The Cimidstik (Pronounced /sɪmmɪdstɪk/ (click to listen)) is a Tier 2 land herbivore. The species is not currently available, but was available in the Harvest Event 2023 upon completing the Seasonal Spice mission and in the Harvest Event 2024 after reaching 250 Points. The trial version is available in the Trial Creatures Shop for 40♂/400♀ Shooms.
“ | Cimidstik tend to stay near branches to camouflage themselves from threats. Their sweet and woody smell attracts Cimmabu, who provide warmth and protection to these fragile creatures. | „ |
~ In-game Description |
Cimidstik resembles a wingless stick insect using cinnamon-like camouflage and some arthropods with serrated parts. As such, it presents six long extremities stemming from their 4-segmented thoracic area, each with a serrated femur and ending with two tarsal claws; a pair of long slender geniculate antennae with a serrated inflexible flagellum, a pair of compound eyes on their heads, and several cinnamon-bark-like tubercles decorating its head as snout and ear-crest facsimiles, three pairs decorating the thorax's sides, and slight bark bump protrusions covering its neck and abdomen/tail dorsal area; that surely serve as camouflage aid.
Some anatomic liberties were taken to make the creature cuter, slightly less insectoid and maybe easier to smoothly model/animate, such as their jaws not having insect-like chew mandibles but vertebrate ones, and presenting a longer "neck", instead of having their heads immediately before the first pair of legs.
Males present a tuft of fur/cinnamon bark sprouting from their front ventral thorax area.
Females have no additional features.
Main Article: Creature Abilities
This section is intended to list and describe the abilities of the Cimidstik. (editor list)
- Burrower is an active ability that allows the creature to place up to 4 (or a specific creature limit) burrows anywhere on the map, and use other burrows from other creatures. Burrow entrances are two-way, so the exit can be accessed inside the burrow. If a creature places more entrances than the maximum allowed, the oldest burrow and exit will be replaced. A creature cannot place a burrow entrance inside its own burrow or inside someone else's burrow. There is a 3 second cooldown between entering and exiting burrows, not including entering after its initial placement.
- Climber is a passive ability that allows a creature to walk on walls along with ceilings and some uncollidable terrain if climbing on the right angle. To detach from a wall or ceiling, press Space on PC. On Mobile, press the dedicated Detach button, or, if the creature has Jump, press the jump button.
- Burn touch/Defensive burn is an ability that defensively deals burn when bitten. Stacks with itself.
- Defensive Poison/Melee Toxin is a passive ability that makes a creature toxic by melee - that is, being bitten by another creature will cause the attacker to receive Poison Status, as much as the bitten creature has labeled on their stats and affected by modifiers such as some plushies or resistances. Stacks with itself.
- Invisibility is an active ability which by pressing the proper ability button, the creature can turn from visibility to invisibility (however on your side you emit a small inner glow that helps you into spotting yourself; and you can be spotted by the footprint trail you leave, aberrations in water reflections, disruption effects on the grass, sounds, and Keen Observer, and sometimes scent) and vice-versa. On mobile, players can press “Use Ability". Unlike Legacy version, Invisibility is far stronger, allowing the user to walk and swim cloaked as long as they don't bite, use any active ability, sprint, ambush, or move during jump, dart, fly or glide, when they will become visible; and while active it hides the creature from being spotted by scent and cannot be activated if the creature is laying down (which doesn't mean the creature cannot just activate the ability beforehand and then remain invisible). On the other hand, recode invisibility slows the user slightly, and has a 30 seconds cooldown between activation triggers, meaning that while an invisible creature can switch to visibility immediately by pressing the button or meeting the criteria mentioned beforehand, such creature cannot activate invisibility too fast, needing to wait. This cooldown counts time between moments of activation, not between deactivation and the next activation, so if a creature had been cloaked for long enough and suddenly they lose the cloak, they can reapply it immediately.
- Jump is an active ability pertaining to the special control Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight and inheritor of the Early Legacy Release jump ability (an ability which never made it past Legacy's Early Release), by pressing space allows a creature to project a parabolic trajectory jump on land, thanks to recode's realistic gravity, and based on the creature's inertia at the time of the jump. However, creatures can turn during jumping, and sometimes running at the same time of the trajectory allows for a limited trajectory correction. If a semi-aquatic (or all-terrain/flier with semi-aquatic characteristics) creature with Jump starts swimming and tries to jump, they will Dart instead. Not all creatures have this ability, even if their mobility type is compatible.
- Jump has an associated speed boost, stamina consumption (and below that threshold a creature will be unable to jump), and age limit for every creature. Beyond that age limit, a creature will be unable to jump - that field is commonly used for creatures which will develop Glide or Flight on a later growth stage. In fact, if on our infoboxes only appears a jump age stat, that means that the creature has actually jump 0 (no jump) and on the stage that jump supersedes Glide or Flight, it is equivalent as to being unable to jump nor flight nor glide.
Carry-able Creatures
The Can-Carry lists features lists of creatures that Cimidstik is carried by, can carry (grab), can latch, and can be latched by in RECODE. To see the lists and their toggles to view each, click on the collapsible text to the right of the table below, to Expand or Collapse the list.
Can-Grab ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Cimidstik can grab and carry, taking into account if this creature has grab/latch and discounting any other special abilities. The Cimidstik (a(n) herbivore) is a tier 2 and can carry any creature from any lower tier size.* There is no creature which the Cimidstik can currently carry
Grabbed-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab and thus carry a non-elder fully-grown adult Cimidstik taking into account grab/latch abilities and discounting special abilities. The Cimidstik (a(n) herbivore) is a tier 2 and can be picked up by any creature with higher tier and the Grab ability, as follows:[Expand] Carry-able by:
Can-Latch ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Cimidstik can latch into, but not carry; taking into account latch/grab abilities and discounting any other special ability. The Cimidstik (a(n) herbivore) is a tier 2 and can latch onto any higher tier size.* There is no creature which the Cimidstik can currently grab but not carry
Latched-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab but not carry (latch onto) the non-elder fully-grown Cimidstik discounting special abilities. The Cimidstik (a(n) herbivore) has 1200 weight and can be grabbed by any creature with sufficiently lower weight, as follows:[Expand] Grab-able by:
- Concept by Wooflie in the Creatures of Sonaria Discord.
- Inspired by stick insects and cinnamon.
- Cimidstik is the second creature released in the recode to have animation based off popular memes, however, its not even the 4th creature released with meme animations (with Luxsces, Jeff, Sha'Rei and Morcanix being some examples).
This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Cimidstik.
This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the Cimidstik, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.
This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the Cimidstik's design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.
This tab is intended to present images related to the Cimidstik that don't fit into the other tabs.