This category is here for the community to request roles directly.
NOTE: These requests are ONLY for wiki-related roles, such as Thread Moderator and Content Moderator, and do not extend to roles outside the wiki website (official wiki community). Other tags replicate only already-existing roles that users have in the main game Discord community.
❗ Role Requests are a way for community members to volunteer for official wiki positions or special recognized tags featured on the wiki.
For the list of roles:
For Staff Role Requests:
✨Other Roles (Featured Development & Community Roles on Wiki)
Other roles, such as Recognized Creator, Developer, Translator, etc., are recognized on the wiki in the form of special add-on tags and are only available to those who actively have the role in the main game Discord community. These can be applied by verifying with a Wiki Staff member the role and user from the main game Discord community.
🌺Wiki Staff Role Requests
Staff Role Requests can be completed by filling out the formatted post on the linked page, Staff Role Requests, and sharing it with the community in this category. From there, community members may provide feedback.
For more information on roles, see the Staff Role Requests page.
Unique to Role Requests, are the fact that they are available at all times, especially outside typical staff application windows. This means staff members may be selected among Role Requests at any point.
Community feedback role requests carry weight in the deliberation of potential candidates and will be factored into decisions.
Multiple Role Requests are encouraged; staff will continue to review them over time, regardless of how many times a request is made (unless stated otherwise or if it conflicts with rules, such as if spam-like)
Good luck! 🎉