Hi I was recently given a bite damage jot and i want to elder it, but devious and powerful elder conflict each conflict with one of the traits. is it best to just not elder it
Sorry but I think this may just be coincidence. Its much easier to make a skin from scratch than slightly edit someone elses. If they were going to steal, why edit it at all?
alright thanks!!!
Hi I was recently given a bite damage jot and i want to elder it, but devious and powerful elder conflict each conflict with one of the traits. is it best to just not elder it
Like on the glider page it literally states that its an uncommon mobility type 😭
"Gliders are a relatively uncommon mobility type characterized by their shared ability to glide, but inability to fly."
Looking at the page, they've added 5 gliders in the past couple of months. So it does seem like theyre adding more of them lately, but I think its neccesary. I love the playstyle of gliders and we deserve to be able to have different creatures be able to play it
@Aliter11 how is it possible for all new creatures to be gldiers if we barely have any /genq the math isnt really checking out in my head
also theres so many ways to get around omnivores being too easy: DIETS. how about we have specific creatures that eat specific things??????
Yeah its ok to be upset ig but some people really just need to shut up sometimes yk??? Not everyone needs to know your opinion on the newest update sometimes we need to just keep it to ourselves
it may be because its based on a meteor/comet and they often land in the ocean?? thats all i got thou
i fight to the death
with the laharpes redesign announcement ive seen a few posts complaining how it might be "another glider", but i dont see the problem with that? am i missing out on something?? currently we only have 16 gliders , out of 372 creatures. 16/372. thats 4%. fliers take up 27% of the total creatures, with 101/372.
It doesnt make sense to me? Is it a hatred for the playstyle? Because honestly I prefer gliders over fliers and we should have more of them in my opinion!!! Seriously, WHAT am I missing?
glimmer was the only mutation !!!!!! i still love it because of nostalgia bias but if it was added today itd be quite hated in my opinion
I remember LEGACY legacy swamp... before the revamp.... 😢 It was certainly a biome
@Anethema dude what are you talking about/?? theres 16 gliders out of 372 creatures lmao
oh my god its so pretty !!!!!!!!! alaso swamp revamp is MUCH NEEDED!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa this is such a good quality of life update .
I hope u can do it
i really like it,, its a littke jumbled but who cares its overall a great design and looks fun to play!
AGREE. not to make this about pokemon but im going to. how did sonar manage to have power creep in a game worse than gen 9 pokemon IM SO SERIOUS. Its like actual insanity that they just keep getting stronger. Like at least in pokemon you can use the weaker guys in a playthrough but in cos if you use anything thats not meta youre getting sent right back to trade realm for a revive token