The Arcabatur is a Tier 2 land carnivore. The species is available in the Login Shop for 20 Daily Points and 15 login streak. The trial version is available in the Trial Creatures Shop for
80♂/800♀ Shooms.
“ | Arcabatur is a quick and nimble microraptor-like creature that loves to be a nuisance to others. They can jump extremely high and its sharp, pointy spines across its body work as a perfect defense mechanism. | „ |
~ In-game Description |
This section is a work-in-progress and will be filled over time.
Males have no additional features.
Females have backwards-facing spikes under their tails.
Main Article: Creature Abilities
This section is intended to list and describe the abilities of the Arcabatur. (editor list)
- Ambush is a recode-only ability, inheritor of the Ambush control in Legacy, and thus shares some similarities to it. Ambush can be toggled by pressing (not holding) the correct active ability key (which may vary between creatures). It will automatically deactivate after a set period of time, after stamina runs out, or after halting movement, whichever happens first. Like legacy ambush, recode Ambush ability allows a temporary speed boost according to an ambush multiplier inherent to the species (e.g. x 1.5 or x 1.25), usually granting a faster Sprint (except when the multiplier is x1.0 or lower). It will not be stopped by entering or leaving water once initiated; but at a higher stamina cost and a possible decrease in turn speed, directly making a creature unable to turn while ambushing. Similar to legacy, a creature can know if ambush is toggled not only from the the evident speed boost while moving, but because when pressing the activation button, the camera FOV zooms out a tiny bit. Ambush can be used while sprinting. However, unlike Legacy ambush, pressing the appropriate key again will not stack max time and stamina consumption, and can be initiated underwater by creatures with the appropriate mobility type (however, it still keeps the Legacy characteristic of keeping creatures not adapted to water from initiating ambush underwater). Additionally, Ambushing disrupts strafing.
- Bleed Attack is a passive ability, where a creature offensively inflicts a specific amount of melee bleed status on a creature with every bite (not with breath/ranged abilities or reflecting abilities). A negative value means that it heals an amount of such status upon biting.
- Bleed Block/Block Bleed is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting bleed status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. Recode's equivalent of bleed defense; it is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 bleed per hit and the receiver has 60% bleed defense, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 bleed.
- If a creature's Block Bleed is 100%, then they are immune to Bleed inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% Block Bleed will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
- A negative value in-game may indicate an extra vulnerability to the status effect this ability is supposed to protect from.
- Burn Block/Block Burn is a passive ability that grants the creature resistance to getting burn status from melee attacks at the very least, and every other source at most. It is percentage based, e.g. if an attacker deals 5 burn per hit and the receiver has 60% block burn, then the receiver gets only 2 of that 5 burn.
- If a creature's block burn is 100%, then they are immune to Burn inflicted by melee direct attacks once fully grown. This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% burn defense will have some fraction of burn defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.
- Climber is a passive ability that allows a creature to walk on walls along with ceilings and some uncollidable terrain if climbing on the right angle. To detach from a wall or ceiling, press Space on PC. On Mobile, press the dedicated Detach button, or, if the creature has Jump, press the jump button.
- Defensive Bleed is a passive ability, where a creature defensively inflicts a specific amount of melee bleed status on an attacker upon getting bitten.
- Egg Stealer is an active ability that allows certain creatures to actively interact with the interact buttons with nests in order to eat the eggs from the nest , stealing them as edible food to consume later. Creatures with this ability must break open the egg to eat them, via biting. A creature may know how close is to open the egg by the amount of cracks covering it. Once an egg is open, its label will change to "scrambled" and its yolk will be open for being eaten. Taking an egg will make the respective nest progress for that egg reset to 0, and can only be recovered if a female creature recovers the not-scrambled egg and places it back on their nest. When an egg is returned to the nest, its health is restored to full . Egg stealers can get satiated when consuming the stolen egg / eggs. Only creatures with this ability can consume such eggs. If a creature has this ability, eggs are also highlighted with an egg icon when scenting.
- Jump is an active ability pertaining to the special control Jump/Dart/Glide/Flight and inheritor of the Early Legacy Release jump ability (an ability which never made it past Legacy's Early Release), by pressing space allows a creature to project a parabolic trajectory jump on land, thanks to recode's realistic gravity, and based on the creature's inertia at the time of the jump. However, creatures can turn during jumping, and sometimes running at the same time of the trajectory allows for a limited trajectory correction. If a semi-aquatic (or all-terrain/flier with semi-aquatic characteristics) creature with Jump starts swimming and tries to jump, they will Dart instead. Not all creatures have this ability, even if their mobility type is compatible.
- Jump has an associated speed boost, stamina consumption (and below that threshold a creature will be unable to jump), and age limit for every creature. Beyond that age limit, a creature will be unable to jump - that field is commonly used for creatures which will develop Glide or Flight on a later growth stage. In fact, if on our infoboxes only appears a jump age stat, that means that the creature has actually jump 0 (no jump) and on the stage that jump supersedes Glide or Flight, it is equivalent as to being unable to jump nor flight nor glide.
- Raider is a passive ability that allows creatures to enter and exit burrows, but not create them.
- Reflect is an activated ability which has a cooldown of 45 seconds. Upon initial use, it will grant the user 2 stacks of Reflect Status.
- Soft Landing is a passive ability that allows the user to fall slower. By how much depends on each creature's stat. This works when walking off cliffs/falling, detaching, darting or jumping. It is cancellable by pressing Spacebar on PC, or Jump on Mobile.
- Wing Shredder is a passive ability that allows a creature to offensively deal Shredded Wings status to a creature they bite, with an amount specific of the user creature.
Carry-able Creatures
The Can-Carry lists features lists of creatures that Arcabatur is carried by, can carry (grab), can latch, and can be latched by in RECODE. To see the lists and their toggles to view each, click on the collapsible text to the right of the table below, to Expand or Collapse the list.
Can-Grab ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Arcabatur can grab and carry, taking into account if this creature has grab/latch and discounting any other special abilities. The Arcabatur (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 2 and can carry any creature from any lower tier size.* There is no creature which the Arcabatur can currently carry
Grabbed-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab and thus carry a non-elder fully-grown adult Arcabatur taking into account grab/latch abilities and discounting special abilities. The Arcabatur (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 2 and can be picked up by any creature with higher tier and the Grab ability, as follows:[Expand] Carry-able by:
Can-Latch ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that the non-elder fully-grown Arcabatur can latch into, but not carry; taking into account latch/grab abilities and discounting any other special ability. The Arcabatur (a(n) carnivore) is a tier 2 and can latch onto any higher tier size.* There is no creature which the Arcabatur can currently grab but not carry
Latched-By ListThis section is intended to list the non-elder fully-grown adult creatures that can grab but not carry (latch onto) the non-elder fully-grown Arcabatur discounting special abilities. The Arcabatur (a(n) carnivore) has 1400 weight and can be grabbed by any creature with sufficiently lower weight. However, carnivores and photocarnivores cannot be grabbed by herbivores and photovores, as follows:[Expand] Grab-able by:
- Concept by Undeary in the Creatures of Sonaria Discord.
- Modeled by nekcihc (Fizzyton).
- Rigged by Mezzioli.
- Animated by Myrrethines.
This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Arcabatur.
This tab is intended to present anything showcased during the process of development for the Arcabatur, such as the creation of models, animations, and poses.
This tab is intended to present anything to further observe the Arcabatur's design, inspirations, and changes in growth stages for reference.
This tab is intended to present images related to the Arcabatur that don't fit into the other tabs.