Poop-post moment
Friend me: RavenshadowWC
So, I have a bite minawii. May I ask whats the demand/worth?
Trading/Selling multiple Minawii slots with various mutations/traits!! NYP
Glowtail + Max stamina + Health
Glowtail + Health
Melanism + Glimmer + Bite
Melanism + Glimmer + Bite + Health
Melanism + Weight + Speed
Melanism + Health + Speed
Leucism + Weight + Speed
Albino + Max stamina + Weight
Shadow + Stamina regen + Bite
Gigantism + Health + Weight
Amethyst + Health + Weight
Diamond + Health + Weight
Glimmer + Bite
Glimmer + Weight
Bite + Weight
Damage + Weight
Joining in on this trend cuz I have nothing else interesting to post...so.
Just got back from a kosing spree! Had lots of fun, but the cald gave a lil bit of trouble!
Oh and I’ll be selling eggs! Stole them fresh this morning!
// ⭐️ my answer
// for me, traiboros because I think it looks pretty and an underrated anklebiter, like once I killed a full elder caldonterrus with it!! taurolystris because it looks cool but also strong and underrated, fr a pretty cool creature. for the last one, minawii not for the anklebiting but rather because it’s cute and suits my aesthetic like some other specs!
D + W Meor
D + W Saik
B + W Dio
D + B Noctiv
B + W Mina
And then a b + healing moonelle
I am no artist
Just a heads up :3
There’s also a cat, ive been drawing them all over my friend’s paper too :3
This Is also my idiot child, say hello before she eats you
Anywayyysysysyyss bye now :3
Good night,
Sleep tight,
Don't let the minawiis bite,
Remember to use a Rorolo for your nightlight,
Avoid creatures with high damage and high spite,
Remember most of these recent changes are all wrong and no right.
For nesters to say to their lil' goobers :)
Offering 5K!! I accept trait hunters!
Why is it as soon as I fall asleep everyone posts the good trades???
Anyways here a pick for yall
21 Votes in Poll