lalala NYP
Oh wait I might not be able to trade tonight I can definitely trade TMRW though
send a friend request to kiirbug
oh I sent a request did it not show up
OH MB are you in trade rn I got distracted
I'll join you in trade fhen !!
oh swag !! I'll send a request rn if it's still available
lalala NYP
it has weight trait but nothing else , also I'll send a request rn I can trade now :)
joyous !! I can trade in like 20-30 mins , is that fine w you ?
trade realm is failing me
i can't see anything is there a cantapodi in there
he's half zieti,,,,
paying up to 20k or 15k and a para species . also willing to buy a glowtail / shimmer with JUST speed or JUST bite for 10k
my bad gang I can trade rn are you available 0erchance
Would you be fine trading at 3 PM CST , ,,, I'm in school rn
I got a glowtail pliarys w weight trait ,,, wanna buy it for 5k ,,,
Like I haven't used blazer in a while and I'm debating selling her for like 1.5k robux (like an adopt)