I have posted things like this already…alot! This shall probably be my last attempt to auction stuff😔
I don’t know when it will end probably if I’m in terrible need of space or when I’m satisfied. I am desperate to get rid of these please help me…..
I might get some more sellable slots me I’ll probably add some more stuff overtime:3
Keep in mind that I’m terrible at values.
Please do nyp if u r interested!
Speed trait + shadow mut galiryn
Sb: 7k
Speed trait + max stam trait + garnet mut galiryn
Sb: 6k
Health trait + stamina regen trait + shimmer mut + glimmer mut eiroca
Sb: 4k
Amethyst mut heibok
Sb: 4k
Im definitely missing a few slots but I’ll add them in later!
Sorry if the prices are high☹️ idk
Fyi I also accept specs instead of mush hehe.