date, is usually enough to remove this category and give it the {{InDev}} category instead.
    • Important note: Creatures with this tag do not use the Infobox Creature template, but the "Unknown Status" template instead, which is changed into Infobox Creature once this condition changes.
  • {{WIP}}: this template explains the reason why a page for a Released Content creature/feature is unfinished. All the missing criteria ought to be included as additional arguments with the format "{{WIP|Reason: onereason, anotherreason, nextreason, etc.}}", where each reason must be addressed. If a creature has just been released (that is, it appears in the Official Creatures automated page as "Newest Creatures"), the first mentioned reason must be "just released". Once all the hard criteria are fulfilled, this template must be removed. There are also other soft criteria which, while they are also included in the WIP, are not enough to keep the template, and may have their own WIP subcategories. Sometimes if only one hard criteria has not been met, the WIP template gets temporarily moved to the missing subsection instead.
    • Among the hard criteria of completion there is:
      • Being in the NavNext template. This includes having its own {{PAGENAME}}OCIcon.png; this is a hard criteria because of how procedurally expensive missing images can be for other automated pages with all the creature OCIcons (such as "Creature Stats List" and "Official Creatures").
      • Must be properly formatted with all the sections and templates in order, and each one in a new line: {{NavNext}}, {{Infobox Creature}}, introduction, Description, Appearance, Abilities, Gameplay, Carry-able Creatures, Trivia, Gallery, {{Creatures}}, and then the non-automated categories and any cross-language versions if applicable.
      • Must not have any errors.
      • Must have stats filled, without tokens missing. For this, Creature Stats List can be extremely useful, indicating which fields are yet to fill properly, or whether the OCIcon is missing.
      • Must have complete introduction.
      • Must have complete appearance description.
      • Must have concept art.
      • Must have concept credit on the infobox and at the top of the trivia section, including credit for any redesigns.
      • Must have the {{AutoCreatureImageRecode}} template in the "| image =" field of the Template:Infobox Creature.
      • Must have Stock Variant Images, for both male and female if applicable.
      • Must have the proper non-automated categories at the bottom.
    • Among the soft criteria of completion there is:
      • Missing Calls; this has its own category, "[[Category:Missing Calls]]", which is partially automated so if the "| sounds=" section of the Infobox is empty, it is added automatically. However, sometimes it may be useful to add it manually, especially if for some reason the sound section is filled partially.
      • All uses of a creature's name on its own page need to be replaced with {{PAGENAME}}. This is done to help the wiki staff copy-and-paste possible similar sections of text between pages.
      • All use of wiki links must be in their compressed format if possible.
        • To shorten links to other Fandom wikis, see this guide.
        • To shorten links to non-fandom wikis, see this guide.
      • All sections must be separated by a <br />.
    • Use example:
      {{WIP|Reasons (HARD): missing OCICon.png, missing Stock Variant images, missing trivia about who modeled/rigged and animated the creature, if we know it has a visible glimmer (and glimmer on the gallery).<br/>Reasons (SOFT): missing calls}}

Additionally, these templates can compliment the ones above:

  • {{Obsolete}} - this one is very rarely used (if ever) in a Creature Page, since usually the content of a Creature Page is kept up-to-date and removes obsolete content (except from Trivia, where it is updated into past tense), and it is very rarely used in the Gameplay section. If used, a justified reason of why something became obsolete must be added in the additional arguments, with an additional argument indicating which section became obsolete, using the format "{{Obsolete|Reason why it became obsolete but not removed from the creature article (for example, a temporary measure disabling a feature)|name of the obsolete feature|1}}".

Unknown and Scrapped creatures must not contain the Carry-able Creatures or Abilities sections. Scrapped creatures must also not contain the gameplay insight section.

NavNext Template

This template must be at the top of the article above the Infobox Creature template, but below the very top special progress/status templates, such as the WIP template. Creature names must be manually added by editing the template itself, in alphabetical order. This template is also the one which automatically adds the "Released Content" category to a page. The OCIcon.png (the creature head icons which are displayed on the Official Creatures page, hence the OC part) displays here for the specific creature, but this one gets added automatically, fetching an image with name "{{PAGENAME}}OCIcon.png". The image must be uploaded to the wiki, replacing {{PAGENAME}} with the proper name of the creature, case-sensitive and with spaces (that is, "Boreal Warden", not "Boreal", "Boreal warden", or "boreal warden"). As the name implies, the image must be in .png format. The image should be perfectly square, such as 200x200px and not 200x250px.

Infobox Creature

All fields are automated except for the image, which must be filled with the Concept Art image of the creature or {{AutoCreatureImage}} once the creature releases, and the sounds, which must be left blank unless the four sounds have been uploaded. If the page is on the Master Override, the stats will be filled in automatically.

Do not remove any of the fields indicated below, they are there for the automation. More information about this template can be found at the template's documentation.

For reference:

{{Infobox Creature
| name = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = {{AutoCreatureImage}}
| sounds = <!--
| broadcast = [[File:CreatureNameCall1.mp3|text-top]]
| friendly = [[File:CreatureNameCall2.mp3|text-top]]
| aggro = [[File:CreatureNameCall3.mp3|text-top]]
| voice = [[File:CreatureNameCall4.mp3|text-top]]


For released creatures, the image field is set to {{AutoCreatureImageRecode}}. This is a utility designed by User:EtiTheSpirit and modified by User:Tardisfromtornspace that looks through a database of procedurally generated images and fills the blanks with a placeholder image. For more information, see Template:AutoCreatureImage. It requires these procedurally generated images to be uploaded, following its own calling documentation and format according to gender dimorphism and redesigns. All screenshots taken for variant images must be from a default-colored creature.

For future reference, when a creature is unreleased, scrapped, or of unknown status, the infobox image should be left with the concept art image, with a format similar to the following:

| image = {{PAGENAME}}ConceptArt.png

Unless it is a redesign, in which case (replace the X with the redesign number, such as Redesign1, Redesign2, etc.):

| image = {{PAGENAME}}RedesignXConceptArt.png

However, if it is released, the concept art should be replaced with the AutoCreatureImageRecode template with its indicated format (even if no variant images have been uploaded):

| image = {{AutoCreatureImageRecode}}

If a released creature has one or more redesigns, add more fields to the Infobox Creature template, following this format:

| tab1 = Current
| image = {{AutoCreatureImage|remodel=2}}
| tab2 = Previous
| tab2image = {{AutoCreatureImage|remodel=true}}
| tab3 = Original
| tab3image = {{AutoCreatureImage}}

"Sounds" Field

Once the 4 proper sounds have been uploaded as an .mp3 following this format, add them to the sound field on the Infobox, replacing CreatureName with the creature's name:

| broadcast = [[File:CreatureNameCall1.mp3|text-top]]
| friendly = [[File:CreatureNameCall2.mp3|text-top]]
| aggro = [[File:CreatureNameCall3.mp3|text-top]]
| voice = [[File:CreatureNameCall4.mp3|text-top]]

Additionally, if a creature reuses calls from another creature, this can be mentioned on the sound field with the sounds, indicating which ones are reused as a small note, and then add "[[Category:Reuses Calls]]" in the non-automated categories section. If the sounds aren't on the page, this can be mentioned in the Trivia instead, leaving the sound field blank to avoid removing the automated Missing Calls category.

Format example taken from Ura's page (please note that in this case the {{PAGENAME}} in the note is left as-is, do not replace {{PAGENAME}} with the name of the creature's page):

| sounds = <small>Note: The {{PAGENAME}} currently borrows sounds from the [[Brequewk]]</small>
| broadcast = [[File:BrequewkCall1.mp3|text-top]]
| friendly = [[File:BrequewkCall2.mp3|text-top]]
| aggro = [[File:BrequewkCall3.mp3|text-top]]
| voice = [[File:BrequewkCall4.mp3|text-top]]

Creature Introduction

The creature source information is always featured at the beginning of pages in the [[Template:Intro]] (Intro) template. This template formats information, but needs the help of editors to specify the:

  • pronunciation (if applicable, or known);
  • obtainability (can or can't be obtained — yes/no);
  • developer (if a developer creature);
  • and source information (where it's obtained).

Introduction templates all have the same parameters, but they are also always subject to change as Wiki Staff dictate new and easier methods of editing by adding or omitting parts of existing templates.

As an example, here's the Introduction template from the Ikoran page:

| pronounced = 
| obtainable = yes
| developer = 
| source = [[Gacha#Diet_Gachas|Carnivores Gacha]]


Pronunciations are very particular, and our pronunciation tool (IPA) is very particular in detail. This is often left out, due to it requiring learning for a new process, and because pronunciations are often hard to derive, or are unclear. For those that are interested in diving into pronunciation contributions, please see Template:IPA (IPA template used to redirect to pronunciations).

Creature name pronunciations are filled in by developers. These should not be defined by other members unless it's possible to cite a source as proof. This source must be from the concept artist of the creature itself, or the person who came up with the creature in the first place. Developers who did not take part in creating the creature in question do not count as reliable sources unless they received the information from the creature's creator(s).

Creature Description

This field must be filled with the {{CharacterDesc|}} template. If a creature doesn't have an in-game description, leave the template as is. If the creature has a description, fill the first field of the template as such: {{CharacterDesc|The in-game description goes here}}.

This section contains the optional Behavior and Artist Headcanon subsections if applicable.


This optional subsection must be filled only by headcanon behaviors given by the creator(s) of the creature themselves; speculation is not allowed here. This subsection should only contain information about creature temperament, biome of residence, hostility levels, and general quirks. It should not describe biomes that do not exist in Sonaria. Things related more with background information or concept information and not related with behavior will be moved to the "concept" part of the Trivia section.

The format of this section is the title of the section followed by the {{Behavior}} template and then a bullet list of the canon behavior indicators. Do not forget to follow the format of using {{PAGENAME}} when appropriate and shorter links to other wikis if necessary.

Example (taken from Aereis' page):

=== Behavior ===
* {{PAGENAME}} have a close-knit fundamentalist hierarchy, with the "Prophet" positioned on top of the others with the rumored ability to allow their believed creator and god to speak through them.
* {{PAGENAME}} often look down on most of the creatures in Sonaria as lesser beings.
* An {{PAGENAME}}' core produces nearly an infinite amount of gold/blood, and the fact its flesh is made of gold makes it nearly immune to most toxins. {{PAGENAME}} could live for centuries without withering as long as this core isn't damaged.
* {{PAGENAME}} and [[{{LegCmd|Parahexilian}}]] have a long-lasted rivalry. Swarms of {{PAGENAME}} will often unite to engage in huge wars with its rival.

Artist Headcanon

Like behavior, this optional subsection must only contain information given by the creator(s) of the creature themselves. Any content that doesn't fit in the "Behavior" section should be placed under an "Artist Headcanon" section and should be explicitly marked as not being game-lore accurate or canon.

The format of this section is the title of the section followed by the {{ArtistHeadcanon}} template and then a bullet list of the non-canon information.

Example (taken from Aereis' page):

=== Artist Headcanon ===
* All handcrafted by the hands of an unknown cosmic entity, {{PAGENAME}} fall from the void and onto Sonaria in the form of fallen stars of molten gold. As the fallen star cools, they slowly take the form of what is vaguely recognizable as an {{PAGENAME}}, with gold flesh, sinew, and fur forming over their core.
* {{PAGENAME}} and [[Sturbi]] have similar origins, and are created by the same being, except the former is much more close to its creator in comparison. They have a passive relationship with one another, but {{PAGENAME}} often look down on Sturbi as lesser beings, along with most of the creatures in Sonaria.
* An {{PAGENAME}}' core produces nearly an infinite amount of gold/blood, and the fact its flesh is made of gold makes it nearly immune to most toxins. {{PAGENAME}} could live for centuries without withering as long as this core isn't damaged. The magic the core is made of is potent enough to erode the largest of creature's health if consumed, but enough to sustain and fuel [[Parahexilian|{{PAGENAME}}'s older sibling]] need for magic.
** This predator and prey relationship between Parahexilian and {{PAGENAME}} led to the development of a long-lasted rivalry. Swarms of {{PAGENAME}} will often unite to engage in huge wars with its rival.
* Using the beaming light produced when {{PAGENAME}} fall into Sonaria, other {{PAGENAME}} will go on a rescue mission to retrieve their new kin and welcome them to their kingdom, ensuring no stray Parahexilian snatches the newly formed {{PAGENAME}} and so they are properly introduced to their god.


The lore subsection may only be added to pages featured in the Offical CoS Lore Document.

The format of this section is the title of the section followed by the {{Lore}} template and then a bullet list of lore from the document.

Example (taken from Urzuk's page):

=== Lore ===
* A collective design of the Wardens, {{PAGENAME}} is a creature of many skills. Each {{PAGENAME}} individual is capable of a different quality.
* Rebus (Ree-buss) is the {{PAGENAME}} mentioned in the Sonarian lore, who is responsible for documenting the placement of the Qhualhul Key Fragments around the map.
** Rebus is the last known {{PAGENAME}} on the Sonarian continent, and the rest of his species whereabouts are unknown, presumably elsewhere on the Orb.
** This individual is capable of powerful magic that allows him to know the location of Warden keys.
** Rebus was taught by the species [[Owa'Stryrus]] to read and write, meaning that their Journal was legible.
*** This journal contained diagrams of the journeys that he had been on, leading future readers to the possible whereabouts of the fabled key fragments of the Boreal Warden. Rebus was recaptured at the end of the “Mystery of the Keys” Event, by Boreal Warden.


The writing style must be impersonal and use {{PAGENAME}} for any instances of the creature's name. Gender dimorphism descriptions must be included if applicable, following this format:

== Appearance ==
The {{PAGENAME}} appearance description goes here, mentioning all features that are seen in both genders. Features only belonging to males or females are excluded.
=== Males ===
Males have (here it describes the features males have that females lack. If males have no additional features, instead say "Males have no additional features").
=== Females ===
Females have (here it describes the features females have that males lack. If females have no additional features, instead say "Females have no additional features").

If a creature does not have any gender dimorphism, the format is instead as follows:

== Appearance ==
The {{PAGENAME}} appearance description goes here, mentioning all features.

''{{PAGENAME}} has no gender dimorphism.''

While this section may reference real-life animals, using an in-game creature to describe another creature is not allowed unless mentioned by the concept creator(s) themself either explicitly or via lore (most of the times being direct evolutionary relation).

Examples of allowed comparisons:

  • "The Borenhir is an owl-like creature similar to the Athulyth". This one is allowed because it has been officially stated that Borenhir is closely related with Athulyth, being a sort of evolution of it. Additionally, the use of real-life creatures to describe them is allowed.
  • "The Equenix is an armored quadrupedal creature that looks very similar to its relative, the Boskurro." This one is allowed because lore-wise, Equenix and Boskurro are subspecies of the same creature.

Examples of not allowed comparisons:

  • "Chisudo's jaw and neck resemble Sarchias". This one has been denied by the concept creator and should not be used. This applies even if the concept creator for such creatures is the same.


This section has been automated for the most part so it parses the different abilities from the Master Override datasheet and displays them appropriately (including categories for those abilities without their own Master datasheet column), the only exception being multi-attacks such as Lmakosauruodon's stomp and tail whip attacks.

When a new ability has been added, it may display a false negative indicating that "The Creature Page Edit Guide has no abilities"; this is because the ability has not yet been added properly to the AbilityDescListRecode template. The name needs to be spelled exactly as it was mentioned, with spaces and minuscule, alphabetically placed so we can trace things better (so if there was a list with "ADRENALINE" and "POISON", and the new ability was called "MONSTER DRINK", place "MONSTER DRINK" between "ADRENALINE" and "POISON", not at the end of the list). This template can be edited by clicking on the (editor list) link that appears alongside it.

Example format:

== Abilities ==

Example execution (for this page):

== Abilities ==

Main Article: Creature Abilities

This section is intended to list and describe the abilities of the Creature Page Edit Guide. (editor list)

  • ❗ It is not yet known what abilities the Creature Page Edit Guide has.

Example of the AbilityDescListRecode ability format:

|name of the ability in lower case and with spaces|alternative name 1|alternative name 2 | alternative name n = [[Creature Abilities#Reference to Creature Abilities page subsection|Name of the ability with spaces and proper punctuation so Capital Letters can be used now]] detailed description of the ability, with precise numbers if possible (it may also include things like {{Controls|possible control}} if it's an active ability, references to [[Creature Abilities#other ability name|other abilities]]).

Please note: the Abilities section is not used to say that an ability is bugged. For that, edit the AbilityDescListRecode itself to mention it is bugged.

Do not forget that any ability seen on this section must be mirrored onto the Creature Abilities page.

Carry-able Creatures Section

This section is fully automated; the only necessary thing is to ensure that the format on the page in Source Mode is as follows:

== Carry-able Creatures ==

Trivia Section

This section uses the following format (ignoring the comments between <!-- -->, which are used to clarify use and should not be pasted onto the creature page itself):

== Trivia ==
* Concept by NameOfConceptCreator.
** The {{PAGENAME}} was inspired by (concept).
** The name draws inspiration from (name inspiration).
** (Several lore-related concepts).
<!--The three below can be fused into one if they are the same person-->
* Modeled by (modeler name).
* Rigged by (rigger name).
* Animated by (animator name).
* Blood/bone color (only if the creature has a blood/bone color other than red/white).
** Blood color facts/extra blood color trivia.
<!--All of the ones above can be replicated per redesign, especially if they differ from the original-->
* (Interesting trivia points which will not change, such as nicknames, history of where the creature was in the gachas, if the creature was the first to gain an ability; those won't change. Things like saying "this is the fastest creature" are prone to change. Leave that for people to discern after seeing the Creature Stats List page).
* Bugs specifically related with this creature (model bugs, such as walking over lava).

Gallery Section

This section uses the following format, using a placeholder image if the field doesn't have images:

  • Main: this tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for a creature.
  • Development: this tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for a creature, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.
  • References: this tab is intended to present anything to further observe a creature's design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference (juvenile, teen, adult, elder).
  • Mutations: this tab is intended to present how different Mutations appear on a creature.
  • Other: this tab is used for miscellaneous things that don't fit into the other tabs, including game icons or thumbnails if the icon/thumbnail includes the creature the page refers to, old color palettes, etc.

Example (taken from the Ibetchi's page):

== Gallery ==
<tabber style="border:none;">
Main =
This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the {{PAGENAME}}.

Ibetchi.png|{{PAGENAME}} concept art
IbetchiPalette.png|{{PAGENAME}}'s primary color palette
Development =
This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the {{PAGENAME}}, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.

<gallery widths="185">
Ibetchi-model.png|{{PAGENAME}} model
IbetchiBones.png|{{PAGENAME}}'s rigged parts and joints highlighted
IbetchiDev1|Clip provided by Naut, CoS Discord, 5/1/2022
IbetchiDev2|Clip provided by Naut, CoS Discord, 5/6/2022
IbetchiDev3|Clip provided by Naut, CoS Discord, 5/6/2022
IbetchiDev4|Clip provided by Naut, CoS Discord, 5/6/2022
References =
This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the {{PAGENAME}}'s design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.

Ibetchi menu.png|{{PAGENAME}} in the menu
Babyib.png|Juvenile {{PAGENAME}}
Teenib.png|Teen {{PAGENAME}}
ibetchicarcass.png|{{PAGENAME}}'s carcass is pink in color
Mutations =
This tab is intended to present how different [[Mutations]] appear on the {{PAGENAME}}.

IbetchiTrialAlbinism.jpeg|Albino {{PAGENAME}}
IbetchiTrialBewitched.jpeg|Bewitched {{PAGENAME}}
IbetchiTrialFrostburn.jpeg|Frostburn {{PAGENAME}}
IbetchiTrialGlimmer.png|Glimmer {{PAGENAME}}
Glimmer Ibetchi.webp|Custom Glimmer {{PAGENAME}}
Other =
This tab is intended to present images related to the {{PAGENAME}} that don't fit into the other tabs.

ibetchi and equinix.webp|{{PAGENAME}} and [[Equenix]] card
ibetchi icon.jpeg|The game icon used during the release of the {{PAGENAME}}, by LiaTorii

Creatures Template

This "section" is just the {{Creatures}} template placed after the gallery, but before the non-automated categories and cross-language links. Every time a creature is released, its name needs to be manually added to the creatures template within the proper mobility type row area and any of the other available rows if they apply, all alphabetically ordered.

Non-automated Categories Section

This section is where non-automated categories go, and usually refers to categories which are not explicit stat categories in-game, or cannot be easily automated. These such categories are: Ex-Developer, Remodels, Planned Remodels, Reuses Calls, Starter creature, Ex-Starter, Glimmer, and Needing Glimmer. If a creature is confirmed to not have an in-game Glimmer, it should have the "Needing Glimmer" category.

Please do not include fully-automated categories on a page, such as "Unreleased Content", "Released Content", tiers, mobility types, diets, automated status effect/ability categories, and the variant image maintenance categories. The only exception to this rule is the developer category, but only for official unreleased content, and it must be removed if the creature is removed/scrapped, stops being a developer creature, or already has the developer tag automated from the Master Datasheet once released.

Full Creature Page Skeleton

This is the full creature page skeleton, which can be copy and pasted when creating a new creature page. Please remember to make any required changes after pasting the skeleton, such as inserting the concept image and concept credit, rather than just pasting it and then creating the page.

{{Recode Infobox Creature
| name = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = Placeholder.png
| sounds = <!--
| broadcast = [[File:CreatureNameCall1.mp3|text-top]]
| friendly = [[File:CreatureNameCall2.mp3|text-top]]
| aggro = [[File:CreatureNameCall3.mp3|text-top]]
| voice = [[File:CreatureNameCall4.mp3|text-top]]

| pronounced = 
| obtainable = 
| developer = 
| source = 

<br />

== Description ==

<br />

== Appearance ==
''This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.''

=== Males ===
''This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.''

=== Females ===
''This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.''

<br />

== Abilities ==

<br />

== Carry-able Creatures ==

<br />

== Trivia ==
* Concept by ... in the Creatures of Sonaria Discord.
<!--** Inspired by (WIP).-->

<br />

== Gallery ==
<tabber style="border:none;">
Main =
This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the {{PAGENAME}}.

Development =
This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the {{PAGENAME}}, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.

<gallery widths="185">
References =
This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the {{PAGENAME}}'s design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.

Mutations =
This tab is intended to present how different [[Mutations]] appear on the {{PAGENAME}}.


Other =
This tab is intended to present images related to the {{PAGENAME}} that don't fit into the other tabs.


<br />

