Creatures of Sonaria has many unique abilities that a creature can hold. Due to how vastly different Legacy and Recode versions work, and how several of the same-named abilities behave in different ways and how even then some creatures do not share the same abilities between Recode and Legacy, this page has been divided into information regarding solely Legacy abilities.
Please notice that Legacy section numbers are from now on kept manually, as they are far less subject to change than recode and eventually updates to Legacy game will be phased out completely.
Note: For Editors, only list existing abilities within their respective groupings. All edits must be done via source editor. This page includes all abilities present in Legacy Creatures of Sonaria Gameplay and are mentioned in Template:AbilityDescList.
Creatures of Sonaria has many unique abilities that vary from the eerie Night Stalker to the intoxicating Radiation.
- To heal most status effects faster, such as Bleed, Necro Poison, or Poison/Toxin, players can sit, lay down, or use cower display. To speed up healing, creatures can wallow in mud or seek assistance from creatures with an ability that can heal.
- In Legacy, some Recode abilities were never considered as Creature Abilities and more like Controls, either because all creatures could do it (f.ex. Legacy Grab/Latch) or for any other legacy reasons (Ambush was not originally considered an ability since it always had (and was meant to permanently have) its own individual button tied to an ambush multiplier stat and if at that time such things were considered an ability then Nests and Storages, as well as some mobility type quirks would have been considered one; nor Winter Tag originally).
- For a more code-side, in-depth (albeit quite outdated) explanation of some status effects, check Status Effects.
- For a global list of Legacy stats, including what and how much of each ability a creature has, you can go to Creature Stats List/Legacy.
Adrenaline raises base speed by 25% for run and walk, decreases stamina regen by 50%, and lasts 40 seconds. Pressing the button twice may stop the ability's effects.
Creatures with this ability: 2
Area Escape
This ability previously allowed players to paralyze their opponents for 3.5 seconds (this ability currently does not paralyze targets and whether this is intended is not yet known), take out 7.5% of the target's health and slows down targets for 10 seconds while in an area with a cooldown of 75 seconds. When activated, it forces the creature that grabbed the user which activated the ability to drop it. It doesn't trigger Warden's Rage on the victim and bypasses friendly fire prevention.
Creatures with this ability: 3
Area Poison
This ability gives nearby creatures +10 poison when activated, affected by poison resistance, with a 120 second cooldown. It works after the creature the user is fighting already has, at minimum, one or more poison ailment. If area poison hits an unpoisoned creature, the ability will not function correctly and the poison will not be applied.
Creatures with this ability: 4
Area Shock
The Area Shock ability lasts for less than a second when used with a ~120 second cooldown. It causes movement to become erratic, similar to the effects of the lightning Elemental Breath and slows down flight speed by 60% for 30 seconds.
Creatures with this ability: 6
Area Sleep

Area Sleep Effects
Causes all creatures nearby to sleep for 5 seconds (only if they are on the ground), and causes a player's creature to flight speed to reduced by 60% for 30 seconds (this effect will happen to any creature in range, flying included). There is a 60 second cooldown.
Creatures with this ability: 10
Area Wind Blast
Area Wind Blast is an ability that has a cooldown of 110 sec (1 min 50 sec). Slows down the walk/run speed of nearby creatures by 50% and increases users speed by 50% when flying.
Creatures with this ability: 3

A dropped tail of a Doragonix
Intentionally self-amputate a body part (by pressing Q) (usually the tail) to escape. After committing this action, you gain an increase in speed by 23% but a decrease in health and weight by 30% until you regrow your body part. It will take 70% of your hunger to instantly regrow it back (or menu to instantly regrow), so it's best to have a lot of food around when you detach it. After the tail is dropped, it becomes equivalent to a carcass and gives you meat. Currently, the dropped tail reverts back to the creature's default skin instead of having whatever skin you made.
Creatures with this ability: 1
Berserk is a damage boost ability. When hitting a player who has Wisp's Curse whilst Berserk is active, the Berserk user's damage will increase by 5% per hit, capping at a maximum of the creature's base damage plus 50% of the base damage. This damage boost only applies to individuals afflicted with Wisp's Curse (both the extra damage, and counting up by 5%). If a player without Wisp's Curse is hit, nothing will happen other than normal damage, and the boost will not go up by 5%. Berserk lasts for 30 seconds, and has a cooldown of 140 seconds.
Wisp's Curse
Wisp's Curse is a status effect that renders the player vulnerable to Berserk attacks. It has a 10% chance of applying for every time a player bites a creature that has Berserk active. Wisp's Curse lasts for 30 seconds.
Creatures with this ability: 4

Bleed status shown in-game
"Bleed status" is the associated status effect which stops health regeneration and deals raw damage to the victim every 3 seconds (meaning that from two creatures with identical bleed defense, the creature with the most health can endure bleeding for a far longer time before being crippled). Like poison, your HP cannot fall from this status if you are sitting, cowering or laying down while gravely injured (below 10% max health); but unlike it, depending on how you move and what pose you are using, damage output and level changes (visible bleed halves while sitting or laying down (and base bleed healing speed increases), while staying still and upright only makes bleed heal itself at a moderate pace, walking stops the bleed to heal on its own, and running does not only increase the apparent bleed level by 1.375 aproximately, but makes it slowly increase on its own). It also follows a three level severity system, on this case depending on the base amount of Bleed multiplied by a factor (x0.5 if laying down or sitting while still, x1.0 if still but standing up or walking, x1.375 if running or ambushing), which is what we see on screen:
At around 1-10 base bleed (when staying still and not performing any healing animation):
- Deals 0.5 damage when laying down, 0.75 while sitting, 1.0 when still upright, 1.5 when walking and 2.0 while running (Can't fall below 10% health if sitting/laying).
- Health regeneration is disabled.
At around 11-20 bleed:
- Previous level effects.
- Decreases stamina regeneration by 25%.
Beyond 21 bleed (There was a max of 30 bleed while stationary, but this is no longer the case):
- Level 1 effects.
- Decreases stamina regeneration by 50%.
Creatures with this status: 120
However, when used on a creature, "Bleed" means a passive offensive ability, where a creature inflicts a specific amount of bleed status on a creature with every bite (not with breath/ranged abilities or reflecting abilities) AKA "Offensive Bleed". This particular passive offensive is resisted by creatures with the Bleed Defense ability, and it does not work against creatures with the Unbreakable ability. The opposite of the Bleed passive ability is Thorns.
Creatures with this ability: 113; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to bleed column, sort by bleed.
- Adharcaiin
- Aereis
- Aleicuda
- Anutill
- Aolenus
- Ardor Warden
- Arrainoa
- Auraron
- Avothius
- Bazelii
- Belluvaraptor
- Boskurro
- Cantapodi
- Cenicara
- Chisudo
- Chrysos
- Colval
- Corvurax
- Cryptoth
- Denjzi
- Diokrine
- Dowatt
- Dyaelatura
- Eigion Warden
- Emphines
- Empiterium
- Erridea
- Eskarlor
- Euvias
- Exotide
- Fabraashe
- Fellisio
- Ferrah
- Flixlit
- Galtekron
- Garra Warden
- Ghalgeya
- Glovaucus
- Gyroudus
- Hebitoa
- Hellion Warden
- Hisolidium
- Hushike
- Hygos
- Ibetchi
- Ikoran
- Imeaorn
- Jabblebashhe
- Jetebene
- Jotunhel
- Kemoti
- Khetheral
- Khiku
- Kiridian
- Knalriki
- Kohikii
- Koipise
- Koryser
- Kriprik
- Kyiki
- Laharpes
- Levoneh
- Lure
- Lus-Adarch
- Luxsces
- Magnarothus
- Mekmek
- Mijusuima
- Nakamaska
- Nyctoxon
- Nymphasuchus
- Nytoltalus
- Nyxasolyx
- Ovufu
- Owa'Stryrus
- Parux
- Pernirex
- Pierry
- Prabiki
- Pterolythux
- Puffwump
- Qurugosk
- Reviiaton
- Saikarie
- Sang Toare
- Sarchias
- Seradae
- Sigmatox
- Sleirnok
- Starknol
- Syroudon
- Tarakotu
- Taurolystris
- Teinook
- Therokis
- Thykallos
- Tohukos
- Traiboros
- Trikylo
- Trutholbyeva
- Undoli
- Vahiaex
- Valkurse
- Varskela
- Vaumora
- Veludorah
- Venuella
- Vetemortem
- Vin'rou
- Yiepir
- Zethines
- Zohdok
- Zwevealisk
Bleed Defense
A passive ability that allows creatures to resist the effects of Bleed. It is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 bleed per hit and the receiver has 60% bleed defense, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 bleed.
If a creature's Bleed Defense is 100%, then they are immune to Bleed inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% bleed defense will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
Creatures with this ability: 245; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to bleed defense column, sort by bleed defense.
- Adharcaiin
- Aereis
- Aesho
- Aesmir
- Aholai
- Aleicuda
- Alkaksu
- Altulis
- Amolis
- Angelic Warden
- Anutill
- Aolenus
- Apofuex
- Arachyu
- Archalium
- Archinax
- Ardor Warden
- Arrainoa
- Arsonos
- Astrothi
- Athulyth
- Aueko
- Auraron
- Avothius
- Axothan
- Banishii
- Bazelii
- Beezu
- Belluvaraptor
- Bengon
- Boreal Warden
- Borenhir
- Boskurro
- Buff Eulopii
- Buukon
- Cantapodi
- Cavengauu
- Celeritas
- Cenicara
- Chamei
- Chisudo
- Chrysos
- Cimmabu
- Citrulantis
- Coniferon
- Cottol
- Cryptoth
- Cupere
- Dalghara
- Demetyra
- Denjzi
- Dieamarjla
- Diokrine
- Doragonix
- Dowatt
- Dragonixsauria
- Dunklaestus
- Eigion Warden
- Eiroca
- Emphines
- Empiterium
- Equenix
- Erridea
- Eskarlor
- Etheralotus
- Euvias
- Exotide
- Exterreri
- Fabraashe
- Faecalu
- Felikxtrox
- Fellisio
- Ferrah
- Fleuralis
- Flickaflie
- Flixlit
- Frigiboa
- Fyluf
- Galtekron
- Garra Warden
- Geogoff
- Geoptxina
- Ghalgeya
- Ghibli
- Gloracus
- Gnolrok
- Gorgonichus
- Gramoss
- Gryvila
- Gurava
- Gyroudus
- Halaqual
- Haxaline
- Hebitoa
- Heisoteri
- Hellion Warden
- Hemokai
- Hikorshi
- Hisolidium
- Hushike
- Hyboria
- Hygos
- Ibetchi
- Ikoran
- Imeaorn
- Irdegarde
- Iztajuatl
- Jabblebashhe
- Jetebene
- Jotunhel
- Kavouradis
- Kehmador
- Kemoti
- Kendyll
- Keruku
- Khetheral
- Khiku
- Kiridian
- Knalriki
- Kohikii
- Koini
- Koipise
- Konomushi
- Korathos
- Koryser
- Kriffin
- Kriprik
- Laharpes
- Lenarabu
- Lerachu
- Leurimess
- Levoneh
- Lissiceous
- Lmakosauruodon
- Lorolael
- Lucensia
- Lure
- Lus-Adarch
- Luxsces
- Magnarothus
- Maiueve
- Miik
- Mijusuima
- Militrua
- Moemoea
- Molangai
- Moonelle
- Morinus
- Muravil
- Murlk
- Nakamaska
- Nindyr
- Nolumoth
- Norskogg
- Novus Warden
- Nuciffracoccu
- Nyctoxon
- Nymphasuchus
- Nytoltalus
- Nyxasolyx
- Opralegion
- Ovufu
- Oxidaizen
- Pacedegon
- Parahexilian
- Parux
- Pernirex
- Pero
- Phugu
- Phyremia
- Pliarys
- Polymonstrum
- Prabiki
- Pterolythux
- Puffwump
- Qurugosk
- Raiquazok
- Ralokai
- Reviiaton
- Ripirin
- Rorolo
- Rukig
- Saikarie
- Salrahn
- Sana'ata
- Sang Toare
- Sar'Hingaro
- Sarchias
- Saukuryn
- Seradae
- Shro
- Sigmatox
- Slaiorn
- Sleirnok
- Sochuri
- Squitico
- Starknol
- Sturbi
- Syroudon
- Tarakotu
Bone Breaking

In-game description
Bone Break depends on the weight difference between the inflictor and the inflicted as a chance. It requires the attacker's weight to be twice that of the inflicted's weight to inflict bone break. The chance percentage of bone break on a creature determines how much of a chance a target has of receiving the status after being attacked in melee as the inflicted, while also meeting the sufficient weight requirement. It disables sprint and flight, reduces walk speed by 40%, and if applied to a flier, it will force them to the ground instantly. When applied through bites, bone break cannot be applied to creatures of a higher weight than the player. Instead, ligament tearing is applied.
It does not work against creatures with the Unbreakable ability when applied through direct contact.
Creatures directly with this ability: 19; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, sort by bone break for more details.
- Arachyu
- Avothius
- Dunklaestus
- Exterreri
- Geogoff
- Geoptxina
- Gorgonichus
- Gurava
- Haxaline
- Kavouradis
- Kendyll
- Lerachu
- Lmakosauruodon
- Luxsces
- Nymphasuchus
- Pacedegon
- Parux
- Therolachus
- Verza
Creatures indirectly with this ability:
- Creatures with Earthquake
- Creatures with Rock Breath
Ligament Tear
A "weaker" version to the aforementioned bone break, ligament tearing does not restrict sprinting or flying unlike bone break, instead cuts stamina regen by half. Creatures that can use bone break (except from Earthquake and Rock Breath) ability can also inflict ligament tearing, but creatures that can only do ligament tearing can not inflict bone break.
Ligament Tear does not work against creatures with the Unbreakable ability.
Creatures directly with this ability: 39; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to ligament tear column, sort by ligament tear.
- Aolenus
- Arachyu
- Archinax
- Auraron
- Avothius
- Denjzi
- Dunklaestus
- Dyaelatura
- Empiterium
- Eskarlor
- Exterreri
- Geogoff
- Geoptxina
- Gorgonichus
- Gurava
- Haxaline
- Kavouradis
- Kendyll
- Khetheral
- Kiridian
- Kohikii
- Konomushi
- Koryser
- Lerachu
- Lmakosauruodon
- Luxsces
- Mijusuima
- Nymphasuchus
- Pacedegon
- Parux
- Prabiki
- Syroudon
- Therolachus
- Thykallos
- Verza
- Volnoirve
- Xenolif
- Xeternos
- Yeba'idi
Breath Resistance
Breath Damage Resistance is an ability which decreases the percentage of damage received by the user from breath abilities, a 100% breath resistance means full immunity from the damage dealt from elemental breaths but not for the status effects they afflict, which remain unaffected. It has been said this ability is tied to creatures with Warden's Rage ability, as a variable part of it.
Creatures with this ability: 8; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to passive abilities.
- Angelic Warden
- Ardor Warden
- Boreal Warden
- Eigion Warden
- Garra Warden
- Hellion Warden
- Novus Warden
- Verdant Warden
Burn is a harming, debuffing status effect that can be treated by sitting, laying down or drinking water. Burn, like Bleed, stops health regeneration though normal means, but the damage it deals is on percentages. Like other status such as poison, it consists of three levels, and your HP cannot fall due to its status if you are sitting or laying down while gravely injured (below 13% max health), but even if the creature is not gravely injured, a considerable amount of damage gets slowed down or reduces when laying down.
Burn Bite
Offensive burn is an ability that deals burn when biting.
Creatures with this ability: 14
- Arsonos
- Cenicara
- Chisudo
- Cryptoth
- Fyranili
- Ghibli
- Haechionx
- Heisoteri
- Parahexilian
- Parux
- Raiquazok
- Sar'Hingaro
- Valkurse
- Volnoirve
Burn Touch
Burn touch/Defensive burn is an ability that defensively deals burn when bitten.
Creatures with this ability: 11
Core Collapse
A passive AOE ability that activates when health percentage is below 50% with a range that should cover creature's main body (without including wingspan), dealing 3 poison every 10 seconds up to a maximum of 10 poison. The ability deactivates once health regenerates above 50% or the creature dies. Originally known as "Overseer's Judgement" back when Daimona Lore was still considered canon.
Creatures with this ability: 1
Dazzling Flash
Dazzling Flash is an activated ability that generates a quick, bright, white flash and causes nearby creatures to experience confusion and tunnel vision.
Creatures with this ability: 19
- Anutill
- Dalghara
- Dyaelatura
- Equenix
- Fabraashe
- Flickaflie
- Geoptxina
- Hikorshi
- Hushike
- Kemoti
- Kohikii
- Laharpes
- Lissiceous
- Miik
- Rorolo
- Shiyaro
- Veldys
- Yiepir
- Zieti
Defensive Paralyze

An ability that inflicts a paralyzing effect on attackers for about 4-5 seconds. Unlike most other abilities, Defensive Paralysis only works when bitten. There's also chances it will work, it depends on who the creatures are. Creatures inflicted with the paralyzing effect can still use attacks, but cannot move around. Also known as Defensive Paralysis sometimes.
Creatures with this ability: 13.
- Crata Peretina
- Eigion Warden
- Galeostra
- Gryvila
- Levoneh
- Lorolael
- Militrua
- Moonelle
- Nimoona
- Pliarys
- Turgeon
- Yama'tu
- Zhelijin
Earthquake is an ability that emits a blast which inflicts broken bones on all nearby players regardless of pack (unbreakables are immune) with a side effect that decreases the ability user's damage by 50% for 60 seconds upon use. The ability itself has a 5 minute cooldown period until it can be used again.
Creatures with this ability: 4
Elemental Breath
A unique mechanic, breaths have a drain bar separate to the stamina to behave as a stat balance. Collisions are accurate and scripted in an entirely new way compared to Sonar Studios' previous game, Dragon Adventures.
- Note: There is currently a bug where if an elemental breath isn't fully charged, you menu, and respawn as a different creature, the breath bar remains on the screen. (Click here to see the bug on a post.)
- Note: The first overflow bar won't hurt your creature, this is useful for breaths like energy and plague.
Current elemental breath variants that have been announced are Acid, Cloud, Energy, Fire, Glacier, Gold, Heal, Haunt, Ice, Lightning, Plague, Rock, Sand, Storm, Toxin, Water, Virus and Miasma. This may change in the future, and more may be added as well.
- To use breaths, press and hold the C key on PCs or press the breath icon on mobile devices (see Controls).
- To aim the breath, PC users can move their mouse in the designated direction. As for mobile devices, turn the creature's head in the designated direction.
- Breaths have their own breath bar that depletes over time as breath is used (available breath is indicated on yellow) and recharges when not in use. If a breath bar depletes fully and the player keeps firing it, then it will start to take health and will need far more time for the breath to recharge to non-harmful levels (indicated by the bar getting filled with magenta instead of yellow).
- The breath ability cannot be used until age 67, OR becoming adult model. These are NOT the same, since a creature with a native breath or equivalent (that is, your creature species has a breath/restoration beam or Solar Beam by default) can use its native breath or a breath it acquired after age 67 without becoming adult (by living on a place where "You cannot grow here" messages keep popping up), while a creature that couldn't use elemental breaths by default (such as those that didn't have any breath before and could only get one equipped by specific, currently-on-existant breath plushies) can only be used after becoming adult model.
There are currently 68 creatures with elemental breath on Legacy version. Please note that due to simplification creatures with a similar ability working through the same button are also categorized as Elemental.
Current breath types:
Note: unless told otherwise the breath is native, not equipped. Note 2: For reference, unless specified otherwise by credible sources, DPS (Damge per Second) is an expression for the percentage of health points taken from a target's health per second. For instance, 0.25 DPS represents the percentage (0.25%) of health taken from a target per second, which is the amount of damage being dealt.
Acid Breath
- Effect: 1.3 DPS / Acid-covering / Radiation Sickness / 120 Stud Range
- Covers the target in acid, which deals 0.5% damage per level regardless of being below 10% HP while laying or sitting; and 4 radiation sickness, which decreases health and stamina regeneration by 25%.
- Radiation sickness stacks faster than acid-covering.
- Erosion (heavy acid effect) starts at 11 acid and causes the target creature's bleed defense and weight to be lowered by a certain percent.
Cloud Breath
- Effect: 0 DPS / Water regeneration / Mud generation / 150 Stud Range
- When applied, the user gains x1.5 health regeneration plus mud status.
- Gives stamina, water and 1% current user HP to the user.
Energy Breath
- Effect: 0.25 DPS / Slowed / 125 Stud Range
Fire Breath
- Effect: 1.5 DPS / Burn / 125 Stud Range
- Inflicts Burn status.
- 5% critical chance
Glacier Breath
- Effect: 2 DPS / Slowed / 80 Stud Range
- Deals 2% damage per hit.
- Has a chaining behavior effect, causing the multiplier for damage to increase if an attacker can successfully maintain hits on a target without pausing or missing for more than half a second, which resets the chain multiplier.
Gold Breath
- Effect: 0.25 DPS / Paralysis / Blurred Vision / 150 Stud Range
- 5% chance to paralyze.
Haunt Breath
- Effect: 0.75 DPS / Tunnel Vision / Shock (label) | 1 DPS / Poison (in reality) / 100 Stud Range
Heal Breath
- Effect: 0 DPS / Sapped Energy / 125 Stud Range
- When used on other creatures, it regenerates 10% of the ability user's maximum health and saps the exact same percentage to the user (currently the latter is bugged and won't work), regardless of the target's max health value. This ability does not heal other players, as commonly misunderstood from the given name. Instead, the breath only heals this breath's user, sapping health from targets.
Ice Breath
- Effect: 1.5 DPS / Slowed / Frozen / 125 Stud Range
- Slows movement and flight by 60%.
- Small chance to freeze target.
Lightning Breath

Keruku using its electric breath and bar on the bottom.
- Effect: 1.5% per hit / Shock / 125 Stud Range
- Has a chance of making movement erratic.
- Does critical damage (25% chance).
- Has a 5 second use duration (per bar).
- Has a 4 second recharge rate.
Lightning Breath Creatures: 4.
Miasma Breath
- Effect: 0.5 damage per hit
- Heals self by 0.5 of max health per second
- Drains 0.5 of max stamina per second of targets
- Duration of 10 seconds
- Has a range of 200 studs
- No chain effect and no chain stack
- Does critical damage (25%)
- Regenerates breath fuel every 4 seconds
Plague Breath
- Effect: 0.25 DPS / Sickness / 95 Stud Range
- Deals 1 stack of sickness per impact.
- Range: 95 Studs.
- Maximum Fire Duration (not counting overflow): 3 seconds.
- This breath has the smallest fuel of all, so it's extremely easy to deplete the bar and reach in two pulses to the max depletion red line and immediately die.
- Regeneration: 1 fuel (0.5 seconds of fire-time) per 2 seconds.
- Critical Hit Chance: 25%.
Rock Breath
- Effect: 3% damage per hit / Bone Break / 75 Stud Range
- Deals 6% damage per second.
- Chance of Bone breaking is 25%.
- 75% chance to deal critical damage. (1.5x damage)
- Inflicts damage per second.
- Rock Breath's range is small.
- Regeneration 1 fuel per 1 second.
- Rock Breath's max fuel is 19. (Ignoring overflow)
Sand Breath
- Effect: 0.25 DPS / Blurred Vision / Tunnel vision / 250 Stud Range
- Does critical damage.
- Target has their vision blurred.
Storm Breath
- Effect: 0.5 DPS / Slowed / Blurred Vision / 150 Stud Range
Toxin Breath
- Effect: 1 DPS / Poisoned : 250 Stud Range
- For every second, despite what the description says, 0.2 additional stack of poison is inflicted.
- Inflicts a bit of damage.
Virus Breath
- Effect: 1 DPS / Bleed / 200 Stud Range
- For every second, 0.1 additional stack of bleed is inflicted.
- Inflicts a bit of damage.
Water Breath

Jotunhel using its water breath
- Effect: 1.2 DPS / Sapped Energy / Blurred Vision / 150 Stud Range
- Target has their vision blurred.
- Every time a target is hit by this breath, they have a 5% chance to have their health sapped and restore 10% to the users health.
Erosion is a status effect that represents a creature as covered in acid. It deals 0.5% damage per 3 seconds. At level 11+, it reduces the creature's weight and bleed defense by 20%. Erosion can be healed by sitting, laying down or swimming. Unlike burn, bleed, poison and other damaging status effects, it will still hurt you if laying down or sitting under 10% HP. If growing, getting nested or eldering the status will become incurable and dealing the full effects until someone reapplies it.
Creatures directly with this ability: 0.
Creatures indirectly with this ability: any creature with acid breath.
This ability is activated by pressing Q and gives all creatures around the user the fear status effect. Fear causes its victims to move 50% faster but gives them the tunnel vision also given by phase 3 of Necro Poison and decreases their damage by 50%. It has a cooldown of 2 minutes.
Creatures with this ability: 6.
Hell's Fear

Hellion Warden's Fear is an extension to the Fear effect. It functions almost identically, minus the fact that victims do not receive a 50% speed increase. It strictly only causes the 50% damage loss, and nothing else. That is, when used, victims receive tunnel vision for 30 seconds, confusion for 10 seconds, and a special "trimmed" version of fear that only causes the 50% damage loss (internally referred to as HellionFear
Creatures with this subability: 1.
Fluff Pile
Places a pile of fluff that slows down creatures that enters the pile. Currently this slowing-down effect does not work on Legacy.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Food Restore
Refills some of nearby creature's appetite (both water and food) upon activation.
Creatures with this ability: 9.
Fortify is an active ability using the ability control (Q on PC or > Actions > Use ability) with a cooldown that wipes the following effects and/or abilities and will keep wiping them for a short while after activated: Acid, Area Sleep, Bleed, Blurred Vision/Blur, Bone Break, Burn, Clogged Lungs, Cold debuffs, Erosion, Fear, Guilt, Ligament Tear, Necro Poison, Paralyze/Frozen Cold, Poison/Toxin, Radiation Sickness, Shock, Sticky Teeth and Tunnel Vision.
- Note: While the devs said they fixed this ability, some status effects are still not wiped, for example, Area Sleep and Sticky Teeth are NOT healed! Only these have been confirmed to work:
- Area Shock, Blurred Vision, Bone Break, Clogged/Ash Lungs, Defensive Paralyze, Fear, Guilt, Ligament Tear, Shock, and Tunnel Vision.
- Acid Erosion, Bleed, Burn, Poison/Toxin and Radiation Sickness, and Sickness in all stages.
- Cold debuffs (EXCEPT the 3rd degree damage debuff, even after the update, so if that stage is healed via Fortify the creature will actually keep getting damaged every 0.5 seconds until the cold effect is reacquired and then healed through normal means and then you stay unsheltered during a season when cold is automatically healed; and that damage can be stacked).
- Necro Poison (but NOT Confusion after the update, so if high necropoison gets healed via Fortify, the creature will remain permanently confused).
Creatures with this ability: 8.

When a creature with the Guilt ability is attacked, the attacker's damage is halved for 60 seconds.
Creatures with this ability: 8.
Harden raises bleed defense by 15% and weight by 25%, and decreases speed by 20% with a 60 second cooldown.
Creatures with this ability: 13.
- Arachyu
- Bengon
- Dunklaestus
- Felikxtrox
- Gloracus
- Glovaucus
- Gramoss
- Lerachu
- Nuciffracoccu
- Parahexilian
- Phugu
- Turgeon
- Yeba'idi
Heal Touch
A passive ability, where biting / melee attacking a creature will heal some of the target's bleed, poison and some other debuff status effects, more so if the target is outside any combat.
Creatures with this ability: 1.

An invisible Qurugosk on max graphics
By pressing Q, you can turn invisible (Depending on how high your graphics are, you could look invisible to yourself and others on low graphics. Before the devs changed the invisible material, if yours and/or someone else's graphics were set to 3 or higher then you are a transparent like material, which makes it so they can see you.) . On mobile, players can press “Use Ability." Once activated, they will become invisible, but will become visible again if they choose to move around too much. Additionally, becoming invisible does not hide your scent.
Creatures with this ability: 16.
- Axothan
- Belluvaraptor
- Fellisio
- Gurava
- Ibetchi
- Konomushi
- Luxsces
- Mijusuima
- Momola
- Pero
- Qurugosk
- Saikarie
- Sha'Rei
- Sigmatox
- Squitico
- Viracniar
Iron Stomach
Iron Stomach is a passive ability which allows the user to eat rotten meat without getting the Sickness ailment. Please note that while the Iron Stomach ability prevents getting this ailment, it doesn't remove the damage taken nor the thirst lost when eating rotten meat.
Creatures with this ability: 42.
- Adharcaiin
- Aolenus
- Apofuex
- Boskurro
- Cantapodi
- Cavengauu
- Chisudo
- Corvurax
- Dieamarjla
- Diokrine
- Dowatt
- Dunklaestus
- Frigiboa
- Galtekron
- Ghibli
- Gorgonichus
- Hemokai
- Hisolidium
- Hygos
- Iztajuatl
- Jetebene
- Knalriki
- Korathos
- Koryser
- Lure
- Lus-Adarch
- Nakamaska
- Nolumoth
- Nytoltalus
- Oxidaizen
- Pierry
- Salrahn
- Sigmatox
- Tornir
- Tsugae
- Undoli
- Veludorah
- Venuella
- Vetemortem
- Wewuix
- Xenolif
- Yama'tu
Keen Observer
Keen Observer is a passive ability that allows the user to see the health of nearby creatures (and itself) as a green HP bar over them. It also includes the ability to see the raw bleed and poison (and radiation sickness, but not sickness) values on the creature (that is, unaffected by modifiers such as laying down or moving, which halves and doubles the perceived value respectively).
Creatures with this ability: 24.
- Aereis
- Aesmir
- Angelic Warden
- Ani
- Aolenus
- Arrainoa
- Brequewk
- Colval
- Coniferon
- Corvurax
- Cupere
- Dieamarjla
- Dyaelatura
- Eskarlor
- Flickaflie
- Moonelle
- Opralegion
- Owa'Stryrus
- Pliarys
- Rorolo
- Sturbi
- Valkyrie
- Verza
- Xenolif
Life Leech
Upon activating with Q, the next attacks you land on other players (NPCs won't work) will restore 35% of the damage you deal as health. This ability immediately ends after 10 seconds passes and it has a 60 second cooldown once the effects end.
Creatures with this ability: 5.
Mud Placer

Murlk sitting in placed mud.

Mud effects indicator
Place a mud pile that lasts 60 seconds. Creatures can wallow in the mud (by holding N until the bar indicator fills fully) to double their poison/bleed healing rate, increase their health regen rate by 25% and become unscentable as long as this status is in effect.
- A special mud symbol will appear overhead to indicate that the mud is taking effect.
Creatures with this ability: 6.
Necro Poison

Necro levels

The effects of necro poison
Necropoison can be consdiered as a subtype of poison (NOT code-wise) that affects the sight and locomotion of a creature, unlike regular poison. Necro poison also comprises of three levels of severity, just like most of the ailments shown in the picture, causing loss of your sense of direction rather than just causing bleed. Keep noted that while more bites won't stack more of the status (unlike other ailments like poison or bleed), it gets worse, stacking over time. The only way to make Necro Poison go down is to sit, lay or cower (standing still will not work). Any second the victim is not doing those, the status will start ramping up again. The levels follow as:
- First level, Causes color inverting. (1-10)
- Second level, Causes tunnel vision and inverted controls(confusion). (11-20)
- Third level, Causes Bleed. (21-30)
- Throughout these levels color/vision increasingly gets brighter in the center as the tunnel vision gets worse.
Creatures with this ability: 14.
- Aesho
- Aholai
- Aueko
- Crata Peretina
- Gryvila
- Kretsnik
- Lorolael
- Minawii
- Nuciffracoccu
- Pierry
- Sha'Rei
- Shiyaro
- Tsugae
- Zhelijin
Necro Poison Defense
Necro Poison Defense is a resistance against the Necro Poison status that reduces the amount of damage dealt by Necro Poison when accumulating this status by hitting other creatures.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Negative Attack
This "ability" allows the user to deal healing bites which replenish the target's HP when biting. Code-wise it's just giving a negative base attack value, hence the name and why it doesn't heal status effects. However, it also prevents bleed and poison-booster plushies from giving extra offensive bleed or poison when biting. Please notice that damage dealt to non-player structures is still positive, so they are still capable of destroying their own nests as well as many NPCs
Creatures with this ability: 5.
Night Stalker

The (Old) vibrant effect of Night stalker

The (Current) Legacy vibrant effect of Night stalker
A passive ability that contains two effects towards the user and others. The user is granted a stat boost on night vision by having it on 4/3 while also giving their night vision a weird swapped color effect, where green changes to red, red to blue and blue to yellow (previously it was a high contrast coloration effect). Any creatures that are within 350 studs of a night stalker have their night vision diminished to 1 regardless of their previous night vision stat. Night stalkers are immune to the night vision debuff.
Creatures with this ability: 21.
- Auraron
- Bazelii
- Cryptoth
- Eigion Warden
- Exterreri
- Ghibli
- Gurava
- Hikorshi
- Hisolidium
- Imeaorn
- Kohikii
- Kriprik
- Nakamaska
- Owa'Stryrus
- Raiquazok
- Sang Toare
- Sigmatox
- Trutholbyeva
- Undoli
- Viracniar
- Zieti
Pack Healer
This is a pack-oriented ability. This passive ability allows you to boost the hp regen of your fellow packmates by 1.05x, regardless of how much health points you have. A pop up, similar to the menu countdown, will say "A Healer is nearby". It is because of this that creatures who have this ability are considered "Support creature".
Creatures with this ability: 9.
Passive Heal
This is a non-specific support type passive ability that heals all nearby creatures within a very small range of the user. To work, both the user and target(s) must lay down close to each other.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Poison Defense
Poison Defense is a passive ability that grants resistance to poison and radiation once they reach max age (100). If a creature's Poison Defense is 100%, then they are immune to those stats once they reach age 100.
Creatures with this ability: 35; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to poison defense column, sort by poison defense.
- Aereis
- Aesmir
- Angelic Warden
- Apofuex
- Ardor Warden
- Boreal Warden
- Cavengauu
- Cimmabu
- Coniferon
- Cupere
- Demetyra
- Eigion Warden
- Frigiboa
- Galeostra
- Garra Warden
- Gramoss
- Haxaline
- Hellion Warden
- Hemokai
- Lorolael
- Momola
- Mordelium
- Opralegion
- Oxidaizen
- Pierry
- Sar'Hingaro
- Shro
- Sigmatox
- Trutholbyeva
- Tsugae
- Vahiaex
- Verdant Warden
- Yeba'idi
- Yggdragstyx
- Zeoarex
Poison/Toxin/Radiation Sickness
A general term for creatures that afflict the poison status (or Radiation Sickness Status). Poison, Toxin and Radiation Sickness have three levels that generally increase in severity after reaching a certain number.
Note that two of these effects are identical (Poison and Toxin are different names used to refer to the same thing), while in Legacy code, and due to a previous backport from a totally different unfinished and scrapped recode (unlike the current Recode), both Poison/Toxin and Radiation sickness use the same internal counter, leading to interesting behaviour when attempting to combine both during an attack.
They are as follows:
Levels | Poison stat range | Effect |
First | [0-11) | Decreases Health and Stamina regen by 25% |
Second | [11-20] | Depletes stamina by 3% every 3 seconds |
Third | > 20 | Damages for 3% of your max health every 3 seconds. (Can't fall below 10% health if sitting/laying) + Decreases health regeneration by an additional 25% |
The way poison is delivered helps identify if the creature is Venomous (applied by inflicting damage through physical means, venom is injected by a bite or sting) or Toxic (inflicted by receiving damage, toxin is eaten by the attacker). However, in-game the words are swapped: Poison refers to Toxic creatures and Toxin to Venomous creatures; and we'll use them as said in-game.
Creatures with poison ability: 41; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to poison column, sort by poison.
- Apofuex
- Astrothi
- Aueko
- Belluvaraptor
- Brequewk
- Buff Eulopii
- Cavengauu
- Cottol
- Crata Peretina
- Dyaelatura
- Eigion Warden
- Eulopii
- Fleuralis
- Galeostra
- Gryvila
- Kehmador
- Kretsnik
- Laibonich
- Lissiceous
- Lorolael
- Miik
- Minawii
- Moemoea
- Momola
- Mordelium
- Murlk
- Nindyr
- Nolumoth
- Nuciffracoccu
- Ralokai
- Ripirin
- Seradae
- Shro
- Slaiorn
- Sleirnok
- Squitico
- Tornir
- Tsugae
- Turgeon
- Venuella
- Yggdragstyx
Creatures with toxin ability: 31; go to Creature Stats List, Legacy stats or directly to Creature Stats List/Legacy, go to toxin column, sort by toxin.
- Anutill
- Apofuex
- Banishii
- Beezu
- Cryptoth
- Dieamarjla
- Diokrine
- Doragonix
- Dyaelatura
- Hemokai
- Hikorshi
- Knalriki
- Korathos
- Kretsnik
- Leurimess
- Lissiceous
- Lure
- Nakamaska
- Owa'Stryrus
- Ripirin
- Sana'ata
- Sar'Hingaro
- Sigmatox
- Slaiorn
- Tohukos
- Undoli
- Venatrox
- Venuella
- Viracniar
- Xenolif
- Zwevealisk

A prompt that follows immediately after toggling Radiation
A toggleable (by pressing Q it can be activated or deactivated) area-of-effect (AOE) ability that gives off Radiation Sickness towards nearby creatures (but not the user), and the severity of the radiation sickness given is determined by proximity from the user creature. It can go from the base damage indicated on the creature labels (usually 0.25) per tick from afar to twice that value (0.5) per tick around mid-range, and finally going to a thrice the original value (0.75) per tick when close. This does not affect packmates. (This is not considered a toxic creature, due to passively giving off poison). However it cannot give more than 20 Radiation and if there's more than that it'll reset it to 20. Due to the aforementioned shared inner counter, this ability can be used to instantly downgrade lethal doses of poison and radiation sickness from third stage to second stage, effectively granting an extreme resistance to lethal doses, specially when two or more creatures with this ability have their AoE overlapped, and particularly powerful if both are in range of the other, granting both of them the benefits of biting highly poisonous creatures with barely any consequence.
Creatures with this ability: 6.
Radioactive Lamp

This ability allows the adult creature to drop a "lamp" that looks like the shroom currency in-game, which stays for 2 minutes. It will affect any user in range with a lingering effect of stacking 1 extra radiation sickness per second, wherever they are, until they sit or sleep out of range (to clarify, just with sitting for a second the lingering effect will dissapear. For the poison caused by it you'll have to keep sitting or sleeping, as usual).
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Reflect Attacks

This ability has an invisible cooldown of 20 seconds (meaning upon activation the user cannot verify in-game how much time is left by pressing the ability button until a reactivation becomes possible). Upon initial use, it will reflect attacks for 5 seconds using the shield that appears as an indicator of the ability in effect. This will NOT reflect ailments or ailments from breaths and special active abilities, but ailments from melee offensive attacks are blocked. When a creature with the ability presses Q, the ability is activated.
Creatures with this ability: 6.
Restoration Beam
Restoration Beam is a modified breath that heals instead of damages and looks like a focused light beam. It will heal all creatures, so a reckless aim may accidentally heal an enemy. Its rate is directly defined by the number of Healing Orbs the user creature has (defined by age: Child/Teen/Adult) as baseRate * numberOfOrbs
The method of healing is procedural and somewhat complicated, using the following steps in the given order:
- General Healing
- Get the heal amount: Target's maximum health × the base rate (1.375%) × number of healing orbs.
- If the heal amount is less than 50, it is increased to 50.
- If the heal amount is greater than 200, it is decreased to 200.
- If the creature being healed is not in combat, the heal amount is increased by 37.5%.
- Status Reduction
- Get the bleed reduction value: -1 per second, or -0.4 per second if the creature is in combat.
- Get the poison reduction value: This is currently identical to the bleed reduction value.
- Reduce bleed by the bleed reduction value, and poison (and radiation sickness, but not sickness) by the poison reduction value.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Serrated Teeth
The Serrated Teeth ability inflicts a debuff status effect on targets upon biting them that halves their bleed heal rate and lasts for 40 seconds initially. If an attacker with the ability bites before 40 seconds is over, the countdown for the debuff duration will reset to 40 seconds.
Creatures with this ability: 18.
- Arrainoa
- Corvurax
- Denjzi
- Dowatt
- Dyaelatura
- Felikxtrox
- Hisolidium
- Hygos
- Ikoran
- Jabblebashhe
- Kohikii
- Lus-Adarch
- Mijusuima
- Nytoltalus
- Pernirex
- Pterolythux
- Sang Toare
- Syroudon

Sickness Icon
The Sickness status effect is usually applied when eating rotten meat (except creatures with Iron Stomach), but creatures can apply it to others as well. For some reason when growing, eldering or getting nested the status clears itself. This status consists on 3 stages and caps at 30 sickness:
- Its first stage deals percent-based damage (0.25%) and depletes stamina every 3 seconds.
- Second stage adds tunnel vision and deals more damage. (0.5%)
- Third stage adds 0.5 Bleed and Poison every 3 seconds, does more damage (1%), and depletes 1 hunger and thirst per second (this also means if dying of hunger or dehydration the damage will happen every once per 1-2 seconds as well).
Creatures directly with this ability: None.
Creatures indirectly with this ability: any creature with plague breath.
Snow Shield
The Snow Shield ability creates a large, protective dome around the user and will not disappear until the user presses Q to disable it, until the user leaves, or until the user dies. Whilst the Snow Shield ability is activated, the user's hunger and thirst will drain three times faster. Upon initial activation of the ability, the user will not be able to create another dome for another 5 minutes.
As long as the Snow Shield is up, no directly-applied physical attacks can reach those inside the Snow Shield (unless an attacker worms their head into the Snow Shield). Elemental breaths and radius-based abilities that inflict status effects can still affect users inside a Snow Shield such as Earthquake, Glacier Breath, Radioactive Lamp, Radiation, and so on.
Creatures with this ability: 3.
Solar Beam
An ability similar to Elemental Breath, once the C key is pressed (releasing the breath key will not stop the breath, and instead the breath key is repurposed into a "start firing" button that begins the ability's execution, much like what the ability key does already). It takes 4 seconds to charge up before firing, deals 30 damage per tick pair for 10 seconds, inflicts no ailments, reaches 400 studs out, and has a cooldown of 100 seconds.
- The ability was previously called Gamma Beam, belonging to Sar'Hingaro (Ahri'Tahmuk's former design) on May 11th, 2023.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Speed Blitz
When activated, progressively applies a boost to walk, run, and flight speed that drains 2% of your max stamina every second. The speed gradually increases as your stamina depletes, capping at 30% extra speed after reaching 50% stamina, and you cannot regenerate stamina while it is active. The ability ends when the user runs out of stamina or when cowering, sitting, or laying. It has a 2 minute cooldown after ending.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Stamina Puddle
An active ability that lays down a special star-filled puddle. Once you lay or hold N above the puddle your stamina will regenerate three times faster for a short period.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
Sticky Fur

A passive ability that, when attacked, decreases the attacker's attack speed by 65%. Lore-wise, it's stated that it reduces the attacker's attack speed because their "teeth are stuck together", so people sometimes refer to this ability as Sticky Teeth.
Creatures with this ability: 10.
A passive ability which buffs the player when submerged underwater for more than 15 seconds. This ability is meant to work partly as a substitute for the removed Minawii-type semiaquatics, compensating the stamina drain that Militrua-type semiaquatics have when staying underwater, through an ability (easier to code, easier to give and remove to a creature) instead of a variant mobility type(s).
When the player is submerged in water for 15 or more seconds they will receive the following buffs:
- 25% more speed
- 100% more stamina regeneration
- 100% more total stamina
- 25% slower hunger drain
Creatures with this ability: 28.
- Anutill
- Auraron
- Dalghara
- Dunklaestus
- Exotide
- Glovaucus
- Gryvila
- Gurava
- Hemokai
- Jetebene
- Jotunhel
- Kavouradis
- Kendyll
- Koini
- Konomushi
- Mijusuima
- Militrua
- Murlk
- Novus Warden
- Opralegion
- Polymonstrum
- Seradae
- Sha'Rei
- Squitico
- Thykallos
- Ura
- Zhelijin
- Zwevealisk
Strength in Numbers
A passive ability which buffs the player based on how many adult same-species creatures are in a pack when the creature is not alone. Each same-species mod adds one stack, the max amount of stacks is 4 (4 stacks = 4 adult same-species in a pack together).
Each stack provides the following buffs:
- 5% more weight
- 5% more hp
- 5% more damage
- +0.5 bleed (if your creature had bleed previously, or has a cat plushie equipped)
- +0.25 poison (if your creature already has poison, offensive or defensive)
When there's only 1 of such same-species on the pack (that is, the creature is the only one in the pack) it counts as no stack, but the moment another adult same-species joins it counts ALL the same-species members on the pack. That's why when there are only two adults of the same species it gives double the boost the first time.
Creatures with this ability: 21.
- Aleicuda
- Banishii
- Beezu
- Belluvaraptor
- Cantapodi
- Chamei
- Colval
- Diesura
- Ferrah
- Ghalgeya
- Gorgonichus
- Kemoti
- Kiridian
- Levoneh
- Mekmek
- Nyxasolyx
- Puffwump
- Ralokai
- Rukig
- Traiboros
- Yiepir
Thorns/Bleed Reflect
A passive ability that, instead of offensively inflicting bleed, defensively inflicts bleed when under a close ranged attack. Unaffected by Bleed defense and Unbreakable.
Creatures with this ability: 14.
- Avothius
- Cantapodi
- Celeritas
- Coniferon
- Felikxtrox
- Frigiboa
- Haxaline
- Koryser
- Levoneh
- Morinus
- Muravil
- Seradae
- Venuella
- Zethines
Toxic Pile

This ability creates a toxic mud pile that will slowly poison anyone who touches it (excluding the ability user). The pile stays for 1 minute.
It is currently yet known whether it does not inflict damage on only the player who placed it, other creatures with the Toxic Pile ability, or creatures with poison (not Necro Poison) status.
Creatures with this ability: 1.
A passive ability that allows the creature to be immune to directly-applied physical ailments such as Bone Break, Ligament Tear, and Bleed. If bleed is applied indirectly, it will rapidly heal.
Creatures with this ability: 17.
- Adharcaiin
- Athulyth
- Fleuralis
- Frigiboa
- Geogoff
- Geoptxina
- Gramoss
- Hyboria
- Iztajuatl
- Kavouradis
- Oxidaizen
- Phugu
- Rukig
- Sana'ata
- Wewuix
- Zeoarex
- Zoocuu
Unbridled Rage
When activated, progressively applies a boost to damage that drains 1.5% of your max stamina every second, getting rounded to the nearest integer. The damage gradually increases as your stamina depletes, capping at 30% extra damage after reaching 50% stamina, and you cannot regenerate stamina while it is active. The ability ends when the user runs out of stamina or when cowering, sitting, or laying. It has a 2 minute cooldown after ending.
Creatures with this ability: 6.
Wall Cling

A Keruku clinging onto a rock
An ability that allows creature with the ability to rest on a flat, vertical surface by flying diagonally or horizontally onto a flat surface. While clinging, players can regain stamina and heal at the same rate as if their creature was on the ground. Pressing Space Bar will let a player's creature drop off a wall. However, creatures cannot cling onto surfaces that are smaller than their creature.
There is currently a glitch most commonly found with Sochuri where the user will be flung into the void when releasing from a wall after clinging to it, and the only way to fix it is to menu or rejoin. Countermeasures have been appended to the game for this bug and its siblings, namely, if the player's position exceeds ±15000 studs on any axis, they will be immediately returned to menu with no delay. However, there are times when you get stuck to the wall, then it can't happen in the case of unhooking. Another current bug that happens when players wall cling is that their creature will not cling onto the wall itself, but instead cling horizontally on the wall, giving the impression that the creature is floating. This bug is inconvenient because creatures sometimes get stuck inside the wall they are clinging on and can't uncling, and difficult to detect since most times on the players' screen the creature T-Poses while on the wall, but to other players they are normally clinged.
Creatures with this ability: 11.
- Chisudo
- Galtekron
- Gobli
- Keruku
- Nakamaska
- Nolumoth
- Pterolythux
- Sang Toare
- Sochuri
- Trutholbyeva
- Zeoarex
Warden's Rage

Blue ring appears after taking damage

Red ring when health is below half
Warden's Rage is a passive and unique ability that grants the user an increase in damage capabilities when in dire situations. This ability is only activated from direct player attacks, not residual, natural damage (such as bleed, poison, starvation, dehydration), NPC creatures, breaths or damaging abilities (such as Area Escape), and only on adults (above age 67). Upon being attacked, the ability is activated for 60 seconds. If the player is attacked while the effect is active, the timer resets back up to 60 seconds and restarts.
- During Warden's rage:
- Stamina Regeneration gets doubled.
- Health regeneration is slowed down proportional to the user's health.
- Attack damage is multiplied by
(7 x WardenStrength)
goes from 0 at 100% HP to 1 at 50% HP and below. This means that in the range of 100% to 95%, the warden's damage is actually divided. From 95% to 50%, it steadily increases until it hits its peak of 7x damage, and stays at that 7x peak from 50% to 0%. - The color of the beam and particles is shifted from
RGB(0, 151, 249)
(light blue) toRGB(255, 22, 89)
(deep red) based on how close the health is to 0. - When health is at 50% or below,
Particle Emitters
activate using this same color shift, until the Warden reaches more than half health again. Those emitted particles are creature-specific:- The Boreal Warden has snowflake particles.
- The Ardor Warden has heart particles.
- The Verdant Warden has hollow 5-point-star particles.
- The Hellion Warden has hollow 10-point-star (with a filled 10-point star inside) particles.
- The Garra Warden has water (or maybe blood)-drop particles.
- The Novus Warden has rock particles.
- The Angelic Warden has eye particles.
- The Eigion Warden has bubble particles.
- Apart from this, any creature with Warden's Rage will have their attack cooldown multiplied by
3 x (1 - HealthPercentage)
(this causes a reduction in attack speed, as they must wait this many seconds before their next attack. The base value is0.8
) regardless of age or having the Warden's Rage ability active or not. After applying, the attack delay is not allowed to go lower than 0.8 seconds. This means that the attack rate can only decrease; if the formula returns something smaller, it is ignored and 0.8 is used.
Take note that the wardens' damage increase can be low when attacked with low damage attacks. Be aware of low tiers such as Beezu, Cantapodi, or anything with low damage, but with high bleed or other status effects, such as the Magnarothus.
Creatures with this ability: 8.
- Angelic Warden
- Ardor Warden
- Boreal Warden
- Eigion Warden
- Garra Warden
- Hellion Warden
- Novus Warden
- Verdant Warden
Water Gale
Water Gale is an active ability using the ability control (Q on PC or > Actions > Use ability) that inflicts Tunnel Vision and slows flight speed by 60% on nearby targets and reduces any targets' offensive status effects by 50% for 10 seconds with a 90 second cooldown.
- Only the following status effects are reduced by Water Gale:
Creatures with this ability: 3.
Weather Change
This ability, when activated, has a 10% chance to cause the weather to change, meaning this ability can fail. It has a cooldown of 5 minutes.
Creatures with this ability: 2.
Winter Tag
This tag is equivalent to a passive ability, and causes the creature with the tag to become immune to most Weather debuffs from Winter, such as slowed walk and run speeds, faster food drain, and loss of health due to the Cold status effect and loss of health due to hypothermia when entering water. However it is known a far more reduced slowed-down not related directly with cold status may still happen.
This tag is featured on the abilities page due to the common association with ability-like presence in the game, similar to passive abilities but oriented for a particular weather event in the game.
All items (4)