My user is DAISY_DaCrystalQueen display GS_Lotus
Hi I can d0 this :D
we still didn't get that eggo though :d
Aquatics forever :D
Give the slot a mat, make it a material skin or make it a skin or make it fully transparent with Midnight's Wish :D
*waiting intensifies*
*gives me flashbacks to Sturbtum or Ourabi*
Shshsh I spend 3/4 of a day on this boi ok
Maelstrom wants to abuse Hemlock again :D /j /ref
Keep my pringles please! You've improved a lot with writing!
:0 this looks great!
I need that GT Umb >:)
yum. just yum. You burned the kitchen down in a good way ;D
I have a Pearl Glim Aereis (Fem) shown below!
Happy new year :D
Omg these are fire, but I love 28 and 18 the best!
*screams because marshmallow and Snady*
You were my first writer friend and I loved giving you advice and taking criticism the same way! You are such a creative and awesome writer, joining Glowsticks with you made my week! I haven't been rlly active (gonna quit CoS soon) but I wish you luck in pursuing your passion for art! I will remember you and welcome you back when you do!
Thanks for inspiring me to write (you actually did, I started writing after seeing one of your pieces) and being such a good friend!
Also pinging @ItzYuhun because she's really close to you :D