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Creatures of Sonaria Wiki

PC Controls vs Mobile Controls:

PC Controls can usually be recalled and used faster (with the exception of a number of control overlaps) and are better for fast, timed sequences/interactions, but have difficulty in some precise scenarios such as the Tornado Escape minigame. In Contrast, Mobile is considerably better at precise interactions but has the caveat of being relatively difficult (and in case of a few special actions, slow) to use. One important problem with mobile controls is that most actions are taken into consideration with a tap, while several controls require the user to hold or keep a button pressed to work efficiently or at all (like emoting).

⚠️ Note: PC Function Keys

On this guide, you may see mentions of function keys (such as F5). Depending on your system, you may need to hold a key labeled Fn while pressing the corresponding function key (usually this only applies to laptops, desktops never really have this). On most laptops, the Fn key is located on the lower left or right side of the keyboard. For many laptops, it usually has a different color for the button itself or text on the button.

To name an example, on a Macbook Air, pressing F5 alone will turn your keyboard brightness down. You need to hold the Fn key in the lower right corner of your keyboard while pressing F5 for the game control to work (or to just use it normally, change the configuration via BIOS / UEFI).

Common Recode and Legacy controls

Here, controls which perform the same functions in Legacy and Recode will be listed - sometimes for global Roblox controls, information will be kept here; while common non-global functionalities will additionally remain on their Legacy and Recode subsections.

PC Controls

Console controls

  • Shift + F1: Press to Enable/Disable extended debug stats info.
  • Shift + F2: Press to Enable/Disable extended graphic/performance/timing debug stats info.
  • Shift + F3: Press to Enable/Disable extended packet sniffing info.
  • Shift + F4: Press to Enable/Disable extended FPS/World/Kernel info.
  • Shift + F5: Press to Enable/Disable basic debug stats info.
  • F9 (by pressing) or typing /console in chat - Open or close console.

Graphics controls

  • F10: Press to Increase graphic quality.
  • Shift + F10: Press to Reduce graphic quality.
  • F11: Press to Enable/Disable fullscreen.

Recording controls

  • F12: Press to Start/Stop recording.

Misc. Controls

  • LMB Press in-game buttons and navigate menus. This is also used to melee attack and aim some abilities.

POV Controls

  • RMB Hold and drag to rotate the camera in any direction.
  • Hold to rotate the camera right and left respectively (opposite of the arrows' direction).
Zoom Controls

Zoom is usually restricted to some upper and lower limit, you cannot zoom in or out past them, excluding bugs.

  • Mouse Wheel Scroll to Zoom in / out.
  • I Hold to zoom in. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom in.
  • O Hold to zoom out. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom out.

Movement Controls

IMPORTANT NOTE: Controls are limited by your Mobility Type and Diet. For example, if you are not a flier or all-terrain, you cannot fly.
REMEMBER: You cannot fly, sprint, ambush, dart nor jump under the effect of status or conditions that may block them, either.

Basic Movement Keys
  • - Forward and backward allows for creature Movement, while left and right allow camera movement as long as the creature is not strafing.
  • WASD - Creature movement.

Pressing any key that makes your creature move will also stop you from sitting or laying down, unless forced to by abilities such as Area Sleep.

Fly/Glide controls
  • F Toggle glide. For more details, read the legacy and recode sections.
  • Q Hold to tilt counterclockwise/left while gliding.
  • E Hold to tilt counterclockwise/right while gliding.
Speed Movement Keys
  • Shift Hold to sprint. Sprinting will burn stamina and prevents stamina from regenerating until the key is released. A creature cannot sprint if it does not have any stamina.

Basic Actions

  • H Sniff. Legacy and Recode have their particularities, so do not forget to check their respective sections.
  • N Hide scent. This can be done anywhere, but does not apply additional buffs that would have been granted by rolling in mud.
  • R Toggle sit. This will put a creature in a stationary state where it will regenerate stamina and heal ailments 2x quicker.
  • C Hold to use an Elemental Breath ability. Breath can be aimed with the mouse cursor. This only becomes available after a creature has become an adult (age 66 onwards).

Control Navigation


Legacy Mode

Legacy mode has several differences with Recode mode. Control-wise, recode players may realize that Legacy lacks strafing, darting and regular jumps; with jumps restricted to creatures capable of flight or glide.

Common Buttons

These are specific controls which are common to both Legacy interfaces.

Screen buttons

Pack functions:

  • PACKS button - by clicking this screen button you'll access the different pack buttons.

Misc. Actions:

  • MENU button - by clicking on this button you'll move to main menu in 10 seconds.
    • You cannot menu if you are in the middle of a combat.
    • If you are actively moving your creature too much (that is, by pressing basic movement keys) it'll also cancel this action. However, it is still possible to move and keep the countdown, as a gliding or flying creature that is currently gliding.
  • ActionsIcon - this button grants you access to a hierarchical menu of clickable actions, and performs most of the actions someone can do on PC through bindings (albeit generally slower). For more information, see Template:Controls and Template:ControlsRecode
  • Titles button - allows player to access Title Selection menu.
  • Missions button - allows player to access Mission System Creature Selection menu.
  • Camera button: switch from normal view to open view (with open view GUI open).


  • button - turns music on/off.
    • Your preference is saved between sessions.

PC Controls

Call Keys

All of the actions done by call keys are activated by pressing down, not holding the key.

  • 1 - Broadcast call, mostly used for creating a sound to make yourself audible to other players.
  • 2 - Friendly call, mostly used to denote you are friendly. This can also be used to create a pack when a prompt is visible above another player.
  • 3 - Aggressive call, mostly used to denote you will be aggressive towards a player.
  • 4 - Voice call, which is automatically played when a chat message is sent.

POV Controls

  • RMB Hold and drag to rotate the camera in any direction.
  • F5 (For PC)- press down to switch between first person camera and third-person, and vice-versa. This is currently a prototype feature and will have a proper mobile button in the future.
    • Mobile and PC users users can say /fp in chat, however this is obsolete and scheduled for removal after the button is added on mobile screen.
      • Remember that the Roblox shortcut to access chat is /.
    • NOTE: This prototype feature can also be used in the skin editor to zoom in or out far beyond standard bounds (enter, then leave fp mode), allowing you to paint some difficult spots easier (but only as long as you have not entered the main map yet on this session, else it just leaves your camera stuck on the place you menued).
  • ~ - Hold to keep free the cursor while using the first person camera.
  • Ctrl~ - Hold to toggle free cursor while using the first person camera.
  • F6 - Press to toggle head tilt while in first person camera mode and vice-versa.
  • Typing /refresh in chat: fixes an issue where the system has clipping parts inside of the camera when respawning.
  • Camera button: switch from normal view to open view (with open view GUI open).
    • NOTE 1: This prototype feature doesn't let you use the open world view if you are a non-aquatic inside water at first, but due to its recent release, it may be a bit buggy.
    • NOTE 2: This feature lets you apply filters to your screen, potentially useful for seeing in the dark; and also gets rid of color blindness effects. On the other hand, your creature is unable to move and mostly defenceless.

  • Down arrow button (while in open view mode with its GUI open): close open-view GUI while remaining in open world view.
  • Up arrow button (while in open view mode with its GUI closed): open open-view GUI while remaining in open world view.
  • Tragicomedy masks button (while in open view mode with its GUI open): open/close a simplified actions menu wheel (Aggro, Lay, Sit, Idle and Cower) while remaining in open world view.
  • Red cross button (while in open view mode with its GUI open): switch from open view to normal view.
  • WASDQE or UHJKYI (while in open view mode with its GUI open): camera movement (front, left, back, right, up, down). Note that the UHJKYI may cause the nest UI scroll to malfunction.

Zoom Controls

Zoom is usually restricted to some upper and lower limit, you cannot zoom in or out past them, excluding bugs.

  • Mouse Wheel Scroll to Zoom in / out.
  • I Hold to zoom in. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom in.
  • O Hold to zoom out. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom out.

Movement Controls

Route Control

  • Right click - generates a route which your creature will try to follow by walking on a set time, with the end of such route being placed where the click happened. Doesn't take into account inertia nor running speed.

Speed Movement Keys

  • Ctrl - Activates ambush. If you press it several times (not hold) before moving it lets you mantain a longer ambush directly proportional to how many times you pressed Ctrl before moving, or until your stamina runs out; but that will also increase stamina consumption. Stop moving to deactivate ambush.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Ambush is not available for most herbivores (with only a few exceptions), only most carnivores and photocarnivores and a few omnivores. A way to know if you have ambush (apart from the evident speed boost) is to check if when pressing Ctrl suddenly your camera FOV zooms out a tiny bit.
    • Ambush allows a temporary speed boost according to an ambush multiplier (e.g. x 1.5 or x 1.25). It usually is a faster Sprint (except when the multiplier is x1.0 or lower), but at a higher stamina cost, and is activated/deactivated by pressing, not holding a button.
    • NOTE: Ambush in some creatures also decreases turn speed or directly makes you unable to turn while ambushing.
    • You cannot activate ambush while swimming. However, ambushing into water won't stop any ambush activated beforehand.
  • Space - you can:
    • By pressing the key:
      • Start Flying/Stop Flying (For Flying and All-terrain creatures)
        • If you are on the ground, it'll also make you jump with no energy cost.
        • ATTENTION: Flying consumes stamina. If you run out of stamina you'll start gliding.
        • If you stop flying, it'll make you fall slowly to the ground.
      • Glide/Air Boost while gliding (for Gliding creatures)
        • Air boost costs stamina, and well as initiating Gliding on dry terrain (not in the sky or underwater).
        • Gliding on itself doesn't consume stamina, and actually makes stamina regeneration 50% higher, albeit it'll round up if the result ended on decimals. That is, if the original stamina regeneration was 3, then instead of getting 4.5 stamina regeneration it'll have 5.

Important to take into account that:

  • Combining Sprint with Ambush or Underwater Boost Speed will not provide a stackable speed boost, but the stamina consumption will stack.
  • None of these speed boosting or their related stamina consumption effects will happen while gliding or flying.

Fly/Glide Keys

  • F - Press this button to:
    • Switch to Glide from flying/Switch to Fly from gliding (For Flying and All-terrain creatures)
      • Flying creatures regain stamina 1.5 times faster than normal while gliding, but gliders do not recover any stamina while gliding.
    • Start gliding while on the ground (for Gliding creatures), equivalent to space button in that regard.
    • Stop gliding (for Gliding creatures). While on the ground, it is equivalent to space in terms of start gliding with an energy cost
      • This will make you start falling to the ground.
  • Q Hold to tilt counterclockwise/left while gliding.
  • E Hold to tilt counterclockwise/right while gliding.

Basic Action controls

  • E You can:
    • By pressing the key:
      • Eat compatible food / Drink.
        • If your creature can eat on the run (that is, while grabbing a piece of compatible food, being able to eat said piece of food), pressing (and not holding) lets you to do so.
          • ⚠️Please note that due to how eating works in-game, eating-on-the-run is more prone to consume more food than what your stomach indicator refills, and not recommended if your food piece is under 1 or 2 food (the food will be consumed and your stomach won't refill at all).
      • Open Nest / Open food storage.
        • If you try to use any other action with this button (for example, eat or drink), the food storage tab will immediately close.
    • By holding the key:
      • Eat compatible food / Drink, but usually faster than by clicking.
        • This way is also less laggy client-side.
        • Still, there may be times when due to position, terrain and/or weird hitboxes, spamming E will allow you to drink faster than holding the button (for example at specific borders in water where once you try to drink the head gets out of the drinking area and you become unable to gain more water until the creature stops doing the drinking animation).
  • G You can:
    • By pressing the key:
      • Carry/Drop Players
        • If you are a herbivore or photovore, you cannot grab carnivores and photocarnivores.
        • Carrying someone lighter than you underwater won't make their stamina drop nor drown while grabbed. The same can be told of carrying a lighter aquatic outside water, while grabbed and until they stop being grabbed by a heavier creature they won't get beached damage.
        • For more information about carrying and dropping, go here.
      • Escape from being carried or grabbed.
    • By holding the key: (WIP)
  • T - Press to Carry + Drop Food.
    • You cannot carry food that isn't compatible with your diet.
  • Q - Press or Hold to use Active Special Ability.
    • Not all creatures have a special Q ability.
    • Pressing or holding will depend on what type of ability you are using, most of them work by pressing.
  • R - Press to Sit + Replenish stamina faster + Heal status. Press again to stay upright.
  • Y - Press to Lay Down + Replenish stamina even faster + Heal status. Press again to stay upright.
    • NOTE: Sit, lay and submissive display are also the way to heal several negative ailments such as poison and radioactive sickness, necro-poison, bleed, ligament tearing, bone breaking, burn and erosion. They'll also reduce or outright stop Radioactive Lamp's effect of stacking radiation sickness, as well as the stacking-over-time effect of necropoison.
      • Of these methods, sitting is the least effective. Submissive display works due to an artifact in its code (namely, it sets the Laying state to true, so the game believes you are laying down). You cannot be sitting, laying down and doing submissive display at the same time.
      • Laying down also increases health regeneration fraction by 50%.
  • B or F8 - Create a Nest (Female Creatures) / Create a Food Storage (Male Creatures).

Scent Controls

  • H - Press this button to Sniff. Sniff points the nearest meat and herbs in range, as well as every creature that has not hidden their scent in your sniff range, and distinctive objects if using the proper plushie.
    • For all creatures and the closest water and food sources it'll display a big title saying "Creature", "Fresh Water" or "Fresh Herbs"/"Fresh Meat"/"Rotten Meat", respectively.
      • Food sources display additional attributes when sniffing. To read more about them, click here.
      • Players display the Diet, Species and Player attributes too.
    • Sniff has a cooldown so you cannot sniff for a while after using it. For some buggy reason, if you are underwater you cannot sniff meat at the moment.
  • N - Hold to Hide Your Scent. When over mud, hold N, then once the mud roll bar is full, release to gain the positive Mud ailment.

Emote controls

  • Z - Hold to use Aggressive Display.
  • X - Hold to use Cower/Submissive Display + Replenish stamina even faster + Heal status.
    • NOTE: If you press any movement key while keeping this one pressed, it'll let you move the head while keeping submissive pose, but you'll lose any healing and stamina regeneration buffs until you press X again.

Map Controls

  • Move cursor above radar minimap: show 2D coordinates in format [x, z].
    • Roblox developer studio uses Z as one of the width-depth axis, instead of a height axis.
  • Click above radar minimap: open Full Map View
  • Click above Full Map View minimap: close Full Map View
  • M - Press to open/close Full Map View
    • NOTE 1: Both Full Map View and radar minimap display all players which are not hiding scent or choosing to hide their location on the map when opened as dots.
      • Blue dot: packmate friend. Hovering above this dot will also display their name.
      • Green dot: other friends. Hovering above the dot also displays their name.
      • Yellow dots: packmates. Hovering above this dot will also display their name.
      • Red dot: game developer. Hovering above this dot will also display their name.
      • White dot: Everyone else which is not your friend, developer, or outside the pack.
    • NOTE 2: Opening the minimap grants you the ability to choose to whom you reveal your position as a dot in the Full Map View and Radar (Only Packmates, Friends and Packmates, or Everyone). via three different buttons.

Attack controls

  • Left Mouse - Attack by biting or punching/Click on rocks (tornado minigame) or burger. Also used to click on other minigames that require so or to click on several options in a menu, and to open the map by clicking on the radar minimap, and click over the map to close it.
    • Attacking through biting, punching or other animation will depend on the creature. Most attacks face forward, coming from the head.
    • In-between attacks there's a cooldown time which may depend on the species, special abilities (such as being under the effects of Warden's Rage or Sticky Fur) or other gameplay effects.
    • Some creatures (at the moment, just one) perform different attacks if they are moving or still, for example, Lmakosauruodon. Additional attacks may require additional requirements (such as lmakosaurudon's stomp requiring some stamina to perform) and may not aim forward (such as Lmakosauruodon's tail whip facing backwards).
  • C or combo Fn+F7- Hold to use the breath ability or other breath- based abilities.
    • Not all creatures have a breath ability, albeit every creature can be equipped with special plushies to get one.

Stat Controls

  • K - Press to open/close Creature Stats. Also displays some basic controls and if you reached max age the option to become elder.
    • NOTE: The basic controls present there are aimed for computer users, and the Z, X and C buttons are swapped.
  • Shift + F1: Press to Enable/Disable extended debug stats info.
  • Shift + F2: Press to Enable/Disable extended graphic/performance/timing debug stats info.
  • Shift + F3: Press to Enable/Disable extended packet sniffing info.
  • Shift + F4: Press to Enable/Disable extended FPS/World/Kernel info.
  • Shift + F5: Press to Enable/Disable basic debug stats info.
  • F9 (by pressing) or typing /console in chat - Open or close console.

Server Hop Controls

  • /ptr - Type this in specific private server chats to teleport to public test realm.

Graphics controls

  • /toggledistantcharacters: type this is chat to experimentally try to reduce the character loading LAG.

Mobile Controls

To know more about the translation between mobile and PC controls, see Template:Controls

  1. Glide (For Flying Creatures).
  2. Sprint.
  3. Attack.
  4. Activate Breath (For Creatures With Breath Ability).
  5. Ambush Action.
  6. Extra Actions Menu (Ex: Emotes - Sit, Lay, Eat, Drink, Use ability etc).
    1. NOTE: This common button is what will let you perform most actions.
  7. Take Flight.

Recode Mode

While Recode controls share several similarities with the original game's controls, the recode's are different in multiple notable areas, many of which are consequence of the game's new functionalities. Most notably, multiple actions which were given dedicated keys in the original game (namely grab and ambush) have since been turned into active abilities and are now assigned to the associated keys on creatures which have them. Furthermore, the recode was just recently released and some controls may be subject to change.

Common Buttons

These are specific controls which are common to both Recode interfaces.

Screen buttons

Map Controls

  • PurpleMagnifyingGlass - Toggle map. This shows the player the full version of the minimap and allows them to adjust map settings. On PC it's also M
    • NOTE 1: Both Full Map View and radar minimap display all players which are not hiding scent or choosing to hide their location on the map when opened as canine head emblems.
      • Blue emblem: friend.
      • Yellow emblems: packmates.
      • Red emblem: game developer.
      • Grey emblem: Everyone else which is not your friend, developer, or outside the pack.
    • NOTE 2: Opening the minimap grants you the ability to choose to whom you reveal your position as an emblem in the Full Map View and Radar (Only Packmates, Friends and Packmates, or Everyone). via three different buttons. These options are saved between sessions.
    • NOTE 3: From the 12th October 2024 update onwards, the map also features a coordinate system and hovering over each item displays what they are, including what create is which on the minimap.
    • NOTE 4: Additionally a bit later than that, the map also features "+" and "-" buttons for increasing/decreasing its zoom, supports the option to drag the map by holding the mouse left button and then moving the mouse, and a reset position and zoom button (the curved arrow button).
    • NOTE 5: While the map highlights some food sources in the local area, it does not necesarily hightlight all of them, a few may require to be found in other ways.

Mission functions:

Pack functions:

Menu Actions:

  • DOORbutton - by clicking on this button you'll move to main menu in 10 seconds. This is the inheritor of Legacy's MENU button.
    • You cannot menu if you are in the middle of a combat. You need to wait at least 20 seconds after combat has ceased to attempt to click the MENU button again
    • If you are actively moving your creature too much (that is, by pressing basic movement keys) it'll also cancel this action.
  • MenuButton (Tab or MENU MenuButton button) - by clicking on this button a new window HUD will appear in-game which allows the player to see all their currencies (Time, Shooms and Tikits), as well as view pretty much all non-slot options from Main Menu; without losing control of the creature nor leaving the map. Clicking outside the buttons automatically closes this in-game menu:
    • Titlesicon titles button.
    • MissionsIcon missions button.
    • CreatureStatsIconRecodeMobile creature stats button.
    • PackIcon Packs button.
    • EggRecode nests button.
    • RobuxShop premium shop button.
    • ShopIcon regular shop button.
    • Inventory inventory button.
    • Open Help Index (HelpIndex)
    • Setting settings button - with identical functionality to Main Menu's Settings.
    • Camera camera: switch from normal view to open view (with open view GUI open).
      • NOTE: This feature lets you apply filters to your screen, potentially useful for seeing in the dark; and also gets rid of color blindness effects. On the other hand, your creature is unable to move and mostly defenceless.
      • Down arrow button (while in open view mode with its GUI open): close open-view GUI while remaining in open world view.
      • Up arrow button (while in open view mode with its GUI closed): open open-view GUI while remaining in open world view.
      • Secondary Camera button: lock/unlcok camera movement
      • Red cross button (while in open view mode with its GUI open): switch from open view to normal view.
      • WASDQE or UHJKYI (while in open view mode with its GUI open): camera movement (front, left, back, right, up, down).
    • Also DOORbutton is accesssible from here.

Misc. functions

  • ActionWheelRecode - this recode actions button grants you access to a hierarchical menu of clickable actions, and performs a great deal of actions someone can do on PC through bindings (albeit generally slower).
    • Calls (VocalCallIconRecode) ->
      • Broadcast.
      • Friendly.
      • Aggro.
      • Talk.
    • Place Nest (female) (EggRecode) or Territory (male) (TerritoryRecode).
    • Wallow in mud (MudIconRecode).
    • Emote Cower (CoverEmoteRecode).
    • Emote Aggro (AggroEmoteRecode).
    • Lay (RestIconRecode).
    • Sit (SitIconRecode).

Chat actions

  • /me <message> - makes <message> go in cursive, preceded by Roblox username (NOT DISPLAY) in cursive, without Titles.
  • /dump - Dumps debug info in the console.
  • /hitbox - Shows your creature's attack hitbox for bite/tail attacks (Only works properly in private servers).

Mobile Controls

This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.

PC Controls

The controls listed below are for keyboard only and do not include universal controls across Roblox games.

Camera Controls

  • Mouse Wheel Scroll to Zoom in / out. Zooming in all the way will allow the player to enter a first person state.
  • I Hold to zoom in. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom in. Like the scroll wheel, zooming in all the way will put the player in first person.
  • O Hold to zoom out. The longer you hold it, the more you zoom out.
  • Hold to rotate the camera right and left respectively (opposite of the arrows' direction).

Movement and Speed Controls

  • WASD - Creature movement, so the creature is facing towards the direction of the keys, except with strafing.
  • - Forward and backward allows for forward and backward creature movement only, left and right are camera movement unless you are strafing, in which case it allows the creature to strafe left and right.
  • Ctrl Toggle strafe. When a creature is strafing, the player can use the movement keys to move left, right, and backwards without having to turn. The creature will automatically turn towards wherever the camera is facing. A creature can stop stafing if they sprint.
    • While swimming underwater, strafing is severely limited, making it so a creature can turn towards wherever the camera is facing ONLY while the creature is actively moving, and at a slow pace.
  • Shift Hold to sprint. Sprinting will burn stamina and prevents stamina from regenerating until the key is released. A creature cannot sprint if it does not have any stamina.
    • Some creatures can also sprint while flying.
  • Space If a creature has the Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight ability, it allows them to Jump, dart, fly or glide, depending on the creature. All of these actions will burn stamina, but the amount will vary based on the type of action. If a creature has the Climber ability, it allows them to detach from a wall/ceiling.
    • When bound to fly, the space bar functions to toggle flight on or off. While a creature is flying, it will burn stamina and drop when it runs out. A creature does not need to be grounded to fly, and the key can be used during active fall. Pressing the key again will cause a flying or gliding creature to drop, and hitting an object will immediately take a creature out of this state, too. Takeoff may drain stamina.
      • Some creatures have a normal flight speed multiplier and fly sprint multiplier that may make flight faster or slower than what it should be.
    • When bound to glide, the creature will jump into the air and enter glide. This costs a fixed amount of stamina, and the key can be pressed multiple times to gain more height while in the air. The creature cannot take off or gain height if it lacks sufficient stamina.
    • When bound to jump, the creature will jump with each press. Jumping will burn a fixed amount of stamina each time, and a creature with insufficient stamina cannot jump.
    • When bound to dart, a swimming creature will jump with each press. Darting will burn a fixed amount of stamina each time, and a creature with insufficient stamina cannot dart. Additionally, by darting at the surface of the water while facing skywards, a creature can bound out of the water a great distance.
  • F Toggle glide. This can only be preformed by fliers while in active flight, or by gliders in order to stop flying and restart gliding mid-air (for gliders this gives no stamina cost). Gliding does not drain stamina, but has less control than flying: a gliding creature is always moving, and it becomes incapable of preforming sharp turns. Pressing the key again will put the player back into fly.
    • Some fliers will regain more or less stamina, or not at all - this seems to be related with particular stats set and tier-related things, like tier Large or bigger not recovering stamina while gliding.
  • Q Hold to tilt counterclockwise/left while gliding or swimming.
    • You cannot tilt while carrying food.
  • E Hold to tilt counterclockwise/right while gliding or swimming.
    • You cannot tilt while carrying food.

Basic Actions

  • E Interact. This key can only be used when prompted. This includes eating, drinking, rolling in mud, picking up tokens, and opening the nest menu.
    • Eating and drinking in particular require the player to hold the key.
  • B Places a nest for female creatures, and a territory for male ones. Using the key again will replace the nest or territory in the new location.
    • Nests have a cooldown of 105 seconds.

Several actions can be preformed on a carcass

  • G Grab fruit or tear chunk off of carcass. Pressing the key again will drop the item if held.
  • Y Pick up carcass. Pressing the key again will drop the item.
  • R Toggle sit. This will put a creature in a stationary state where it will regenerate stamina and heal ailments 2x quicker, but also take 12% more damage from attacks.
  • T Toggle lay. This will put a creature in a stationary state where it will regenerate stamina and heal ailments 4x quicker, but also take 25% more damage from attacks.
    • Using any of the four movement keys while in either resting state will also make the creature stand back up.

Scent Controls

  • H Sniff. This will allow players to to see nearby resources, creatures, and territories, as well as highlight footprints. Sniff has a 15 second cooldown.
    • Food is highlighted by a stomach-shaped emblem. The items which this emblem highlights will differ depending on the player creature's diet. The closest one is also pointed by a tan set of strings. Those outside the field of view also have an arrow roughly indicating the direction of that food source.
    • Drinkable water is highlighted by a water drop emblem. The closest one is also pointed by a blue set of strings.
    • Mud is highlighted with a mud splotch emblem.
    • Creatures are highlighted with a horned canine head emblem. The color of the emblem is based on the tier of the creature being scented relative to the player's own: green is lower, orange is the same, and red is higher.
      • If you approach a creature enough while sniffing, the species name will appear, and if you approach even more, the username will be displayed as well.
    • Territories are highlighted by a bubble. Other creatures' territories will appear as a red bubble. The player's own territory is highlighted in green. Female creatures with nests will have their nest's radius highlighted in green as well.
    • The trail left by a creature (as footprints) is also hightlighted on a bright neon colour. The biger the footprint mark, the bigger the creature is.
    • Terrestrial blood trails are also highlighted in neon.
    • If a creature has Egg Stealer, eggs are also highlighted with an egg icon. Eggs not your own are highlighted with a browner shade.
    • A desaturation filter and extra filter removal effect are applied for a few seconds, that helps with highlighting anything detected by scent and temporarily removed foggy-like filters.
    • From 7th February 2025 patch onwards, sniffing will temporarily activate food and mud source map detection - nearby sources on scent range (including meat chunks, dropped fruits and eggs) will be temporarily displayed on both map and radar minimap.
  • N Hide scent. This can be done anywhere, but does not apply additional healing buffs that would have been granted by rolling in mud.
    • Trying to use this button will only give the hidden scent status for 60 seconds, a shorter time than with mud. It also cannot stack with itself, meaning a creature will need to wait for the hidden scent to dissappear before reapplying it this way.
    • No creature can hide scent this way underwater, regardless of mobility type.

Combat and Ability Controls

  • LMB Attack. This is also used to press in-game buttons (including pop-ups) and navigate menus.
    • Unlike Legacy, you can still bite, attack and perform a few actions while performing action animations such as eating or wallowing in mud (f.ex eating and hiding scent, drinking and biting).
    • If a creature has the Tail Whip ability, the attack used will differ depending on where the camera is rotated: a forward-facing camera will activate a normal attack, and a backwards-facing one will use the tail whip.
  • C Hold to use an Elemental Breath ability. Breath can be aimed with the mouse cursor. This only becomes available after a creature has become an adult (age 66 onwards).
  • 123456 Use active ability. The abilities avaliable as well as the functionality of the keys will differ depending on which abilities a creature has. Some keys may go unused if a creature has fewer than six active abilities bound to the ability keys.

Call and Emote Controls

  • 7 Broadcast call.
  • 8 Friendly call.
  • 9 Aggressive call.
  • 0 Voice call. This call is also automatically used every time the player sends a message.
  • U Open your creature's mouth silently.
  • L Head lock (while using freecam).
  • Z Hold to use aggro (aggressive) animation.
    • If aggroing for long enough, this will also give the creature 10 stacks of Aggressive status: a temporary 25% damage buff and 50% stamina regeneration nerf. They only count down or can be healed from the moment the creature moves.
  • X Hold to cower.
    • Cowering no longer effects the speed at which a creature heals ailments, but if a creature cowers for long enough, it will give it 10 stacks of scared status: a 50% damage reduction, 25% sprint speed and 25% run speed buff. They only count down or can be healed from the moment the creature moves.

Menu Keys

  • Tab Toggle primary menu. This will allow the player to view their currency and access several main menu features while playing.
  • K Toggle stat menu. This will open a menu labeled "My Creature", which displays the player's current stats.

Misc. functions

  • V opens the recode actions button wheel, explained on the common recode misc. functions' buttons.

Map Controls

  • M Toggle map. This shows the player the full version of the minimap and allows them to adjust map settings.

PlayStation Controls

This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.

Xbox Controls

This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.

See Also
